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Foter: Free Stock Photos & Images - 0 views

    With more than 200 million free stock photos, and a very simple and effective search engine, Foter's greatest asset is the sheer bulk of its searchable photo database. All photos are free, but the license may vary from photo to photo, depending on the artist. Fortunately, the license for each individual photo is clearly marked. Also photos are downloadable in a variety of sizes. It has near-limitless potential as a resource for educators. The photos should be suitable for K-12 and beyond, and are suitable for Digital stories, Prezis, PowerPoint, Imbedding in other virtual documents, and Educational websites. Potential problems and Solutions: The problems lie not with the photo repositories themselves, but rather lie in the educator's own ability to think creatively, and to work with raw digital materials. I can think of no better solution than for an educator to spend time examining how the available resources can be used to encourage a student to think about the subject matter. A teacher can plan for an elaborate lesson but discover there is a dearth of photo content; therefore, since time and money are not unlimited, the teacher would be wise to consider this before planning a lesson. Further, a teacher would be wise to search for as many resources as possible and add them to a list, as we have done for this assignment. Quality: A All viewed photos are have been produced by skilled photographers, and all are available in high resolution. Content quality may vary slightly due to the high number of contributors.
Dekeitha Eubanks

369,640 Education Stock Photos, Illustrations and Royalty Free Education Images - 1 views

    This website has an abundance of royalty-free material available. The material resources offered range from photos, illustrations, as well as video clips. This website could best reach a wide-spread audience from K-12, and I mainly say that due to the variety that is offered. Also, there is an option to search by photographer or artist. So, if there is a particular style of art or artist that an educator may be most supportive of, or comfortable choosing work from, this will help filter out all others. The photos are arranged in a form of galleries which makes searching for photos much neater and concise, and the price range is from $2.50- $10 depending on the size. The qualities of the resources are superb. They contain great color quality, photo/video aspect, and variety.

PD Photo - Free Photos And Pictures (public domain, stock pictures, wallpaper, royalty ... - 0 views

    PD Photo is a website that has a large collection of photos that are free and available for use under the public domain. There looks to hundreds of photos that fall under a variety of categories. Many photos are available for geography use and would be beneficial in a social studies classroom; there are also many images that can be used in a science classroom, like the Macros or Plants category. The images on this site are not limited to these two content areas as there are plenty of ways students and teachers can use these photos in an educational setting, for any and all grade levels.
Gwen Rossi - 4 views

    This is an archive of images that can be used without worrying about copyright. Some images are free and some have to be paid for. In order to use an image you simply click the download button. There are over a thousand different pictures to choose from. This would make this resource wonderful for teachers of any grade level or content area. You simply type in or search for the type of image you are looking for and browse for the one that you like the best. The images are high quality and there is a plethora of images files and types.
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    Users of resources from this site are advised about terms of use. See the "About Site" page for information.
    This site contains copyright free/royalty free images. The small sizes (267 x 400) are free but if you'd like a larger size you will pay from $3.00 to $10.00. If you use the images, you must have an acknowledgement to and the image creator. You can search for images by photo, illustration, or ID. You can also sign up to be a member and/or a contributor. Teachers of all content areas could find useful photos to enhance their lessons.
    This site has an immense amount of images that are copyright and royalty free and of good quality. Teachers at any level could use them to engage student and enhance learning by incorporating them into their lesson in presentations or as conversation startes for a wide variety of topics. Student can also download and use these images for their own visuals for projects and presentations. For each image used, you must publish a credit to the artist. They only issue I think may come arise with that is if students are using this resource to find images that they could use they may forget to acknowledge the artist. One of the parts of this site that I really loved was it tells you how to recongnize the artist in the media you are using the artwork in. A great teaching moment!
Heather Suwinski - 3 views This site would be great for any teacher grade k-12. There are approximately 20,000 photos that are royalty free and available for use for any commercial, prof...

royalty-free free copyright-friendly photos education tonsofpics

started by Heather Suwinski on 26 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Janice Scoville

Pics4Learning | Free photos for education - 1 views

    Thousands of copyright free and copyright friendly images and photos for teachers and students. This site contains different categories of pictures. The rights belong to the owners of the pictures. Students and teachers are free to use the pictures for projects, teaching, posters, multimedia and educational purpose. This site also contains ideas, trading posts, activities and other resources for teachers and students. Latina
    Pcs4 Learning is designed for education and is "copyright friendly" and searchable. It contains five popular categories, animals, food, education, space, and countries. Click on collections, however, and plethora of other categories appear. Click on the lesson plans link and teachers will find ideas for using pictures in lesson plans. A small sample of the lessons that appear includes symmetry, alliteration and ancient cultures. The pictures on this website have been donated by educators, students, and amateur photographers. Images here are suitable for grades k-12, any subject.
Charmane Manns

The Orange Grove - 0 views

    In completing a work-related project, I found some great sites that assist educators in locating open educational resources. The Orange Grove Digital Repository is one of those resources. If you have not used it before, it is a repository of instructional resources. It can be integrated with a Learning Management System and educators can import resources directly from a teacher's LMS. The collection of resources consists of open textbooks and open courseware. There are resources for higher education and K -12, both of which contain categories that are easy to navigate. Among the available content: videos, presentations, audio, spreadsheets, syllabi, assessments, and images.
dhoska - 1 views

    Boasting thousands of digital clip art images, Openclipart does cater to teachers and other working professionals. The collections are sorted for optimum utility. The best part is that the images are all copyright-free and in the public domain, which means that there are no restrictions. There are no perceived limits on usage; resources should be suitable for K-12 and beyond, and useful for Digital stories, Prezis, PowerPoint, imbedding in other virtual documents, and educational websites. Potential Solutions to Perceived Problems: The problems lie not with the photo repositories themselves, but rather lie in the educator's own ability to think creatively, and to work with raw digital materials. I can think of no better solution than for an educator to spend time examining how the available resources can be used to encourage a student to think about the subject matter. A teacher can plan for an elaborate lesson but discover there is a dearth of photo content; therefore, since time and money are not unlimited, the teacher would be wise to consider this before planning a lesson. Further, a teacher would be wise to search for as many resources as possible and add them to a list, as we have done for this assignment. Quality: B If you are looking for good clip art for no money, and with no restrictions, this collection seems much better than anything you will find packaged with a Microsoft product.
Nicole Owens - 3 views

free photos for grades K-12

copyright-friendly photos

started by Nicole Owens on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Nicole Owens - 1 views

free photos for grades K-12

photos copyright-friendly

started by Nicole Owens on 17 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Mandy Griffin

Pics4Learning - 5 views

  • has free images for educational use.  This site is useful for K-12 and has many different categories of images.  The images have photographer information, location, and date taken.  There is even a citation available in the image information to assist students with the proper information to give the photographer credit.  This would be extremely useful for younger students to learn how to cite their findings.  The site also allows easy download for Windows, Macintosh, Android, and iPad devices.  Users can also save directly to Google Drive.  Our system now has Google Drive accounts for all of our students and so there is no need for flash drives any more! The images found here would be great for foreign language classes.  Students and teachers alike could use these specific images to work with vocabulary presentations or reviews.  Science classes could use the animal images for classification.  Teachers using flipchart software could create containers for the images to be moved to by the students. The only issue I can foresee with this site is the number of images available.  Users might not be able to find exactly what they are looking for.  Fortunately, educators are able to take photographs and contribute them to the website.  This could be beneficial to teachers and students.
    Pics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos & images for classrooms, multimedia projects, websites, videos, portfolios, or any projects in an educational setting. I can see Pics4Learning being used for all grades. There are pictures of animals which would be good for science classes, pictures of countries that could be beneficial to social studies classrooms, and pictures broken down by subject including math and reading. Students could use these pictures for any of their projects, videos, or portfolios. I can also see teachers getting ideas from the "education" section under popular collections. I do not foresee any problems or challenges with this site. The pictures are easy to download and the option to cite each image. You just select whether you are downloading for Windows, Mac, iPad, or Android.
Errica Cooper

William Vann Edupic Graphical Resource - 0 views

shared by Errica Cooper on 21 Nov 13 - Cached
    The images (photos and graphics) are available for FREE use within this site which is a teacher-designed resource for by teachers and their students; however, other use must gain permission. A slight risk (especially for minors) is the button that reads "Become an EduPic Host click here for more details" is a potential risk, because physical communication is sought by the web creator. This is an opportunity to have someone come stay in your home and possibly a camera man in order to come capture the scenery and have it posted on Edupic (the host receives a blurb/mentioning on the site). There is a section that allows you to quick search using hotlinks in order to quickly access related lists of images. Once you find a desired image, functions allow you to view a larger image, copy/save the image, copy the image URL, or find the image on Google (so you can find primary source information). There are cartoon-like images and real-life images, which can be used over a wide range of grade levels (K-12). The site also offers information on the Contributor's and provides access to the EduPic Blog.
Errica Cooper

Classroom Clipart - 1 views

    Free clip art, photos, graphics, and illustrations are available for parents, students, and teachers. They have over 10,000 images and over 2,000 categories. The site encourages students, teachers, and parents to use and contribute to the site. They consider the "classroom" around them a part of their classroom. Having a site like this will help encourage student/teacher/parent collaboration and relationships. The images are free, but there are two drawbacks to this site: 1. the site only allows one option for downloading images unless you sign up for a membership (which is free and typical). 2. The site is third party advertisement HEAVY. This site is mainly clip art, so they really cater to K-12 grade levels.
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