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Brian G. Dowling

National Equity Atlas - 0 views

    Equity is more than the right thing to do-it is an absolute economic imperative. The National Equity Atlas is a first-of-its-kind data and policy tool for the community leaders and policymakers who are working to build a new economy that is equitable, resilient, and prosperous.
Brian G. Dowling

Overview | National Equity Atlas - 0 views

    The National Equity Atlas is a living resource, and our team is working to add new data and functionality to this site and produce new equity analyses that inform action. We will let you know when we've added new data and tools to the site.
Brian G. Dowling

Portland State College of Urban & Public Affairs | The Initiative on Triple Bottom Line... - 0 views

    The Initiative on Triple Bottom Line Development evolved from the College's Social Equity and Opportunity Forum (SEOF).  The Forum was established by the Dean in 2007 as a bridging and brokering entity with a mission to elevate visibility and understanding of equity and opportunity issues in the region and facilitate effective response. When we speak of opportunity, we speak of fulfilling potential to thrive in physical, cultural, intellectual, and spiritual terms.  When we speak of equity we speak of fairness, within and between generations, in the distribution of access, benefits, and burdens.
Brian G. Dowling

Equity In Public Funds | Advancement Project California - 0 views

    Our goal is to provide public finance data, tools and training to local community-based organizations to strengthen their public interest and organizing campaigns. Equity in Public Funds partners with and increases the ability of community-based organizations to produce analyses of City and County fiscal inequities and advocate for reform.
Brian G. Dowling

COVID-19, Climate Change, and Equity - Climate Interactive - 0 views

    "Below you can find our resources which explore intersections of the COVID-19 crisis, climate change, equity, and beyond. Dr. Elizabeth Sawin, Co-Director and Co-Founder of Climate Interactive, reflects on how systems thinking approaches are necessary during this time. Her ideas highlight the need for applying a multisolving lens - emphasizing that as we find solutions to address one crisis, we can remediate and prevent other issues. "
Brian G. Dowling

Rio+20 The Future We Want - 1 views

    "Rio+20" is the short name for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012 - twenty years after the landmark 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. Rio+20 is also an opportunity to look ahead to the world we want in 20 years. At the Rio+20 Conference, world leaders, along with thousands of participants from the private sector, NGOs and other groups, will come together to shape how we can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection on an ever more crowded planet.
Brian G. Dowling

Equity and Inclusion: Getting Down to the Heart of Placemaking - Project for Public Spaces - 0 views

    Placemaking, a collaborative process by which we (residents, architects, activists, community leaders and planners alike) shape our public realm together, is fundamentally about inclusion and shared community ownership.
Brian G. Dowling

PolicyLink - 1 views

    Founded in 1999, PolicyLink connects the work of people on the ground to the creation of sustainable communities of opportunity that allow everyone to participate and prosper. Such communities offer access to quality jobs, affordable housing, good schools, transportation, and the benefits of healthy food and physical activity. Guided by the belief that those closest to the nation's challenges are central to finding solutions, PolicyLink relies on the wisdom, voice, and experience of local residents and organizations. Lifting Up What Works is our way of focusing attention on how people are working successfully to use local, state, and federal policy to create conditions that benefit everyone, especially people in low-income communities and communities of color. We share our findings and analysis through our publications, website and online tools, convenings, national summits, and in briefings with national and local policymakers. Our work is grounded in the conviction that equity - just and fair inclusion - must drive all policy decisions.
Brian G. Dowling

» Projects and Initiatives - 1 views

    Plan4Health is launching in neighborhoods, cities, and counties across the United States, funding work at the intersection of planning and public health. Anchored by American Planning Association (APA) chapters and American Public Health Association (APHA) affiliate members, Plan4Health supports creative partnerships to build sustainable, cross-sector coalitions. Each coalition is committed to increasing health equity through nutrition or physical activity. And, each coalition is dedicated to meeting the needs of residents where they live, work, or play.
Brian G. Dowling

Implementation & Equity 201 Archives | Smart Growth America - 0 views

Brian G. Dowling

Green Equitable Recovery Plans - Climate Interactive - 1 views

    Climate This webpage aims to collect as many examples as possible where city, state, and national leaders are making COVID-19 recovery plans in ways that could also produce benefits in racial, gender, and economic equity and in climate change mitigation and resilience. It is being maintained by the multisolving team at Climate Interactive, including Dr. Elizabeth Sawin and Cassandra Ceballos.
Brian G. Dowling

Planning for Public Health - 0 views

    Across the U.S., local governments are beginning to include goals and objectives that promote public health into their comprehensive plans. These long-term plans impact how people make choices of where to live and how to get around, their ability to access healthy foods and opportunities for physical activity, and affect broader issues of social equity, clean air and water, and more.
Brian G. Dowling

13 Ways We Can Fix The "Free Market" So It Works For Regular People, Not Just The Rich ... - 0 views

    The solution lies not in a freer marketplace with less government intervention, but in a marketplace that expresses the wishes and best interests of the majority, in one that fairly protects the rights of minorities with what we might call a "democratic marketplace," driven by a commitment to justice, equity, interdependence, ecological regeneration, and the well-being of all life. 
Brian G. Dowling

Post Carbon Institute | Leading the transition to a resilient world - 0 views

    Post Carbon Institute provides individuals, communities, businesses, and governments with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises that define the 21st century. We envision a world of resilient communities and re-localized economies that thrive within ecological bounds.
Brian G. Dowling

Network Center for Community Change - 0 views

    Our Theory of Change The Network is about: Building community demand for results, by mobilizing residents and stakeholders around an equity agenda creating opportunity for families and transforming neighborhoods. The Network is about higher aspirations, and about providing both the expectation of a better future as well as the connections and collective power to pursue it. Creating new connections to systems and organizations by creating new avenues and approaches for interacting with systems that otherwise pose barriers. Transforming the environment to sustain the change, creating family-centered, equitable, results-focused systems that work for all families. Holding ourselves and others accountable for what we say we are doing in community.
Brian G. Dowling

U.S. Department of Arts and Culture - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture (USDAC) is the nation's newest people-powered department, founded on the truth that art and culture are our most powerful and under-tapped resources for social change. Radically inclusive, useful and sustainable, and vibrantly playful, the USDAC aims to spark a grassroots, creative change movement, engaging millions in performing and creating a world rooted in empathy, equity, and social imagination. 
Brian G. Dowling | Home - 0 views

    At, we believe that the most potent weapon against global poverty is design. The solutions, systems, and social innovation that arise from truly understanding and designing alongside the poor are the most likely to offer hope and improve lives. And for us, if we can't see real impact, we haven't done our jobs.   Born in 2011 out of the global design and innovation firm IDEO, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to applying human-centered design to alleviate poverty. We partner with nonprofit organizations, social enterprises, and foundations, to directly address the needs of the poor in sectors like health, water and sanitation, financial inclusion, agriculture, and gender equity. We employ top-notch designers, an elite class of businesspeople, and development experts, making a flexible and creative organization uniquely situated to tackle poverty through design.   A key pillar of our mission is to spread human-centered design. Though we believe that our design process is crucial to arriving at innovative solutions, we don't think that we're the only ones who should be using it. We want everyone on board. By sharing, teaching, and empowering social-sector workers to practice human-centered design, we're elevating design as a poverty-fighting tool.   We work at home and abroad, on our own projects and promoting and supporting the work of others, spreading the practice and promise of human-centered design. is dedicated innovation, great design, and changing lives
Brian G. Dowling

Post Carbon Institute Facebook - 0 views

    Founded in 2003, Post Carbon Institute provides individuals, communities, businesses, and governments with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises that define the 21st century. We envision a world of resilient communities and re-localized economies that thrive within ecological bounds.
Brian G. Dowling

Ranking of 30 U.S. Metros Ties Walkability and Real Estate Growth - Next City - 1 views

    The report concludes, however, by cautioning that the high housing costs in these communities threaten that equity and must be addressed through "attainable housing programs." It also predicts that Detroit, Phoenix, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Miami, Atlanta and Cleveland display the greatest indications that they'll develop a walkable urbanism.
Brian G. Dowling

Wellesley Urban Health Model | Wellesley Institute - 0 views

    Wellesley Institute works in research and policy to improve health and health equity in the GTA through action on the social determinants of health. Vision: A healthier and more equitable Greater Toronto Area for all. Mission: Advance population health and reduce health inequities by driving change on the so­cial determinants of health through applied research, effective policy solutions, knowledge mobilization, and innovation.
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