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Brian G. Dowling

U.S. Congress Campaign Contributions and Voting Database | MapLight - Money and Politics - 1 views

    MapLight is a nonpartisan research organization that reveals money's influence on politics. We research and compile data about the sources of campaign contributions in U.S. presidential, congressional, state, and local ballot and candidate elections. We provide journalists and citizens with transparency tools that connect data on campaign contributions, politicians, legislative votes, industries, companies, and more to show patterns of influence never before possible to see. These tools allow users to gain unique insights into how campaign contributions affect policy so they can draw their own conclusions about how money influences our political system. MapLight was founded in 2005 by Thomas Layton, Jaleh Bisharat, and Daniel G. Newman. Daniel, MapLight's President, was recognized as one of Fast Company's 100 Most Creative People in Business in 2010 for his work at MapLight.
Brian G. Dowling

California Campaign Contributions and Voting Database | MapLight - Money and Politics - 0 views

    MapLight California reveals campaign contributions to state-level candidates, ballot measures, and recipient committees as well as independent expenditures affecting state-level candidates and ballot measures. This data can be quickly and easily browsed using MapLight's California Power Search, a contributions search tool developed in partnership with the California Secretary of State, or Maplight's California Independent Expenditures Search. Both tools utilize the California Secretary of State's raw bulk data download, displaying contributions and independent expenditures from 2001 through the present.
Brian G. Dowling

Rethinking the Automobile - 0 views

    "Rethinking the Automobile" is a project created by livable streets advocate Mark Gorton. Its goal is to raise awareness around the negative impact of the automobile on our world. Through public events and media campaigns, Rethinking the Automobile reveals how policies that prioritize the automobile destroy public space in our cities and towns and have created a dangerous and unsustainable world.
Brian G. Dowling

How to Fix California's Democracy Crisis - - 0 views

    Direct democracy in California was born in the hopes of bringing the people into the governance process, but it has led to a kind of audience democracy. Voters have become consumers of television sound-bite campaigns and new-media messaging, not authors of the laws they give to themselves.
Brian G. Dowling

Equity In Public Funds | Advancement Project California - 0 views

    Our goal is to provide public finance data, tools and training to local community-based organizations to strengthen their public interest and organizing campaigns. Equity in Public Funds partners with and increases the ability of community-based organizations to produce analyses of City and County fiscal inequities and advocate for reform.
Brian G. Dowling

American Sustainable Business Council - 0 views

    The American Sustainable Business Council family of organizations includes American Sustainable Business Council, which runs public information campaigns that educate and inform the public and policy makers about specific opportunities to create a more vibrant, just and sustainable economy, and American Sustainable Business Council Action Fund, organized under IRS code 501(c)(4), which focuses on legislative and regulatory advocacy. The Council spans a growing network of over 60 business associations across the United States, representing over 200,000 businesses and 300,000 business executives, owners, investors, and others.
Brian G. Dowling

Get the facts before you vote. - Voter's Edge - 0 views

    About Voter's Edge Welcome to Voter's Edge Voter's Edge is a comprehensive, nonpartisan online guide to federal, state, and local elections in California, Illinois, and New York. With Voter's Edge, voters can: Access their full, personalized ballot by entering their address. Get in-depth information on candidates, measures, and who supports them. See candidate biographies, top priorities, photos, policy videos, endorsements, and detailed information about who funds their campaigns. Read neutral summaries of ballot measures, see the latest news on the measures, and find out who supports and opposes them. Check where, when, and how to vote, including information on their local polling locations. Keep track of their choices to make voting easier. Share information about the election with friends and family.
Brian G. Dowling

100% campaign Facebook - 0 views

    100% for 100%. Our goal is to make new clean energy more affordable and accessible for all. We help you imagine and do what's possible. A campaign of the Solutions Project.
Brian G. Dowling

Earth Protector Communities - 0 views

    Earth Protector Communities is a local to global grassroots movement in which Towns/Cities, Educational Institutions, businesses and other organisations work together to protect the land, wildlife, air, soil and water and also endorse the Stop Ecocide campaign, which supports the legal and diplomatic work to make Ecocide an international crime.
Brian G. Dowling

Listen First Project - 0 views

    Distrust, fear, and contempt have poisoned our society and personal relationships-perhaps including your own. 75% of Americans say this problem has reached a crisis level. Experts say the solution is to cultivate more positive social connections.  A brighter future requires understanding, trust, and grace. Thankfully, 75% of Americans are willing to practice conversations across differences, and 36%-more than 100 million people-want to see a national campaign to improve those interactions.
Brian G. Dowling

Democracy Beyond Elections - 1 views

    Democracy Beyond Elections is a collaborative, national campaign dedicated to transformative democracy rooted in community led decision making.  It is not enough to get the right person elected or to know that those closest to the issues are closest to the solutions - we must act on this knowledge and put real decision making power in community hands. This means equipping community-members often ignored, pushed out, or marginalized by our current democratic systems with the tools, resources, and opportunities to deeply engage in democratic processes. This means committing to radically reimagine what participation and civic engagement really entail - including tangible and consequential power sharing. And this means expanding our definition of democracy to extend between and beyond elections in participatory practices that include everyone.
Brian G. Dowling

Not your usual OpenPlans toolkit | OpenPlans - 0 views

    We build tools to get cities on the path to better technology, help citizens get the responsive government they should expect, and scale up small discussions to city-wide change. We are an impartial, informed guide to civic technology, incorporating technology, transportation and city planning, an open-source approach, and the standards knowledge necessary to deliver valuable tools to our clients.
Brian G. Dowling

Our Vision for Citizen Engagement - 0 views

    Citizen uptake to date has been, however less than was hoped. Part of it is the normal delay in innovation uptake, and part is linked to poor internet penetration and low connectivity in aid intensive countries. But the time has come to analyze more closely the reasons for this tepid demand side response or its lack of sustainability after an initial peak of interest. What may well be missing is the human element and the ability of people potentially interested in using this information to work together in conducive venues where they could exchange ideas, develop joint approaches, and train citizens and CSO organizations.
Brian G. Dowling

Water Foundation Grantmaking, Field Building, and Campaign Strategy - 1 views

    "We support community and nonprofit partners with scaling and accelerating their vital work. We help funders connect to and advance ambitious water strategies and systems change. "
Brian G. Dowling

Mentimeter Interactive presentation software - 1 views

    Use live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more to get real-time input - regardless if you're remote, hybrid or face-to-face
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