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Brian G. Dowling

Public Administration - 0 views

  • was created as an online informational resource for individuals looking to pursue public administration-related education and careers. We cover various topics ranging from what you can do with a public administration degree, links to related resources, and information about this specific field within the job market.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Service Leadership Model * Partnership for Public Service - 0 views

    "As Americans, we have only one institution with the resources and the public mandate to address our nation's most important and difficult challenges: the federal government. As government struggles to recruit new talent, keep up with ever-increasing innovation and contend with a wave of retirements, we need federal leadership that endures beyond appointment terms, administrations and the headlines of the day. In response to this urgent need, The Partnership for Public Service developed the Public Service Leadership Model as the standard for effective federal leadership.  "
Brian G. Dowling - 0 views

    The purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. As a priority Open Government Initiative for President Obama's administration, increases the ability of the public to easily find, download, and use datasets that are generated and held by the Federal Government. provides descriptions of the Federal datasets (metadata), information about how to access the datasets, and tools that leverage government datasets. The data catalogs will continue to grow as datasets are added. Federal, Executive Branch data are included in the first version of
Brian G. Dowling

Dance/USA - The national service organization for professional dance. - 0 views

    Your legacy is important. As dancers, choreographers, and artists, we have a responsibility to document and preserve our art form for future generations. Even if you are at the beginning of your artistic career, the benefits of developing your archive include improving your organization's administrative efficiency, strengthening its self-knowledge, enhancing its public image, and contributing to scholarship and public education. The Artist's Legacy Toolkit will help you organize and preserve your materials in ways that are practical but neither time-intensive nor expensive. See below for guidelines on how to use the Toolkit depending on where you are in your career.
Brian G. Dowling

Government Leadership Advisory Council * Partnership for Public Service - 0 views

    We lead proactive efforts to make the federal government more effective. We convene stakeholders from across the public and private sectors to solve critical management challenges, and we work with federal agencies, Congress and the administration to deliver results.
Brian G. Dowling

National Resources & Technical Assistance For Transit-Oriented Development - 0 views

    The TOD Technical Assistance Initiative is a project of the Federal Transit Administration administered by Smart Growth America that provides on-the-ground and online technical assistance to support transit-oriented development, improve access to public transportation, and build new economic opportunities and pathways to employment for local communities. Learn more about the project >>
Brian G. Dowling

Results for America: Federal Agencies Are Ready for the Next Phase of Evidence-based Po... - 0 views

    WASHINGTON, DC - Today, at a virtual event co-hosted with the National Academy of Public Administration, Results for America will release the 2020 Invest in What Works Federal Standard of Excellence, an annual review of how federal agencies are using evidence and data to get better results for young people, their families, and communities.
Brian G. Dowling

California State Association of Counties - 1 views

    The primary purpose of CSAC is to represent county government before the California Legislature, administrative agencies and the federal government. CSAC places a strong emphasis on educating the public about the value and need for county programs and services.
Brian G. Dowling

The Collaboration Project | An independent community powered by the National Academy of... - 1 views

    The adoption of collaboration tools is not, at its heart, a technology issue. Technology is readily available and is neither complicated nor expensive. The issue is how government can most effectively put this new technology to work to bring in additional voices and experience to help address key management issues.
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