Foter: Free Stock Photos & Images - 0 views
dhoska on 16 Jul 14With more than 200 million free stock photos, and a very simple and effective search engine, Foter's greatest asset is the sheer bulk of its searchable photo database. All photos are free, but the license may vary from photo to photo, depending on the artist. Fortunately, the license for each individual photo is clearly marked. Also photos are downloadable in a variety of sizes. It has near-limitless potential as a resource for educators. The photos should be suitable for K-12 and beyond, and are suitable for Digital stories, Prezis, PowerPoint, Imbedding in other virtual documents, and Educational websites. Potential problems and Solutions: The problems lie not with the photo repositories themselves, but rather lie in the educator's own ability to think creatively, and to work with raw digital materials. I can think of no better solution than for an educator to spend time examining how the available resources can be used to encourage a student to think about the subject matter. A teacher can plan for an elaborate lesson but discover there is a dearth of photo content; therefore, since time and money are not unlimited, the teacher would be wise to consider this before planning a lesson. Further, a teacher would be wise to search for as many resources as possible and add them to a list, as we have done for this assignment. Quality: A All viewed photos are have been produced by skilled photographers, and all are available in high resolution. Content quality may vary slightly due to the high number of contributors.