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Gideon Burton

Top Internet engineers warn against SOPA - Post Tech - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • When we designed the Internet the first time, our priorities were reliability, robustness and minimizing central points of failure or control. We are alarmed that Congress is so close to mandating censorship-compliance as a design requirement for new Internet innovations. This can only damage the security of the network, and give authoritarian governments more power over what their citizens can read and publish. The US government has regularly claimed that it supports a free and open Internet, both domestically and abroad. We cannot have a free and open Internet unless its naming and routing systems sit above the political concerns and objectives of any one government or industry. To date, the leading role the US has played in this infrastructure has been fairly uncontroversial because America is seen as a trustworthy arbiter and a neutral bastion of free expression. If the US begins to use its central position in the network for censorship that advances its political and economic agenda, the consequences will be far-reaching and destructive.
Katherine Chipman

The Law of the Internet | OER Commons - 0 views

  • Concurrently, we encounter problems that no one anticipated as we collectively built the internet as we know it today. This seminar will consider some of the most intriguing of the issues to which the advent of the internet has given and continues to give rise. It will focus on a cluster of topics about which any computer user likely knows a good deal already: spam, spyware, peer-to-peer file sharing, personal privacy, and e-commerce. It will also venture into a few issues-like blogging, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), social software, and internet filtering-that may be less familiar.
Gideon Burton

The Internet? We Built That - - 1 views

  • it’s impossible to overstate the importance of peer production to the modern digital world.
  • What sounds on the face of it like the most utopian of collectivist fantasies — millions of people sharing their ideas with no ownership claims — turns out to have made possible the communications infrastructure of our age.
  • Peer networks laid the foundation for the scientific revolution during the Enlightenment, via the formal and informal societies and coffeehouse gatherings where new research was shared. The digital revolution has made it clear that peer networks can work wonders in the modern age.
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  • We have an endless supply of folklore about heroic entrepreneurs who changed the world with their vision and their force of will. But as a society we lack master narratives of creative collaboration.
  • what the Internet and its descendants teach us is that there are now new models for doing things together, success stories that prove convincingly that you don’t need bureaucracies to facilitate public collaboration, and you don’t need the private sector to innovate
Gideon Burton

Op-Ed Contributor - How the Internet Got Its Rules - - 2 views

  • We thought maybe we’d put together a few temporary, informal memos on network protocols, the rules by which computers exchange information
  • Our intent was only to encourage others to chime in, but I worried we might sound as though we were making official decisions or asserting authority.
  • Still fearful of sounding presumptuous, I labeled the note a “Request for Comments.”
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  • the R.F.C.’s themselves took root and flourished. They became the formal method of publishing Internet protocol standards
  • Less important than the content of those first documents was that they were available free of charge and anyone could write one. Instead of authority-based decision-making, we relied on a process we called “rough consensus and running code.”
  • It probably helped that in those days we avoided patents and other restrictions; without any financial incentive to control the protocols, it was much easier to reach agreement.
  • This was the ultimate in openness in technical design and that culture of open processes was essential in enabling the Internet to grow and evolve as spectacularly as it has
  • we always tried to design each new protocol to be both useful in its own right and a building block available to others. We did not think of protocols as finished products, and we deliberately exposed the internal architecture to make it easy for others to gain a foothold.
    Stephen D. Crocker explains the early planning documents ("Requests for Comments") and how they exemplified and made possible the open nature of the web.
Gideon Burton

Internet of Things and Kickstarter - Internet of Things News | Postscapes - 0 views

    Recommended by Chris Anderson
Gideon Burton

Dear Internet: It's No Longer OK to Not Know How Congress Works - 1 views

  • the federal government is not attached to Moore's Law
  • Here's an area for both some disruption and some lobbying. Let's build tools that allow members of Congress to aggregate messages being sent to them, and to associate those messages with congressional districts. Let's come up with a way for a member to see what their constituency is saying about any particular issue they'd like, and let's provide that as an open service so that anybody can see what a particular constituency is saying. That way, when a member has a track record of voting against the desires of a substantial portion of his or her district, we've got a record of it, and it can get brought up in the next election.
  • Right now, your voice online -- in the mediums you participate in, not only don't matter: legally they can't matter. Online identities don't count when it comes to the official record
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  • The skill of making software isn't just about making cool software. It's about rewiring society. The sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can get on with the rewiring, and hopefully with a watchful eye, rewire it for the better.
    Very important article on those in the info culture needing to understand and speak the language of Congress in order to properly educate and influence it on internet related matters.
Mike Lemon

Free Technology for Teachers: Internet Filtering - Does It Work? - 0 views

    This goes for Kristen, who posted about Internet communities. Does filtering work?
Margaret Weddle

ellen tordesillas » Being connected - 0 views

    A blog entry by a Malayan journalist about her tiny bario that is experiencing the growing pains of finally having internet service. Sometimes it is difficult to simply connect to the internet! But it is starting to expand the vision of the young people & offer them more of a future.
Gideon Burton

The digital age an age of stagnation? - 2 views

    When Will This Low-Innovation Internet Era End?
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    Fascinating article. Thanks for sharing this, Dr. Burton. Do you think it's because internet technologies are mainly looked at as entertainment sources and not utilized as educational, academic, and research empowering tools? Is there something about the facility of information that hampers one's creativity, kind of like the cat and mouse game of dating that heightens one's mojo? Or could it possibly just be the result of a nation that has become exhausted with the competitive level necessary to transform this into what it may become? Or finally, do you think it's just a matter of time like the economic historian, Paul David said?
    I do think it is a matter of time. People fall into ruts, even with revolutionary technologies. But enough is happening to keep this sphere innovating on the large scale even if it appears same-old in the short term. Nice to hear from you, Sean.
    Very interesting! Nice to hear from you too, Dr. Burton.
Gideon Burton

The Internet map - 1 views

    Relative size / popularity of various online services shown through different sized circles.
Gideon Burton

Digital in 2012: The web will make us smarter / Constant Beta - 1 views

    A healthy critique of problems with internet culture to date with some suggestions for engineering a more substantial online experience. 

Home | UTOPIA - 2 views

    This is an interesting idea. Essentially it is an open fiber network that internet service providers have the option of providing service on. It is sparking lots of debate due to is Private/Public funding. It is something that I would like to keep my eye on.
Gideon Burton

Nerds 2.0.1 - Wiring the World - 0 views

    A short history of the Internet and World Wide Web (as of 1998) done through PBS.
Madeline Rupard

Example of Blog that is Boosting Advertising Industry - 0 views

    I made a comment in class today about how there is a large industry that is kind of developing on the internet. That is an industry that is paid to give businesses higher profiles on the internet. My mother works at a company that inserts links onto benign blogs, just to get links to show up more often when you look things up on a search engine. Check out this guy's blog as an example. This guy isn't too sneaky about it: He puts his purpose in the title. Its just interesting to see the jobs that are opening up through the internet.
Jeffrey Chen

Future of the internet - 0 views

    A educational and descriptive future of the internet from the opinion of Sir Timothy Berners-Lee of MIT
Katherine Chipman

Newsroom - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 0 views

  • Today we have a modern equivalent of the printing press in the Internet and all that it means. The Internet allows everyone to be a publisher, to have their voice heard,
  • HomeThe Newsroom BlogMultimediaPhotosVideoAudio
  • New Media is facilitating a world-wide conversation on almost every subject including religion, and nearly everyone can participate. This modern equivalent of the printing press is not reserved only for the elite.
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  • may I ask that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet, particularly the New Media, to share the gospel and to explain in simple, clear terms the message of the Restoration
  • we have a major responsibility as Latter-day Saints to define ourselves, instead of letting others define us
  • Every disciple of Christ will be most effective, and do the most good by adopting a demeanor worthy of a follower of the Savior of the world.
  • This is your world, the world of the future, with inventions undreamed of that will come in your lifetime as they have in mine. How will you use these marvelous inventions? More to the point, how will you use them to further the work of the Lord?
  • The printing press and other media have allowed us to take the Lord’s message to almost every corner of the earth.
  • Make sure that the choices you make in the use of new media are choices that expand your mind, increase your opportunities, and feed your soul.
Andrew DeWitt

History of Computers and Computing, Internet, Dreamers, Murray Leinster - 2 views

  • Leinster made one of the first descriptions of a personal computer (called a "logic") in science fiction
  • Leinster envisioned logics in every home, linked through a distributed system of servers (called "tanks"), to provide communications, entertainment, data access, and even commerce
  • Information runs rampant as every logic worldwide crunches away at problems too vast in scope for human minds to have attempted. Societal chaos quickly ensues, the situation became critical.
    Sweet story!
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