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Lucas Pergler

Average domestic airfare prices: Average domestic airfare rises 10% - Los Angeles Times - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1, 2)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research by a published author many times over for a well known and respected newspaper. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)The author is printed below the title and has been writing for the publication for years. 5)Citation is not fully defined other than to mention a source throughout the article. 6, 7)The site is continually updated and I do not believe that my search results that lead me here or this site is censored. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Average cost of flights to increase, and continue to increase. Without internet collaboration, company execs from nationwide must be flown in for important conferences.
Lucas Pergler

EBSCOhost: An Evaluation of Internet Based CAD Collaboration Tools. - 0 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)PDF from EBSCOhost containing content of a serious nature, authored by a writer for well known technology publication. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)Author is printer under the article title for copyright. 5)Citation used throughout article when outside information used. 6)EBSCOhost is continually updated with new articles 7)Being a school-provided resource, the results may be censored, but I do not believe it had an affect on my results. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
Lucas Pergler

Public Telepresence Rooms « Tata - 0 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)Article is serious because it is information about the services provided by a company. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4,5)No author listed as it is basic company info, meaning copyright belongs to the company. 6)Site will be continually updated as necessary by company in order to broadcast any changes in company poilicies/functions. 7)Google search found the site, and I do not believe it censored my results. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
Lucas Pergler

File Sizes for Kindle Books-The Text, the Images, and the Cover Image - 0 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research by a published author many times over for a website made for getting answers from professionals in the appropriate field. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)The author is printed under the title for copyright. 5)No citation is given aside from general name for source of information. 6,7)The site is continually updated (evidence from home page) and I do not believe that my search results that lead me here or this site is censored. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Details average size of ebook. Compared to physical print, this is much smaller. Most people's phones have 8GB+ of storage space which is much smaller than even the smallest physical book.
Lucas Pergler

EBSCOhost: Confidence IN THE CLOUD. - 3 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)PDF from EBSCOhost containing content of a serious nature, created by a published author in a leading computer magazine. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)Author is printed at the start of the article for copyright purposes. 5)Citations used when needed throughout article. 6)EBSCOhost is continually updated with new articles 7)Being a school-provided resource, the results may be censored, but I do not believe it had an affect on my results. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Overview of benefits of storing data in the cloud.
Lucas Pergler

Online, Anonymity Breeds Contempt - - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1, 2)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research by a published author many times over for a website made for the New York Times publication. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)Author is printed under title for copyright. 5)Citation through use of hyperlinks when used. 6)Parent site continually updated, but specific article is not. 7)Google search lead me here so I do not believe my results were filtered. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    One major effect of anonymity in online collaboration. Risk of anger and inappropriate dialogue when members believe there will be no repercussions due to their somewhat anonymous ID
Lucas Pergler

Collaborate with Your Competitors-and Win - Harvard Business Review - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research. 2)Authors are all professors of business in their respective universities. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4)The authors are printed below the title of the article. 5)Citation is used throughout when necessary. 6)Already an older article, and will most likely not be updated, but information still relevant to my research. 7)Google search led me here which I do not believe was censored. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project
    Overview of how "competitive collaboration" can save money for both companies.

NBC - How the Internet brought down a dictator - 0 views

    • caprisunshine
      NBC is a credible and critically acclaimed network that provides valid news and information daily.
Kellen Harkins

Video and Media | OnGuard Online - 0 views

    Games for teaching online safety
    Games for teaching digital awareness
Maliq Singleton

About MOOCs - 0 views

    These courses can be fully taken online. They are 'open' in the sense that they can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as you have an internet connection, and that they are free of charge. And they are called 'massive' because generally they go for large target groups.
andrew marte

Digital Citizenship: What's Digital Law? - 1 views

    • DeJuan Griggs
      This gives examples and explains whats digital law is, the violations, and what legal.
    • Roberto Dunn
      here its clear what is legal, and illegal in digital terms of law.
    • April Kramer
      Digital Law relates to crimes of stealing or causing damage to other people's work, identity, or digital property
    • Brittni Roddin
      Digital law defined.
    • Jim Davis
      Definition of DL
  • What's Legal:
    • andrew marte
      good to know
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Digital Law relates to crimes of stealing or causing damage to other people’s work, identity, or digital property
  • purchase copies of songs, software, or movies from sites that legally sell them.
  • make a copy of a song from a CD you’ve purchased and convert it to another format to listen on your own
  • What's Illegal:
  • can’t download songs, software, or movies from other people who've bought them.
  • upload songs, software, or movies that you own for others to download
  • u can’t record music off an online music radio site.
  • can’t make copies of a CD, DVD, or mp3 download you’ve purchased to give to others.
    Defining digital law

Hurricane Sandy: Apps and Tech Tips To Stay Safe and Up To Date - ABC News - 0 views

    • caprisunshine
      ABC is a credible and critically acclaimed network that provides valid news and information daily.

Google Crisis Map - 0 views

    • caprisunshine
      Google is known as one of the most credible search engines and google maps is so credible that it is used by the U.S. government
    Google's Crisis Map combines information from the National Hurricane Center, American Red Cross and other trusted sources. It offers details about the storm's current and forecasted locations, emergency shelter locations, live webcam feeds, public safety alerts, traffic conditions and a wealth of other vital information.

PBS - How Social Media Kept The Egyptian Revolution Alive - 0 views

    • caprisunshine
      PBS is a credible source of information that particularly concentrates on informative pieces regarding education. Their commitment to providing the most accurate information due to children being their largest audience is why they are known as one of the most credible outlets.
    "a digital campaign against military trials for civilians is on. Activists are posting comments on the Facebook site of the Egyptian Armed Forces, whose Supreme Council - the SCAF - holds power in Egypt."
Lucas Pergler

Benefits of Team Collaboration in the Cloud | Enterprise CIO Forum - 1 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      1, 2)Article contains content of a serious nature that directly relates to my research by a published author many time over for a website made for business management and up. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4, 5)The author is posted next to the article for copyright, and the article contains original information from the author, so no citation needed. 6, 7)The site is continually updated (evidence from home page) and I do not believe that my search results that lead me here or this site is censored. 8)I verified this site is viewable on IE, Firefox and Chrome. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Benefit of remote access to internet collaboration and how it closes distances.
Lucas Pergler

Not Alone in the Field: Distance Collaboration via the Internet in a Focused Ethnography - 0 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      Evidence for how internet has closed gaps in collaboration efforts of distance, and also time.
    • Lucas Pergler
      1,2)PDF from EBSCOhost containing content of a serious nature, authored by two PhD's. 3)My previous knowledge from working in the tech field and using this to work from home allows me to see the validity of the information therein from personal experience. 4,5)Authors are printed at the start of the article and contains information under the creative commons attribution license, so no copyright/citation necessary. 6)EBSCOhost is continually updated with new articles 7)Being a school-provided resource, the results may be censored, but I do not believe it had an affect on my results. 8)PDF verified viewable on IE, Chrome, Firefox. 9)Comparability not important for project and not available. 10)Context is open ended for this project.
    Benefits of using internet collaboration for remote access from EBSCOhost
James Aiello

HowStuffWorks "Benefits of Online Collaboration" - 2 views

    • Lucas Pergler
      Overview article of benefits/drawbacks of internet collaboration from a senior writer (Jonathan Strickland) who has been in the related field for years and posted at a known credible site.
    General list of many benefits of internet collaboration
Eli Mosa

EBSCOhost: Social Media Evolution of the Egyptian Revolution. - 0 views

    • Eli Mosa
      1 The protests and the revolution and their reflection in social media garnered enormous worldwide media attention
David Bell

Kickstarter - 0 views

shared by David Bell on 25 Jul 13 - Cached
    • David Bell
      CCCCCCCCCC: 86/100 Lacking Authority Content is somewhat iffy
    Kickstarter has raised millions of dollars for start-ups in all industries.
David Bell

Encyclopedia of Life - Animals - Plants - Pictures & Information - 0 views

    • David Bell
      10C score: 93 Information is Open Source and lacking validity.
    An example of social collaboration at its finest.
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