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John Morgan

Jamendo - The #1 platform for free music. Free music downloads for private use - Royalt... - 1 views

    This site offers free downloads to music offered up by various artists for use in video projects both commercial and personal. If the music is to be used for commercial use, Jamendo simply reminds its users that all artists are protected under the Creative Commons License. I covered this license in my other post, however this license isn't only about attribution. The license allows the creator of the content to identify the exact usage for their material in commercial use. This allows the downloader of the music to still download the music for free, but with a blanket of customized protection for the artist. The audience I would use this site with would again be a high school broadcasting class. Many high school newscasts that are shown within the school every morning do not follow copyright laws. If the students producing these newscasts used Jamendo to download the music content for the newscast, the students would not only stay legal, but learn a very important broadcasting rule that would stick with them throughout their career. The quality of the content on Jamendo is mostly very well done. However, as with any music website, most of the music downloaded depends on user preferences. The production quality is usually very well done since these artists are attempting to push their music to the public to get their sound and style of music to the larger audiences.
Dekeitha Eubanks

369,640 Education Stock Photos, Illustrations and Royalty Free Education Images - 1 views

    This website has an abundance of royalty-free material available. The material resources offered range from photos, illustrations, as well as video clips. This website could best reach a wide-spread audience from K-12, and I mainly say that due to the variety that is offered. Also, there is an option to search by photographer or artist. So, if there is a particular style of art or artist that an educator may be most supportive of, or comfortable choosing work from, this will help filter out all others. The photos are arranged in a form of galleries which makes searching for photos much neater and concise, and the price range is from $2.50- $10 depending on the size. The qualities of the resources are superb. They contain great color quality, photo/video aspect, and variety.
Gwen Rossi - 4 views

    This is an archive of images that can be used without worrying about copyright. Some images are free and some have to be paid for. In order to use an image you simply click the download button. There are over a thousand different pictures to choose from. This would make this resource wonderful for teachers of any grade level or content area. You simply type in or search for the type of image you are looking for and browse for the one that you like the best. The images are high quality and there is a plethora of images files and types.
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    Users of resources from this site are advised about terms of use. See the "About Site" page for information.
    This site contains copyright free/royalty free images. The small sizes (267 x 400) are free but if you'd like a larger size you will pay from $3.00 to $10.00. If you use the images, you must have an acknowledgement to and the image creator. You can search for images by photo, illustration, or ID. You can also sign up to be a member and/or a contributor. Teachers of all content areas could find useful photos to enhance their lessons.
    This site has an immense amount of images that are copyright and royalty free and of good quality. Teachers at any level could use them to engage student and enhance learning by incorporating them into their lesson in presentations or as conversation startes for a wide variety of topics. Student can also download and use these images for their own visuals for projects and presentations. For each image used, you must publish a credit to the artist. They only issue I think may come arise with that is if students are using this resource to find images that they could use they may forget to acknowledge the artist. One of the parts of this site that I really loved was it tells you how to recongnize the artist in the media you are using the artwork in. A great teaching moment!
Randy Robbins

Jamendo - 2 views This site offers royalty free, Creative Commons music created by artists and "given away" as a means of free promotion on the site. The site boasts some 390,000 songs, all...

copyright-friendly high school music CreativeCommons royalty-free

started by Randy Robbins on 05 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Amy Littleton

Free Music - 1 views This web site, called Free Music (FMA), offers up-to-date downloads of high-quality music for free. It is the result of a culmination of radio stations an...

copyright_free free educational

started by Amy Littleton on 28 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
N'jemele Bush

Jamendo - 0 views

    The title rhymes with crescendo. This website allows artists to display their music and share it with others. The intended audience is anyone who has an ear for music as well as they want to display the music with others. The rules of the website are simple: You can copy, distribute, advertise and play this track as long as you: Give credit to the artist Don't use this album for commercial purposes Distribute all derivative works under the same license This website is only possible due to the use of Creative Commons licenses. I found that the sound quality of the tracks was high quality and each user has easy access to the music. In addition, it's a great tool to use when editing and searching for different styles of music overall.
    Resources on this site protected under International Copyright Laws and are royalty free, but there may be constraints of use for any particular item. Users of resources on this site are advised to refer to the terms of use of each item within the repository. See this page:
George Bradford

MAKING A MARK: The difference between "copyright free" and "royalty free" - 0 views

    "The difference between "copyright free" and "royalty free" Given that at least part of the controversy surrounding the painting which was awarded the American Watercolour Society Gold Medal this year concerns copyright I thought it might be helpful to outline the difference between "copyright free" and "royalty free" - as this seems to be something people get confused about. What is copyright? I'm not going to try and define copyright as such - as meaning varies depending on which country's laws prevail over the work in question. You can find out more about copyright and access the different websites providing legal definitions in my information site Copyright and Orphan Artworks - Resources for Artists For the purposes of this post, the wikipedia summary will suffice. Copyright is a form of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work exclusive rights for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; after which time the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete. Some jurisdictions also recognise "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work Wikpedia - copyright"
Micki Byrnes

The William Blake Archive Homepage - 0 views

    The William Blake Archive is a digital repository of images of the works and paintings of Romantic poet William Blake. Many people familiar with Blake's works, such as "The Tyger" or "Jerusalem" are unaware that the poet was just as much a painter and artist as he was a writer. Blake's images are meant to go along with his works, as he hand painted and produced his own folios. It's just as important for students studying Blake to become familiar with his watercolors as they are with his verse.  The Archive's copyright policy: "The Archive as a whole, its texts, and its images are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention. Publication (print or electronic) or commercial use of any of the copyrighted materials without direct authorization from the copyright holders is prohibited. The copying of materials from the Blake Archive is permitted only under the fair use provisions of copyright law. You do not need to acquire permission to use Archive materials for in-class teaching purposes, school projects, and assignments. Nor do you need to request our permission to link to the Archive, or to individual items within the Archive. We prefer that your links to the Archive be targeted to our home page ( and that any links to individual items within the Archive be accompanied by a link to this home page."
Alan Aumann

Unsplash - 1 views

This website claims on the home page that you can do with the photos what you want. Upon clicking on the link that states this, you find that the author of the webpage has waived all copyright law...

Copyright-free photos educational artistic

started by Alan Aumann on 18 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Mary Gallegos - 0 views

Groove Shark is a free song streaming application. Independent artists, record labels, and users upload music to the community for everyone to enjoy. There are many categories that are exclusivel...

Royalty-free elementary school middle high copyright-friendly all subjects

started by Mary Gallegos on 28 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Lauren Bozone - 8 views

I wanted to find a site that allowed use of famous pieces of art for educational purposes. I found the NGA Images images site which is a repository of digital images of the collections of the Natio...

open access national gallery of art copyright free famous works of art masterpieces paintings sculpture artist

started by Lauren Bozone on 26 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Alan Aumann

Gratisography - 2 views

Gratisography is a photo blog from a professional photographer. On the homepage of his site, he explains that all photos are free from copyright and can be used in presentations as well as commerc...

Copyright-free Photos Artistic life

started by Alan Aumann on 18 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

Creative Market - 2 views

    Beautifully rendered digital content including clipart, photos, fonts, templates, illustrations and more appropriate for student view and use but best suited to a teacher's purposes e.g. avatars for student labels or images for multimedia presentations. While the majority of materials on this site are not free, they DO offer free goods from featured artists every week! No membership fee is required. Content outside of the weekly features does cost money, but patrons are directly supporting, "independent creatives around the world," and are granted Creative Market's simple license with every purchase, the details of which can be found here: Additionally, it is important to note that in certain cases, "portions of some products may be covered by an open source software license such as the GPL (GNU General Public License). In these cases, any portions of the product not covered by an open source license will be covered by this license."

Stock Photography Images Royalty Free at Can Stock Photo - 0 views

    Can Stock Photo is a royalty free stock photography agency that offers professional stock images that are affordable and accessible to everyone. Over 10,000 top quality images are added each day from the world's best photographers and artists. You don't have to have an account or subscription. Business education teachers and students can use the images to create PowerPoint presentations or websites. All images are for non-commercial use only.
    All images in this site are under International Copyright Protection. Prior to using images, users are advised to refer to the Terms and Conditions page, found here:
John Morgan

Royalty Free Stock Footage Video Clips - iStock - 1 views

    This site provides a wealth of royalty free video footage for use in advertising, blogging, websites and even presentations. This resource provides video, photographic and audio resources on a royalty-free basis. This means that the user pays for the initial download of the content, without having to pay the original photographer or artist for each use of the material. The terms of agreement on this website also provides a $10,000 Legal Guarantee that protects the user of the content up to that amount. I personally, would use this site with middle and high school geography students. In many cases, geography falls into a social studies or science class if I recall correctly. Many of the video clips available have amazing video shots of different landforms and natural formations of nature. In order to show multiple sequences of various land forms, this site would be great for having instant access to incredible video clips. The quality of the work in the video portion of this website is remarkable. All of the content is shot in high quality and is downloadable in a range of size and quality. This site allows the for user to download in various frames per second as well to determine the exact quality available to the user for download.
Alyce Logan

Morgue File - 4 views This site has tons of reference photos that are free and open to the public. It's purpose is to provide free high resolution reference material to instructors, artists, ...

royalty-free high school copyright-free free photos copyright-friendly social studies

started by Alyce Logan on 24 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Freeplay Music- Broadcast Production Music Library - 2 views

    Freeplay Music is a wonderful site for downloading copyright-free music. It allows people to search by CD title, style of music, or feel/mood. Users can preview either a short snippet of the song (usually 30 seconds) or the song in its entire length. If the user doesn't like that particular song, s/he can continue scrolling through the suggested titles or click on other search options offered under the songs themselves. Once the person finds the song s/he wants to use, s/he has numerous options for download. All songs are downloaded as an MP3, but it is up to the individual to determine how much of the song s/he might want. The benefit of this site is its vast library. There are thousands of songs to choose from. The site states that all songs, with the exception of the Indie Artist section and the Sound Effects library, are available for educational use. The downside for the students is that it is mainly instrumental music. Students will try to search for contemporary "radio hits" and will come up short. I usually explain that those songs, while popular, often can be distracting to the video, slideshow, or website the student is creating. Freeplay Music offers a great selection of "background" music for educational projects. This site is perfect for middle school or high school. It could used by all subject areas as a supplemental component to almost any technology- based or Web 2.0 project. I can see Freeplay Music providing songs for Glogster, Prezi, Weebly, PhotoStory 3 for Windows, MovieMaker, or several other possible programs/sites.
    Resources on this site do have restrictions for use. Please read the details in the terms of use page:
Janice Scoville

Photo Pin : Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons - 3 views

    Photo Pin is a search engine that allows you to search by tags. Its photos are taken from Flickr using API which searches for creative commons photos. When it opens up, there are check boxes to search for specific license types. Even typing in benign words like sink rendered many photos to choose from and most of the pictures were artistically taken. The images come in various sizes and the HTML code is right there when you open the photo. Be careful not to click on the images above the line. These are sponsored images and will ask for a fee. Some images contained scantily clothed and provocative individuals when a few choice words were entered into the search engine. Because of this, this site should be reserved for high school students only.

Foter: Free Stock Photos & Images - 0 views

    With more than 200 million free stock photos, and a very simple and effective search engine, Foter's greatest asset is the sheer bulk of its searchable photo database. All photos are free, but the license may vary from photo to photo, depending on the artist. Fortunately, the license for each individual photo is clearly marked. Also photos are downloadable in a variety of sizes. It has near-limitless potential as a resource for educators. The photos should be suitable for K-12 and beyond, and are suitable for Digital stories, Prezis, PowerPoint, Imbedding in other virtual documents, and Educational websites. Potential problems and Solutions: The problems lie not with the photo repositories themselves, but rather lie in the educator's own ability to think creatively, and to work with raw digital materials. I can think of no better solution than for an educator to spend time examining how the available resources can be used to encourage a student to think about the subject matter. A teacher can plan for an elaborate lesson but discover there is a dearth of photo content; therefore, since time and money are not unlimited, the teacher would be wise to consider this before planning a lesson. Further, a teacher would be wise to search for as many resources as possible and add them to a list, as we have done for this assignment. Quality: A All viewed photos are have been produced by skilled photographers, and all are available in high resolution. Content quality may vary slightly due to the high number of contributors.
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