Salon - Community Based Annotations - 2 views
new tool using social media for group peer critique of student writing
Salon would seem to hold some considerable promise as a tool in the kind of peer tutoring involved in Justin's project with Ximena & Jason..
Salon would appear to hold some considerable promise as a tool in such peer tutoring projects as Justin's with Ximena and Jason.
8 in 10 Students Turn to Wikipedia for Research - 4 views
How To Crowdsource Grading - 2 views
How 'Flipping' the Classroom Can Improve the Traditional Lecture - Teaching - The Chron... - 1 views
What happens when students are responsible for reading/accessing the course materials on their own time, and face-to-face class time is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to think critically and independently?
But the techniques all share the same underlying imperative: Students cannot passively receive material in class, which is one reason some students dislike flipping. Instead they gather the information largely outside of class, by reading, watching recorded lectures, or listening to podcasts. And when they are in class, students do what is typically thought to be homework, solving problems with their professors or peers, and applying what they learn to new contexts. They continue this process on their own outside class.
Living Mediations: Biology, Technology and Art | HASTAC - 1 views
Blogging Rubric by Ryan Bretag - 1 views
Purdue U Brings Social Networking to the Classroom - 1 views
Where is the Student Voice in Assessment? - 1 views
But the formative guidance is only useful if it matches and relates to the internal experience of the learner. Otherwise, education is just another thing being done to one, of which one is a quasi passive participant.
As Wikipedia Turns 10, It Focuses on Ways to Improve Student Learning - Wired Campus - ... - 1 views
For the 2010-11 academic year, Wikimedia also launched the national Public Policy Initiative to recruit professors who would like their students to add content to the anyone-can-edit encyclopedia as part of the curriculum.
Evaluating Research Blogs - 1 views
Marc Prensky's Weblog: Make those You Tubes! - 1 views
But with You Tube and Flip videocams (and, of course cell phones that take video), the latter problem, at least, has been solved. Now all that has to happen for sharing is for a teacher to ask a student to point a video camera at them, and for the teacher to say, in 30 seconds, exactly what they typically tell me in person: "I'm doing this really exciting program where we...". Add two students talking and a shot of the classroom, and you're ready to post (which the student can also do) Total time elapsed: 15 minutes tops.
Cathy Davidson's blog - 1 views
New York Times Review of QUIET: My Reaction - By Susan Cain - 1 views
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