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Nice Wording - 6 views

Let's use the tag 'niceWording' in the forum when we post nice examples of skillfully worded communications.


started by cuttingedge - on 12 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
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Learn How to Say No and Be Respected - 0 views

  • someone asking for a favor that requires a type of resource from you such as money or time. This situation is non-threatening and often gets you to carry out the task because of your guilt, passiveness, or inability to take a stance.
  • The second common scenario where it is extremely helpful to say no is in a more threatening situation than the first type of scenarios. It involves your unwillingness and reluctancy to carry out the action that is requested of you.
  • This common scenario is about being coerced into doing something against your will.
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  • A charity worker is in contact with you requesting a donation yet this time you are unwilling to give them a donation because you dislike how they use donations in their work and giving a contribution feels like a waste.
  • You have been asked to put in some overtime at work but you really don’t want to. Maybe your partner has asked you to take the kids out or you have got so much paper work to sought through at home and it is piling up like the Eiffel Tower and tilting like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You have other things to do but they aren’t important.
  • Your child who is struggling with an assignment that is due tomorrow asks for your assistance. You have spare time on your hands but you feel you need to let your child take responsibility for not having worked on the assignment at an earlier time.
  • In the second group of scenarios you have the time and monetary resources to donate but you say no because of your unwillingness to engage in the activity. You find saying no is extremely difficult because of peer pressure, intimidation, fear, or a concern for being seen as a weak.
  • It is necessary to learn to say no for your own emotional and mental well-being.
cuttingedge -

How to Say No Respectfully - wikiHow - 0 views

  • Preface your 'NO' by saying 'I understand what you are saying' before refusing - it helps if people feel empathy
  • If you feel you are at risk of physical harm, alert a third party as quickly as possible
  • "This weekend isn't a good time for us to have stay-over guests." If they press, say, "We have a lot of shopping and cleaning to do to prepare for this next week, and we won't do it if we have company." Hopefully, that will end the discussion. And frankly, that's probably the truth, isn't it?
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  • If your refusal upsets someone, remain calm and, if possible, remove yourself from the situation
  • Be respectful. Even if the person asking isn't.
  • Listen to the request respectfully. Do not interrupt the speaker. Phrase your "no" as simply as possible. Don't raise your voice or become upset, simply say that you cannot help this time. When you say no, say it in a confident, well modulated voice to sound more straightforward. Don't feel obligated to explain. You have your reasons and they may not be ones you wish to discuss. If this is the case, try saying something like, "I'm just not able to." Leave it at that - if you must, change the subject, or say, "I'm sorry, but I need to go." Explain simply, and only if you wish to do so. If the case really is one that you feel okay explaining, make your explanation as simple as possible. Stand firm. If the requestor does not want to accept your answer, tell him or her that your mind is made up and that you will not change it.
cuttingedge -

How To Say No - 0 views

  • When You Have to Say Yes Sometimes, saying no is simply unavoidable. Here are some techniques to use: Tell the person you can agree to their request this time, but ask how the two of you might plan better for the next time. Tell them yes, but remind them they owe you one. For example, they might cover you for a shift next time you need time off. Tell them yes, but take control by saying you'll come back to them with a timetable. For instance, say, "I expect I'll be able to do that for you by the end of the week." Put a tough condition on your agreement. "If it would only take an hour, I'd be able to help, but I can't give you more than that."
  • Stick to your plan. If you have a written set of goals and strategies, this gives you a reason to stick to your course. ("Thanks, but I already have an investment plan, so you don't need to send me a newsletter about stocks.")
  • When someone persists, repeat your position, perhaps in a slightly different way. ("As I already said, our policy is to donate to charities that help children only.")
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  • Make sure you understand exactly what is being asked of you before you respond. Perhaps the task is more time consuming than you thought. On the other hand, it may not take much effort at all.
  • Excel at just a few things, rather than being just average at many. Don't try to do everything
  • You have a right to say no. Remember that others may take you for granted and even lose respect for you if you don't.
  • Be polite, but firm in saying no. You only build false hopes with wishy-washy responses. For instance, the phrase "I'll try to be there" in response to a party invitation is giving yourself an excuse to avoid a commitment. It doesn't do anyone any favours.
  • When a superior asks you to do a new urgent task; Remind her that you are working on other projects that she has already identified as top priorities Ask for help in deciding where the new task should fall on the list of priorities Point out that you might be able to do everything, but not to the usual high standards that are expected
  • Some experts recommend keeping your answer short. This way, you can say no without feeling the need for a lengthy justification. ("I'm sorry, I'm not available that night.") On the other hand, others say that giving a longer answer with reasons reinforces your credibility. Let the situation decide.
  • Provide suggestions or alternatives to the person who is asking. ("I can't do that task today, but how about next week," or "How about asking John instead?")
  • When in doubt, it's easier to say no now, then change your mind to a yes later, rather than the other way around.
cuttingedge -

BBC - Relationships - Couples - Resolving issues - 0 views

  • designed to help you resolve minor issues before they become major problems. Completing the exercise together should help you and your partner find a solution for your dilemma.
  • Make a date in advance to do this exercise. Allow yourselves an hour.Make sure you're not going to be disturbed.Write your answers on a separate piece of paper using the headings below, (leave space for you to fill in your answers) .Use one sheet of paper per issue.
  • The exerciseThe issue between us is...(Write down the issue)
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  • Partner oneIt is bothering me because...I'm partly responsible because I...To resolve this we could... (list as many options as you can think of)
  • Partner twoIt is bothering me because...I'm partly responsible because I...To resolve this we could... (again, list as many options as you can think of)
  • Top tipDon't try this exercise when either of you is feeling angry or hurt with the other. Try to take a step back from the emotions of the issue and focus on finding positive, practical solutions.
  • Now take some time to discuss and consider the options available. Make sure the solutions are practical and positive.
  • Both of youWe have agreed to...The change(s) I am going to make are...The change(s) my partner is going to make are...We will sit down and talk about how the changes are going on... (set a date)
cuttingedge -

BBC - Guidelines for exercises - 0 views

  • you think they may be hurt or angry at the suggestion, follow these tips:Make sure your partner is relaxed and in a good mood.
  • Make sure it's a suggestion. Avoid using words such as "should", "ought" and "must". Instead, try "I was wondering..." or "Perhaps we..."
  • Talk about how you feel the exercise will help you. Leave your partner to decide if they think it will also help them.Ask them to think about it. Don't expect an immediate answer.
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  • If they say no, try again a few days later, restating that they'd be helping you if they changed their mind.If they still insist they don't want to, drop it and investigate alternative ways of addressing the issue.
  • Agree why you think doing this exercise is a good idea and decide on a time and place to complete it. Agree to use the tips in Productive arguing if you find yourself in conflict. Think about what you'll do afterwards if the exercise raises difficult emotions.
  • Doing the exerciseMake sure you're relaxed. Postpone if you're feeling stressed, tired or ill.
  • When you've finishedTake some time to relax and think about what you've discovered before taking any action. If it has raised difficult emotions: Be kind to yourself - take some time to relax and, if you want, reward yourself with a special treat. Get grounded by focusing on your breathing, remembering all the things you do when you're not in a relationship - something that will help you to think about something else for a while.
cuttingedge -

Saying No: The Basics : How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty - 0 views

  • The object is to hear yourself saying no successfully. Little by little, stretch yourself by saying no in more challenging circumstances.
  • Most likely, you will settle on a few different phrases that work for you and that can be applied to the situations you face most often. The more you use them, the more comfortable you'll become with them. Over time, you will utter them with confidence and ease.
  • saying no without guilt is much easier for all concerned when it's done in the context of generosity. This means being helpful and available to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors whenever you possibly can — in other words, when it won't cause significant stress or inconvenience and when you can say yes without resentment.
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  • Just as important, give yourself a little credit for being a generous person. Recognizing the many things you do for others with a willing spirit, you'll feel more confident and less guilty at times when you really do want to say no to them.
  • basic principle of saying no: Less is more. The most powerful and effective "no's" are the least complicated
  • we feel obliged to justify our "no" with a detailed explanation
  • elaborating is seldom necessary, and it leaves you on shaky ground. The more specific information you supply, the more likely the other person will be to: a) try to figure out a way to "solve the problem" so that you can actually do the thing he wants you to do (which, of course, you don't want to do), b) decide that your reason for saying no isn't good enough and be miffed about it
  • make a statement like "I'm sorry, I won't be able to" or "I'm afraid I'm busy that day," you sound clear and decisive.
  • If the other person insists on knowing why, the burden of prying will be on him. When that happens, don't fall into the trap of trying to come up with new, more creative excuses to satisfy someone who can't take no for an answer. Instead, repeat yourself as often as necessary.
  • emphasize different words, change the language around a bit, or offer some other vague comment. "I'm busy that day" can also be expressed as "I've got plans," "I have a previous engagement," "I've got an appointment I can't break," or "I've had something on my calendar for weeks." Hold your ground in the face of a rude, nosy, or aggressive person. No one has the right to force you to violate your own privacy.
  • "no" can be one of the most positive words in your vocabulary. Whether you crave more family time, more time for yourself, or more time to pursue a dream, saying no frees up room for the "yeses" in your life.
  • Sometimes I just want to stay home and do nothing. But that doesn't seem like a good enough reason. Unless I have something else on the calendar, I feel obligated to say yes.
  • To build up your courage for those really difficult "no's," start small. Practice
  • 1. Buying Time If you do nothing else suggested in this book, acquire the habit of buying time before responding to requests. It takes the pressure off when you can't figure out how to say no diplomatically or simply need more time to decide.
  • "time-buying" responses will cover you in just about every situation. For example: I need to check my calendar; I'll get back to you. Let me check with my husband/wife/partner to see if we're free that day. I've got to think about that; I'll let you know. I've got to take a look at my cash flow. I need to find out if I have to work first.
  • 2. "The Policy" We love to say no with the phrase "I have a policy." For example, suppose a friend asks for a loan you don't want to extend. Utter the phrase Sorry, I have a policy about not lending money, and your refusal immediately sounds less personal.
  • In all kinds of situations, invoking a policy adds weight and seriousness when you need to say no. It implies that you've given the matter considerable thought on a previous occasion and learned from experience that what the person is requesting is unwise. It can also convey that you've got a prior commitment you can't break
  • "Sorry, I can't come — it's our policy to have dinner together as a family every Friday night," it lets the other person know that your family ritual is carved in stone.
  • Of course, when searching for your response, it helps to have a policy. Which brings us to an important point: Saying no comfortably and without guilt requires you to really think about what you stand for. Why are you saying no? As you learn to eliminate unwanted obligations from your life, what are you making room for? When you can identify and embrace your priorities and focus on what you want more of — for example, time with the family, money for an important project or cause — you feel more justified saying no in order to pursue those goals.
  • Tell your best friend you don't want to go to her choice of restaurant, and suggest another. Tell your husband you don't want to go to the hardware store with him. Tell your son he can't have more dessert
    practice 'no' with small things."don't want to go to that restaurant and suggest another". Remember how generous you are. Always be generous helpful to ppl whenever you can...but when it won't cause feeling stressed,inconvenienced, and resentful. Keep 'no' short. "I'm busy that day", "I've got plans," repeat if they violate your privacy. 1. Buy Time = # I need to check my calendar; I'll get back to you. # Let me check with my husband/wife/partner to see if we're free that day. # I've got to think about that; I'll let you know. # I've got to take a look at my cash flow. # I need to find out if I have to work first 2. I have a Policy - decide your policy's then. "Sorry, I have a policy about not lending money," "Sorry, I can't come - it's our policy to have dinner together as a family every Friday night,"
cuttingedge -

4 Quick, Easy Ways to Say No to People Who Take You for Granted - 0 views

  • No matter how wonderful you are sometimes other people will try to take advantage of your good nature. They will push you, get you to do more than your fair share and keep asking you to do even more.
  • often your efforts will be taken for granted. Unless you can say No, the situation will not change in fact it may get even more difficult.
  • unless you can say No to these unreasonable people because very often to win respect from people you have to sometimes say No.
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  • soften the No by postponing your help. For example -- - No, I am busy right now but I can help you in 40 minutes time - No, I have other things to do at the moment - Right now I do not have a free moment maybe later on - I would love to help but not at this minute, try John
  • This is a lot easier to do especially when dealing with people who intimidate you.
  • 2 Negotiate To deal with people who want your help but are slow to help you -- negotiate!
  • Say you are happy to help on one condition -- that they help you immediately
  • They will usually agree because they have to! If they say No, again as above, postpone helping them if you can.
  • There are some people who view the world in terms of what is in it for them and the concerns of others are of secondary importance. With these people you are wasting your time talking about your needs. For that reason you have to link your needs to their gains by negotiating - tell them they will get what they want IF you get what you want.
  • to say No for the first time use every opportunity to get some practice e.g. - In a restaurant, say no to the first table you are offered - at home say No to coffee when everyone else says Yes, have tea - In a store say yes to an offer of help but No to the product
  • when you are dealing with people whose approval is not that important to you. You will quickly learn through experience that it is not the end of the world if you say no and the other person is not pleased with you.
  • 4 Say No to the Big Request and Yes to a Smaller One Sometimes you are going to be asked to do more than your fair share. If you cannot avoid the job you may need to consider doing part of it.
  • offer to do part of the job but not all of it. For example: - I will clean 2 rooms if you do the other 3 rooms - I can do 5 pages of the report as long as you give me the data - If you start the project I will finish it
  • winning back control of your interactions with anyone who pushes you too far.
cuttingedge -

University of Florida Counseling Center - How to Say No - 0 views

  • The first thing to do is to identify the emotional hooks or beliefs that are getting in your way. For example, if a friend wants to borrow your favorite records to take to a party, what are the negative consequences you anticipate if you say no? Are you afraid he or she will never speak to you again? If you say no to an employer, do you fear being fired from your job? If you say no to a professor, do you anticipate getting a bad grade in the course?
  • the next step is the restate them more realistically. For example, you might tell yourself if I say no, my friend will be disappointed not to be able to borrow my records, but our friendship is not contingent on this. He or she will likely respect me more for having said no clearly.
  • My employer may not be happy about my not staying overtime, but it is reasonable to refuse when it is inconvenient for me. If I agree to do something I don’t want to do I will probably feel dissatisfied with myself. I may also feel angry and resentful at the other person.
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  • After you have restated your beliefs more rationally so that you feel ready to say no and feel good about doing so, the next step is to say it directly to the person, with a sense of assertiveness in your voice and manner. Make sure the non-verbal message is the same as your words. Are you making eye contact? Is your tone non-apologetic?
  • To make it easier, begin by saying no in some low risk situations where you’re perfectly assured of your right to say no and with this practice you’ll build up confidence in yourself and an ability to say no in more difficult situations, appearing confident at times when you may be feeling uncertain of yourself inside.
  • Rehearse saying no in a clear and direct way. Be aware of your entire manner and tone of voice when you do so.
  • If your have said no, but someone persists, like a broken record, not listening to your first no, you may need to persist in saying no. Are you simply the kind of person who gives in? Or do you tend to get angry? You may need to get their attention by touching them and saying - you seem to be invested in getting me to agree, but I’ve said no and I really mean it.
  • In more difficult situations when you are unsure of what you want to say or how you want to say it, try giving yourself time, by telling the other person - can I think about it? Then sort out what you feel and what your irrational beliefs and expectations are to your saying no.
  • it is important to realize that there is healthy selfish behavior. You have a right to say no and feel good about it. As you attend to your own feelings and needs you will have a lot more willingness to say yes at other times.
  • You might inquire about assertive groups that are offered on your campus or in your community.
  • When I Say No I Feel Guilty by Manuel Smith Don’t Say Yes When You Want to Say No by Tenserheim Your Perfect Right by Alberti and Emmons
  • may feel guilty about saying no since you have been taught to go out of your way to avoid hurting people’s feelings. So you end up feeling responsible for the other person’s feelings as if their happiness depends on your agreeing. This takes away their right to be responsible for their own feelings.
  • You might feel you are a bad person if you refuse - selfish and self-centered. You have been taught the virtue of self-sacrifice and self-denial. So you end up being more concerned and more considerate of others than you are of yourself.
  • You might fear the loss of the relationship or be afraid of damaging the relationship in some way. So you end up treating the relationship as fragile and dependent on your constant compliance.
cuttingedge -

How to Ask a question: - 13 views

That was a nice way to ask on a potentially sensitive topic. 1. "I want to be direct and ask ...." 2. Explained circumstances. 3. "You can just say yes or no" (pol...


started by cuttingedge - on 04 Dec 08 no follow-up yet
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