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Priscilla Stadler

W3C Semantic Web Activity - 2 views

  • The Semantic Web is about two things. It is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents. It is also about language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing.
Priscilla Stadler

Salon - Community Based Annotations - 2 views

    new tool using social media for group peer critique of student writing
    Salon would seem to hold some considerable promise as a tool in the kind of peer tutoring involved in Justin's project with Ximena & Jason..
    Salon would appear to hold some considerable promise as a tool in such peer tutoring projects as Justin's with Ximena and Jason.
Priscilla Stadler

Whither the Wikis? - Inside Higher Ed - 2 views

  • “To the extent scholarship in academe is caught up in questions of status, promotion, and tenure,” he says, “then it is slightly misaligned with wiki-style approaches.
  • “For a wiki-based project to succeed within academic culture, I believe it would need to find a way to highlight individual voices in conversation with one another and to reward those individuals for their work, and that just hasn't happened yet
  • Fitzpatrick points to blogs as a new-media invention that satisfies the scholarly desire for attribution.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • So far, no broadly imagined academic wiki projects have really hit the big time. Citizendium, conceived -- by Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger -- as a more rigorously fact-checked alternative to Wikipedia , has only managed to push 140 articles through the vetting process since it was created in 2006 (there is a logjam of 14,000 articles in various phases of review).
  • Discipline-specific wikis are moving quickly,” concedes Jodi Schneider, a spokeswoman for AcaWiki, pointing to such examples as nLab, for math and physics, and OpenWetWare, for biology.
  • While scholars in more settled fields might chafe at a bottom-up model proposed by wikis, a new field such as social informatics might benefit from a space where everything that is known can be collected and discussed, the authors say.
  • While it's true that there aren’t a ton of formally wiki-based scholarship projects out there, there are lots of resources that are, if you like, wiki-inspired,
  • CommentPress
  • Google Docs or Zoho Office
  • the areas where they have gotten the most play in higher education seems to be in classrooms and various administrative apparatuses.
  • Democratic governance bodies, it seems, are more open to attributing work to an anonymous collectivity.
     uses of wikis - not happening in the academy, but useful for students, admin, and in more collaborative settings
Priscilla Stadler

How To Crowdsource Grading - 2 views

    Pretty interesting: students grade themselves and each other
    HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technolgy Advanced Collaboratory) article on
Priscilla Stadler

How 'Flipping' the Classroom Can Improve the Traditional Lecture - Teaching - The Chron... - 1 views

    What happens when students are responsible for reading/accessing the course materials on their own time, and face-to-face class time is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to think critically and independently?
    But the techniques all share the same underlying imperative: Students cannot passively receive material in class, which is one reason some students dislike flipping. Instead they gather the information largely outside of class, by reading, watching recorded lectures, or listening to podcasts. And when they are in class, students do what is typically thought to be homework, solving problems with their professors or peers, and applying what they learn to new contexts. They continue this process on their own outside class.
Ximena Gallardo

Symbaloo | Access your bookmarks anywhere - 1 views

    Good tool to compile resources.
Priscilla Stadler

Does the Digital Classroom Enfeeble the Mind? - - 1 views

    from Jaron Lanier
Ximena Gallardo

As Wikipedia Turns 10, It Focuses on Ways to Improve Student Learning - Wired Campus - ... - 1 views

  • For the 2010-11 academic year, Wikimedia also launched the national Public Policy Initiative to recruit professors who would like their students to add content to the anyone-can-edit encyclopedia as part of the curriculum.
Priscilla Stadler

Agile Teaching with Technology -Derek Bruff's Blog about Classroom Response Systems - 1 views

    presentation by Vanderbilt's Derek Bruff on classroom response systems
Ximena Gallardo

Google Web Search-Classroom Lessons and Resources - 1 views

    Our librarians might be really interested in this resource.
Priscilla Stadler

Living Mediations: Biology, Technology and Art | HASTAC - 1 views

    HASTC Scholar blog - interesting
Ximena Gallardo

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media - - 1 views

    How using tech in the classroom helps the shy students and more
Ximena Gallardo

Evaluating Research Blogs - 1 views

    Criteria for evaluating whole blogs (Portfolio-style)
Priscilla Stadler

College 2.0: Teachers Without Technology Strike Back - 1 views

    • Priscilla Stadler
      interesting article & though I haven't read all comments the first one is useful
Priscilla Stadler

Teaching Tool: Blogging a Mass Killing - 1 views

  • Unfortunately I think the process closely resembles the standard model of think, write, and discuss since blog entries are typically written in isolation. You had your students create their blog entries in the same room at the same time after witnessing the same event. This is far from typical. A better idea might have been to have students respond to the same blog post via commenting. This is where you more commonly see multiple opinions/voices related to the same theme - a singular blog entry.
    • Priscilla Stadler
      though the activity was very powerful in terms of students' individual expressions, this commenter has an excellent observation/suggestion
    see comments for criticism re: the way this professor used blogs
Priscilla Stadler

Cathy Davidson's blog - 1 views

    Blog Posts from Cathy Davidson (Duke Prof & HASTAC Co-FOunder)
Priscilla Stadler

Where is the Student Voice in Assessment? - 1 views

  • But the formative guidance is only useful if it matches and relates to the internal experience of the learner. Otherwise, education is just another thing being done to one, of which one is a quasi passive participant.
    • Priscilla Stadler
      reflection and assessment can/should inform each other AND connect to students' lives and what they value
Priscilla Stadler

The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age - 1 views

    by Cathy Davidson, HASTAC co-founder
Priscilla Stadler

21st Century Teaching and Learning-Michelle Pacansky-Brock's blog - 1 views

    Michele uses voicethread for online teaching very effectively 
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