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karen sipe

Parent Advice - Talking About "Sexting" - Common Sense Media - 0 views

    Advise and asnwers about sexting.
    Common sense media has information broken down by grade level. This link takes you to sexting there are resources for educators available on this link.
karen sipe

Tired Teacher's Website K-12 - 1 views

    "The objective of this site is to provide teachers with source materials, lesson plans and classroom activities for all grades K-12. This site is designed to help busy teachers use their time efficiently. The indexed websites are not organized by grades as each website listed may have several resources for different ages. If you want to discover how to become a teacher you can check our career guide."
    Are you a tired teacher then here's the site for you.
karen sipe

Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games - 0 views

    "Arcademic Skill Builders are free research-based and standards-aligned educational games! Engage and motivate students with our multiplayer and single-player games." As of August 2011 Academic Skill Builders has released 40 web-based learning games designed to help K-8 students build basic math, olanguage arts, vocabulary, and thinking skills. The games incorporate multiplayer capabilities in educational gaming. Studetns can play together in groups of 4, 8, or 12 at a time, promoting positive interaction and achievement. Educators can use the free arcade-like games with a projector screen, interactive whiteboard, or computer lab. Security safeguards ensure that no one outside the classroom can contact students who are playing the games. The games align with state standards and the Common Core Standards.
    Sharing this again as there have been some additions to that that I think will be very helpful for teachers grades K-8.
karen sipe

YouTube - FamilyScienceQuest's Channel - 0 views

    This YouTube channel features fun science experiments for families. Families nationwide can take advantage of the information presented on this dedicated YouTube channel, featuring simple, fun science experiments that parents can conduct at home with their children__such as making colors explode in a puddle of milk, creating sidewalk chalk, and making a cloud.
karen sipe - 0 views

    This link has some interactive games on it related to a number of problem solving and critical thinking activities.
karen sipe

Learning Games For Kids - 0 views

    Learning Games for Kids offers games for mathematics as well as many other content areas. Most of the games on Learning Games for Kids can be played directly on the website although some do link out to other sources.
karen sipe

Rader's NUMBERNUT.COM - 0 views

  • is a part of Rader's family of educational games and activities. Number Nut provides some great games with which students can practice and develop their math skills. Unlike many other Math game websites, Number Nut includes some word problems that force students to problem solve rather than just recall information from rote memorization.
karen sipe

Share My Lesson - Free K-12 Lesson Plans & Teaching Resources - 0 views

    Share my lesson has lesson resources for teacher from over 50 content partners. It is free and you can search for content by subject, and grade level. Lots and lots of resources for free.
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