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Gary Brown

Conference Highlights Contradictory Attitudes Toward Global Rankings - International - ... - 2 views

  • He emphasized, however, that "rankings are only useful if the indicators they use don't just measure things that are easy to measure, but the things that need to be measured."
  • "In Malaysia we do not call it a ranking exercise," she said firmly, saying that the effort was instead a benchmarking exercise that attempts to rate institutions against an objective standard.
  • "If Ranking Is the Disease, Is Benchmarking the Cure?" Jamil Salmi, tertiary education coordinator at the World Bank, said that rankings are "just the tip of the iceberg" of a growing accountability agenda, with students, governments, and employers all seeking more comprehensive information about institutions
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  • "Rankings are the most visible and easy to understand" of the various measures, but they are far from the most reliable,
  • Jamie P. Merisotis
  • He described himself as a longtime skeptic of rankings, but noted that "these kinds of forums are useful, because you have to have conversations involving the producers of rankings, consumers, analysts, and critics."
Gary Brown

Reviewers Unhappy with Portfolio 'Stuff' Demand Evidence -- Campus Technology - 1 views

  • An e-mail comment from one reviewer: “In reviewing about 100-some-odd accreditation reports in the last few months, it has been useful in our work here at Washington State University to distinguish ‘stuff’ from evidence. We have adopted an understanding that evidence is material or data that has been analyzed and that can be used, as dictionary definitions state, as ‘proof.’ A student gathers ‘stuff’ in the ePortfolio, selects, reflects, etc., and presents evidence that makes a case (or not)… The use of this distinction has been indispensable here. An embarrassing amount of academic assessment work culminates in the presentation of ‘stuff’ that has not been analyzed--student evaluations, grades, pass rates, retention, etc. After reading these ‘self studies,’ we ask the stumping question--fine, but what have you learned? Much of the ‘evidence’ we review has been presented without thought or with the general assumption that it is somehow self-evident… But too often that kind of evidence has not focused on an issue or problem or question. It is evidence that provides proof of nothing.
    a bit of a context shift, but....
Gary Brown

Let's Make Rankings That Matter - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 3 views

  • By outsourcing evaluation of our doctoral programs to an external agency, we allow ourselves to play the double game of insulating ourselves from the criticisms they may raise by questioning their accuracy, while embracing the praise they bestow.
  • The solution to the problem is obvious: Universities should provide relevant information to potential students and faculty members themselves, instead of relying on an outside body to do it for them, years too late. How? By carrying out yearly audits of their doctoral programs.
  • The ubiquitous rise of social networking and open access to information via electronic media facilitate this approach to self-evaluation of academic departments. There is no need to depend on an obsolete system that irregularly publishes rankings when all of the necessary tools—e-mail, databases, Web sites—are available at all institutions of higher learning.
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  • A great paradox of modern academe is that our institutions take pride in being on the cutting edge of new ideas and innovations, yet remain resistant and even hostile to the openness made possible by technology
  • We should not hide our departments' deficiencies in debatable rankings, but rather be honest about those limitations in order to aggressively pursue solutions that will strengthen doctoral programs and the institutions in which they play a vital role.
Gary Brown

The Why and When of College Choice - Head Count - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

  • data on how high-school students’ awareness and opinions of colleges change over time
  • A major finding was that big-name colleges lose “market share” as students progress through high school. During that time, students become more aware of lesser-known institutions—and find them more desirable.
  • he data. “It reveals the fluidity of decision making among students,” he said. “Some places have more ability to influence student choices later in the process.”
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  • “Student behaviors have changed,” Mr. Kabbaz said. “The question becomes: Have we institutionally changed our habits of engaging these students?”
    It is not clear here that reputation is a salient factor in student choice.
Gary Brown

A Critic Sees Deep Problems in the Doctoral Rankings - Faculty - The Chronicle of Highe... - 1 views

  • This week he posted a public critique of the NRC study on his university's Web site.
  • "Little credence should be given" to the NRC's ranges of rankings.
  • There's not very much real information about quality in the simple measures they've got."
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  • The NRC project's directors say that those small samples are not a problem, because the reputational scores were not converted directly into program assessments. Instead, the scores were used to develop a profile of the kinds of traits that faculty members value in doctoral programs in their field.
  • For one thing, Mr. Stigler says, the relationships between programs' reputations and the various program traits are probably not simple and linear.
  • if these correlations between reputation and citations were plotted on a graph, the most accurate representation would be a curved line, not a straight line. (The curve would occur at the tipping point where high citation levels make reputations go sky-high.)
  • Mr. Stigler says that it was a mistake for the NRC to so thoroughly abandon the reputational measures it used in its previous doctoral studies, in 1982 and 1995. Reputational surveys are widely criticized, he says, but they do provide a check on certain kinds of qualitative measures.
    What is not challenged is the validity and utility of the construct itself--reputation rankings.
Gary Brown

For-Profit Hearing: Legislation Might Include All Colleges & Greed is Good « ... - 2 views

  • Democrats were being unfair in singling out the for-profit institutions.  Senator Enzi, the ranking minority member on the Committee, followed up with a statement released on the HELP webpage.  Enzi said. “It is naïve to think that these problems are limited to just the for-profit sector.”
  • Senator Jeff Merkley (OR) asked if “student loans should be extended to programs that are not accredited.”  Ms. Asher gave a polite lesson on the difference between accrediting institution and accrediting program.
  • Finances in higher education is confusing and accreditation is confusing
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  • Ms. Asher was also a champion of reviewing the financial incentives for colleges.  “We need to shift incentives for colleges to focus on outcomes for students.”
Theron DesRosier

#3m10p - 1 views

    3M10P is a university project in which 10 students work for 3 months with the (*) goal of writing 10 academic journal papers. The project started on 2010-09-01 and will run until 2010-12-01. On the way, we will need to upset the academic publishing applecart quite a bit: attracting peer commentary on the drafts as they get written, pushing the limits of text re-use between papers and questioning the status of author. This is play, but this is very serious play."
Judy Rumph

Blog U.: It Boils Down to... - Confessions of a Community College Dean - Inside Higher Ed - 4 views

  • I had a conversation a few days ago with a professor who helped me understand some of the otherwise-puzzling opposition faculty have shown to actually using the general education outcomes they themselves voted into place.
  • Yet getting those outcomes from ‘adopted’ to ‘used’ has proved a long, hard slog.
  • The delicate balance is in respecting the ambitions of the various disciplines, while still maintaining -- correctly, in my view -- that you can’t just assume that the whole of a degree is equal to the sum of its parts. Even if each course works on its own terms, if the mix of courses is wrong, the students will finish with meaningful gaps. Catching those gaps can help you determine what’s missing, which is where assessment is supposed to come in. But there’s some local history to overcome first.
    This is an interesting take on what we are doing and the comments interesting
Gary Brown

Accreditation Council Sets Stricter Standards for Recognizing Accreditors - Government ... - 1 views

  • As Congress and the Education Department turn up the heat on accrediting agencies to be more stringent in monitoring colleges and universities,. a nongovernmental group is also raising its requirements for recognizing accreditors.
  • requiring accreditors to disclose the specific reasons for denying or withdrawing their approval of a college.
    I guess just saying because we say so no longer suffices.
Gary Brown

Western Governors U. President Wins a McGraw Prize in Education - The Ticker - The Chro... - 1 views

  • The university's president, Robert W. Mendenhall, was cited for creating "a compelling example of how technology and a competency-based academic model -- where students earn degrees by demonstrating what they know and can do -- can expand access to higher education."
    Western Governor's getting some attention
Joshua Yeidel

World-Class Greatness at a Land-Grant University Near You? - Commentary - The Chronicle... - 0 views

    "So how does the maintenance of high academic ranking as a research institution fit into the land-grant mission? Simply put, it doesn't."
    Another for the "HE Identity Crisis" collection...
Theron DesRosier

Chart: Comparing teachers - - 3 views

    Could it really be that people are seduced by this one-factor explanation: "The difference is their teachers" ? If so, _that's_ a truly sad commentary on our educational system.
Gary Brown

Students: Video lectures allow for more napping | eCampus News - 1 views

  • College students gave video lectures high marks in a recent survey, although many students supported the technology because it freed up more time for napping and hanging out with friends.
  • A majority of students who responded to the survey, conducted in August by audio, internet, and video conferencing provider InterCall, said they would only attend a live lecture if an exam were scheduled for that day, or to borrow notes from a classmate
  • confirm a key fear of many college professors about the availability of video lecture-capture technology: that it could lead to a drop in attendance at the live lectures themselves.
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  • Fifty-three percent of respondents said they “learn more effectively” with online lectures, and 54 percent “report that their grades improve when lectures are streamed via video online,”
  • Nearly three-quarters of students said that streaming lectures online “helps them be better prepared for exams.”
  • 49 percent of students take matters into their own hands and record lectures on their own so they can review the material later.
  • “indicative” of the modern college-student mindset. “They can’t be bothered with things that require stepping out of their own comfort and convenience zone,” she said. “Rather than adapt themselves … they want things the way they want things.
  • ‘It’s about me and my convenience’ is one that extends into many aspects of their lives, from school, to work, to community obligations,” Gregory said. “How much more self-absorbed does it get?”
    It is interesting to see the resistance to what is sometimes considered student-centered approaches to learning.   One wonders whose "convenience" will have primacy in the education market, and at what....cost?
Gary Brown

An Oasis of Niceness - Tweed - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

  • Not exactly, but faculty members and students at Rutgers University are embarking this week on a two-year effort  to "cultivate small acts of courtesy and compassion" on the New Brunswick campus.
  • being civil is more than just demonstrating good manners.
  • "Living together more civilly means living together more peacefully, more kindly, and more justly," she says. Rutgers, Ms. Hull hopes, will become a "warmer, closer community" as a result of Project Civility
    an item of urgency, in my view.
Gary Brown

The Potential Impact of Common Core Standards - 2 views

  • According to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI), the goal “is to ensure that academic expectations for students are of high quality and consistent across all states and territories.” To educators across the nation, this means they now have to sync up all curriculum in math and language arts for the benefit of the students.
  • They are evidence based, aligned with college and work expectations, include rigorous content and skills, and are informed by other top performing countries.”
  • “Educational standards help teachers ensure their students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful by providing clear goals for student learning.” They are really just guidelines for students, making sure they are on the right track with their learning.
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  • When asked the simple question of what school standards are, most students are unable to answer the question. When the concept is explained, however, they really do not know if having common standards would make a difference or not. Codie Allen, a senior in the Vail School Distract says, “I think that things will pretty much stay stagnate, people aren’t really going to change because of standards.”
  • Council of Chief State School Officers. Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010.
Joshua Yeidel

Susan Kistler on Tips for First Time Conference Attendees | AEA365 - 2 views

    "These are great ideas shared by AEA Conference veterans for making the most of the AEA conference:"
    ... or any conference.
Joshua Yeidel

Jim Dudley on Letting Go of Rigid Adherence to What Evaluation Should Look Like | AEA365 - 1 views

    "Recently, in working with a board of directors of a grassroots organization, I was reminded of how important it is to "let go" of rigid adherence to typologies and other traditional notions of what an evaluation should look like. For example, I completed an evaluation that incorporated elements of all of the stages of program development - a needs assessment (e.g., how much do board members know about their programs and budget), a process evaluation (e.g., how well do the board members communicate with each other when they meet), and an outcome evaluation (e.g., how effective is their marketing plan for recruiting children and families for its programs)."
    Needs evaluation, process evaluation, outcomes evaluation -- all useful for improvement.
Nils Peterson

Two Bits » Modulate This Book - 0 views

  • Free Software is good to think with… How does one re-mix scholarship? One of the central questions of this book is how Free Software and Free Culture think about re-using, re-mixing, modifying and otherwise building on the work of others. It seems obvious that the same question should be asked of scholarship. Indeed the idea that scholarship is cumulative and builds on the work of others is a bit of a platitude even. But how?
    • Nils Peterson
      This is Chris Kelty's site for his book Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software. Learned about the idea "recusive public" at the P2PU event, and from that found Kelty. This quote leads off the page that is inviting readers to "modulate" the book. The page before gives a free download in PDF and HTML and the CC License and invitation to remix, use, etc, and to "Modulate" so I came to see what that term might mean.
  • I think Free Software is “good to think with” in the classic anthropological sense.  Part of the goal of launching Two Bits has been to experiment with “modulations” of the book–and of scholarship more generally–a subject discussed at length in the text. Free Software has provided a template, and a kind of inspiration for people to experiment with new modes of reuse, remixing, modulating and transducing collaboratively created objects.
  • As such, “Modulations” is a project, concurrent with the book, but not necessarily based on it, which is intended to explore the questions raised there, but in other works, with and by other scholars, a network of researchers and projects on free and open source software, on “recursive publics,” on publics and public sphere theory generally, and on new projects and problems confronted by Free Software and its practices…
Theron DesRosier

Tertiary21: 21st Century Assessment: The University of Farmville - 0 views

  • Carnegie Mellon University Professor Jesse Schell's talk on the future of gaming is thought provoking. It gives some interesting insights into what educational assessment might look like by mid 21st Century.
    An interesting perspective on the future of assessment using the analogy of game design.
Gary Brown

SAGE Journals Online - 2 views

shared by Gary Brown on 23 Sep 10 - Cached
     SAGE Journals Online for the next 3 weeks.
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