schools are rising to the challenge
of bringing technology into the classroom and trying to figure out what
to do with it once it's there. In
Contents contributed and discussions participated by andrew marte
LexisNexis® Academic & Library Solutions - 1 views
CNN - Does technology make the grade? - August 3, 1998 - 0 views
his brave new high-tech world, art teachers can take students on a digital trip to the Louvre in Paris for a look at the Mona Lis
musicians can compose symphonies on a computer keyboard
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Blogging - 1 views
What Is A Blog - An Essential Introduction to the Blogosphere for Beginner Bloggers to ... - 1 views
Blogging: The act of writing a post for a blo
What is Viral Video - Overview and Best Practices - 0 views
viral video
on Viral V
ube, that then
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Viral Video Definition and Meaning - 0 views
A viral video is a video clip that achieves widespread distribution through online sharing
What Is the Meaning of Viral Video? | eHow - 0 views
Viral Video?
an Internet video clip that becomes popular not through centralized publicity (like a blockbuster movie) but through sharing between users.
may be created completely unintentionally or may be deliberately created in the hopes of garnering publicity for an endeavour, cause or product.
Protect what is yours. Register for Copyright Protection | - 0 views
protect original creative works such as songs, books, paintings, photographs and other original works of authorship.
What is a Copyright? - FindLaw - 0 views
Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States
including literary works, movies, musical works, sound recordings, paintings, photographs, software, live performances, and television or sound broadcasts
copyright the exclusive right t
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Copyright - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views
gives the owner of a written document, musical composition, book, picture, or other creative work, the right to decide what other people can do with it.
a work can only be copied if the owner of the copyright gives permission.
Databases | - 0 views
Databases are the storehouses of important information
a compilation of information which is organized in such a way that it can be easily updated,
managed and accessed i
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database (computer science) -- Encyclopedia Britannica - 0 views
any collection of data, or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer
structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-processing operations.
What is Database (DB)? Webopedia - 0 views
a database is basically a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of dat
ase as
Conceptualizing moral literacy - ResearchGate - 1 views
Moral literacy involves three basic components: ethics sensitivity; ethical reasoning skills; and moral imagination
Moral Literacy | Ethics Education Library - 0 views
or the minimal ability to mak
moral literacy
e considered decisions about right and wrong
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Importance of academic integrity - Flinders University - 0 views
heir findings state that academic integrity is a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honestytrustfairnessrespectresponsibility.
Academic Integrity | SUNY Empire State College - 0 views
According to the Center for Academic Integrity there are five fundamental values that characterize an academic community of integrity: Honesty. The quest for truth and knowledge requires intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research and service. Trust. Academic institutions must foster a climate of mutual trust in order to stimulate the free exchange of ideas. Fairness. All interactions among students, faculty and administrators should be grounded in clear standards, practices and procedures. Respect. Learning is acknowledged as a participatory process, and a wide range of opinions and ideas is respected. Responsibility. A thriving community demands personal accountability on the part of all members and depends upon action in the face of wrongdoing.
What is Collaboration? - 0 views
What is Collaboration?
When two or more people share ideas, opinions, and experiences to accomplish a task.