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Brian G. Dowling

National Institute for Civil Discourse | A nonpartisan center for advocacy, research an... - 0 views

    Informed by research, NICD's programs are designed to create safe spaces for elected officials, the media, and the public to engage different voices respectfully and take responsibility for the quality of our public discourse and effectiveness of our democratic institutions. NICD identifies opportunities to drive change across all three groups while deepening the networks among and between them. Our vision is of elected officials who work collaboratively to tackle the big issues facing our country, a media that accurately informs and involves citizens, and a public that engages a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Brian G. Dowling

About - Healthy Democracy | Healthy Democracy - 0 views

    MISSION Healthy Democracy is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to elevating the public's voice in our democracy. We work to advance innovative and powerful ways for the public to engage in the democratic process and improve our political discourse.
Brian G. Dowling

California Common Sense - 0 views

    California Common Sense is a Stanford-based nonprofit using Silicon Valley technologies to open government finances to the public, engage citizens in data-driven discourse, and catalyze a grassroots movement for more effective and efficient governance.
Brian G. Dowling

Welcome to CivicSource, a Civic Engagement Web Portal - 0 views

    The University of Illinois at Chicago's Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) is committed to transforming democracy by creating a more fully engaged community with more effective leaders. We create opportunities for scholars, concerned citizens, students, community leaders, elected officials, and the public to actively participate in social discourse, research and educational programs on policy issues and social trends.
Brian G. Dowling

Journal of Public Deliberation | Public Deliberation - 0 views

    International Journal for Public Participation (2007 - 2010) merged with the Journal for Public Deliberation as a joint venture between DDC and IAP2 in November 2010.  In announcing the joint venture in November 2010, IAP2 President Desley Renton said "this initiative builds on the foundations of both journals and will extend the discourse in the field with readers benefiting from firsthand experience of public participation practitioners".
Brian G. Dowling

What's Happening - A Blade of Grass - 0 views

    We provide resources to artists who demonstrate artistic excellence and serve as innovative conduits for social change. We evaluate the quality of work in this evolving field by fostering an inclusive, practical discourse about the aesthetics, function, ethics and meaning of socially engaged art that resonates within and outside the contemporary art dialogue.
Brian G. Dowling

Calling Bullshit. - 0 views

    While bullshit may reach its apogee in the political domain, this is not a course on political bullshit. Instead, we will focus on bullshit that comes clad in the trappings of scholarly discourse. Traditionally, such highbrow nonsense has come couched in big words and fancy rhetoric, but more and more we see it presented instead in the guise of big data and fancy algorithms - and these quantitative, statistical, and computational forms of bullshit are those that we will be addressing in the present course.
Brian G. Dowling

WATCH: Deliberating Together on Difficult Issues | NIFI - 0 views

    "Around the country, people are grappling with how best to protect their communities and prevent future mass shootings. While it is necessary to develop a shared sense of how to proceed, some fear engaging in public deliberation about such hotly contested issues, especially at a time of such divisive political discourse. Will deliberating together under these circumstances only lead to greater conflict? "
Brian G. Dowling

People Pioneers - 0 views

    People Pioneers is a new concept being tested in the 2015 UK general election. Whatever their political interests or Party affiliation,  Stephen will be encouraging people from all walks of life to listen systematically to each other across communities, to identify collective strengths, common concerns and key aspirations from within the whole constituency.   Stephen will work with People Pioneers to shape a broad based, independent organisation able to inform and support elected members - and hold them to account.   If elected to Westminster, Stephen pledges to meet regularly with the Pioneers for reflection, conversation, dialogue, discussion and action planning. 
Brian G. Dowling

The Day-One Democracy Agenda - 1 views

    "We'll take the White House. We'll take the Senate. Then, we'll enact a bold, day-one democracy agenda to ensure our country works for everyone, not just a powerful few. The only way we get there is if 2020 presidential candidates do three things:  1. Propose a bold democracy agenda; 2. Make democracy their top legislative priority; 3. Get real about how we get it done: ending the filibuster."
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