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Teacher Development: Fueling Teachers to Go High-Tech - 2 views

    This article talks about how Forest Lake Elementary School in South Carolina helped teachers develop technology usage in the classroom. The school and administration takes an active approach to the use of technology in the classroom. This articles talks about the steps the school takes in forcing the teachers to use technology tools and the support the teachers are given.
    Great article with very practical tips for how to get teachers on board with technology despite their age or years of teaching!

Encouraging Technological Literacy in the Richmond City Schools.: EBSCOhost - 1 views

    This article looks at how the Richmond school district is implementing technology in an effort to meet the standards for Technological Literacy. They send teachers every year to the College of New Jersey for "Project Update" where they can learn new technology and then come back and share it with the rest of the school.
    Although written in 2002, there were some good concepts in the article about having teachers train one another and some simple projects to start kids with projects involving technology.

Not your mama's gym class - 2 views

    This is a great article about how today's PE teachers are working to make physical education interesting and get kids moving. Today's students are very into technology and PE teachers are taking this into account and bringing it to physical education.
    Physical Education classes have transformed tremendously with technology. Some of these ideas and uses for iPads are amazing!

Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New Thing - 1 views

    This article makes the point that we as educators need to use technology as the teaching tool it is, and NOT let our students (or ourselves) get into the habit of taking information for granted. We need to work to teach accurate and evolving tech habits and learn together by doing--not by copying and pasting. This article also seeks to bring this collaboration of learning tech in the classroom as a human interaction network where we can promote interaction--not isolation.
    Good article on the Net-Generation! I enjoyed reading about the distinct approaches that different people take towards technology depending on their comfort level and the purpose.

Using Technology to Modernize Physical Education (P.E.) - 0 views

    This is a great article that shows how youth today need more physical games that utilize technology to be more active. The older generation may see technology in gym as counterproductive, but studies are showing that more students benefit from the options presented with gym tech. Like all classes, Physical Education can wrap more people in with more technological options.
Emily Davidson

CCSS Partners in Learning: Technology and Poetry - 1 views

    This article is about how teachers can use technology to teach poetry. The article gives teachers several sources to use, including video sources on youtube, and Using the resources provided in the article, teachers can create an interactive learning environment in order to give the students hands-on experience with poetry.
    Fun article about teaching poetry including some good resources and lesson ideas for different grade levels!

2 Pros And 2 Cons To Education Technology | Edudemic - 1 views

    New Technology teaching aids are great for the classroom. The problems is that when kids are using these technologies they are not always doing what is expected of them. They may be surfing the internet or texting a friend when they should be researching for a project.
    I'm glad they pointed out some of the pitfalls to technology in education. We need to be aware of both positive and negative aspects of technology in order to make it useful to our own programs and students.

ERIC - iLearning: The Future of Higher Education? Student Perceptions on Learning with ... - 2 views

    This article discuses how mobile devices such as tablets are very affordable for schools, and provide a lot of different apps that can be used for classroom application. The study discussed how students can relate to what they are learning because of the practice they can do on the tablets to make a better connection. Page 12 shows some of the students thoughts towards using tablets in class; including, "We live in the technology age so using technology is important to help develop proficiency."
    Thanks for sharing. I'm always interested to hear what students are saying about the technology initiatives in their classrooms.

Two Case Studies: How Connected Educators Can Transform Schools - 2 views

    This article looks at two different structures in place at different school systems to investigate and introduce new technology into the classroom. In the first example, the school district has invested in a full time administrator whose job it is to find new technologies and uses in the classroom and then provide the information to the teachers. The second case study involves a more traditional approach where the classroom teacher collaborated with other teachers and developed an program in Kindergarten through 3rd grade to introduce the children into inquiry into technology by dismantling robots and other forms of technology, solely to awaken a sense of discovery within the students.
    More and more school districts are hiring integration specialists/technology coaches/21st Century Learning Coaches. Both case studies reveal important ideas for how technology can and should be used.
Michelle Blanchard

10 ways Twitter has added value... - 18 views

    Dear Teacher who is still not on Twitter, Maybe you didn't receive my previous mail. Just in case it didn't convince you, here are a few more examples of the benefits of Twitter... 1. Continuous learning with and from a global community of educators, via countless links to interesting posts and articles, tools and websites, conferences and workshops....

What Will The Ed Tech Revolution Look Like? - 1 views

    Although the cost of an education has nearly tripled per student in the last 40 years, test scores have remained unchanged. There is an ed tech revolution happening in politics, teacher evaluations, and test scores. This article examines what this ed tech revolution will look like both in school and at home over the next 15 years.
    The writer listed some great resources throughout the article. I'm curious to see if any of his predictions will come true.

Leading with Technology - 1 views

    Teachers can use technology to facilitate real, engaged teaching and learning, whether it's through social media, cell phones, or tapping into the expertise of other teachers. No matter what tool is being used, it's important to see how the technology helps the goal be reached and what learning experience is being promoted.
    This was a timely article as we talk continue to talk about integrating technology. I really liked your comment about how the technology helps the goal to be reached.

$121 Million in Federal Grants Bolster Programs for Individuals with Disabilities -- TH... - 0 views

    Funding | News The federal government is awarding $121 million in grants with the aim of improving academic and career outcomes for those with disabilities, supporting technology, technical assistance, research and other programs with the aim of "promoting inclusion, equity and opportunity for all children and adults with disabilities to help ensure their economic self-sufficiency, independent living and full community participation."

Prospective Math Teachers' Views on the Role of Technology in Mathematics Education - 0 views

    In this article, the author is explaining the difference between technology being taught as course content, or as a teaching tool. He also discusses the role of technology in a math classroom. This article also discusses how it it difficult to integrate technology into a mathematics classroom.
    Nice find. I always have a soft spot for math instructors. One of my favorite subjects to teach.

From Distraction to Learning Tool: Mobile Devices in the Classroom -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    A professor a the University of Maryland has been researching ways to integrate technology in the classroom. Ipads tend to be his choice, due to size and weight. This professor thinks using technology that used to be a distraction to students, as an academic tool, is a way to ensure success.

Implementing Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom: Four Teachers' Accounts - 1 views

    This article discusses the use of free web 2.0 tools that can be used in the classroom to help promote 21st century skills. They highlight four web tools, Jing, Wix, Google Sites, and Blogger, that can be integrated in school environments. The article provides specific classroom examples from four teachers, on how they were able to use these tools with their students.
    This was a great article for class. We will talk about about some of the tools listed.

Taking the learning tablets - 0 views

    This article is about Amplify, a new online school curriculum that promises to personalize education for students. While it might appear pricey at $199 per student per year, the price tag includes a preloaded tablet for each student with curriculum content tailored to state standards. This tool is meant to make learning more interactive, as well as track student progress, including areas where the student struggles; early studies have shown positive outcomes in reading and comprehension.

A federal perspective on Special Education Technology - 0 views

    This article discusses Federal research and programs to promote and utilize technology for students with disabilities.The article discusses the needs for furthering the knowledge on tools that could be utilized for students with disabilities to get them at an educational level suitable for independence. The core of this article is to be able to learn what instruments work, which do not, and the future of technology with students that have disabilities. How does technology affect the education of the students with these disabilities.

LD OnLine The world's leading website on Learning Disabilities and ADHD, ADD - 0 views

    This website has a lot of information for teachers with students with learning disabilities (LD). The site covers students with ADHA, ADD, and LD. The site has videos on students with LD and how to help them. The resource is endless for example,Processing deficits, the two most difficult areas are visual and auditory perception. This area of resource gives articles, multimedia, questions and answers, recommended books, in our Learning Store, recommended links, and forums to talk to other educators and parents. I will use this by referring to the information when I need more information to help with a student with LD, ADHD, or ADD.
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