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Wildcat2030 wildcat

Virtual Reality and Social Networks Will Be a Powerful Combination - IEEE Spectrum - 3 views

    "Half a billion people around the world spend more than 20 hours a week "wearing" avatars, that is, using digital representations of themselves. Did you know that a virtual representation of a politician could be more convincing than the politician himself? That your heart beats just as fast when your girlfriend winks at you from your computer screen as when she walks into the room? That if you make your onscreen surrogate mimic your friend's head movements, he's more likely to do what you say? Within three years, many online interactions will not simply involve passages of text typed on a keyboard but will instead be rich exchanges involving sophisticated representations of ourselves. Those digital beings are called avatars, and today at least half a billion people around the world are routinely socializing through them over the Internet, for example in online games."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Carnegie Mellon uses social networking to tap collective intelligence of online study g... - 2 views

    "Taking their cue from social media, educators at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a social networking application called Classroom Salon that engages students in online learning communities that effectively tap the collective intelligence of groups. Thousands of high school and university students used Classroom Salon (CLS),, this past academic year to share their ideas about texts, news articles and other reading materials or their critiques of each others' writings. With the support of the Next Generation Learning Challenges initiative, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, CLS will be used in an innovative experiment at the University of Baltimore to see if it can help students who are in danger of failing introductory courses or otherwise dropping out of college. "Sites such as Facebook and Twitter have captured the attention of young people in a way that blogs and online discussion forums have not," said Ananda Gunawardena, associate teaching professor in the Computer Science Department, who developed CLS with David S. Kaufer, professor of English. "With Classroom Salon, we've tried to capture the sense of connectedness that makes social media sites so appealing, but within a framework that that allows groups to explore texts deeply. So it's not just social networking for the sake of socializing but enhancing the student experience as readers and writers.""
thinkahol *

Jeff Hawkins on Artificial Intelligence - Part 1/5 - YouTube - 4 views

    The founder of Palm, Jeff Hawkins, solves the mystery of Artificial Intelligence and presents his theory at the RSA Conference 2008. He gives a brief tutorial on the neocortex and then explains how the brain stores memory and then describes how to use that knowledge to create artificial intelligence. This lecture is insightful and his theory will revolutionize computer science.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Which is More Important: Distro, Desktop…or Something Else? | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "In other words, they opined, it's the desktop, and not the distro, which represents the operating system - or even the entire computer - to most users."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Distro or Desktop? You Say Both | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "The FOSS Force Poll Inquiring minds wanted to know, so we asked. When choosing what to run on a machine - we're talking computing machines running GNU/Linux here - what's more important, the choice of distro or which desktop environment to run? We began asking"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

LibrePlanet 2016 [March 19-20 MIT Cambridge, Massachusetts] - 0 views

    "LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation for people who care about their digital freedoms, bringing together software developers, policy experts, activists, and computer users to learn skills, share accomplishments, and address challenges facing the free software movement"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

[#Storage #Tech:] SSD vs HDD | Why Solid State Drives Are Better Than Hard Drives - 0 views

    "Solid state drives provide substantial benefits over traditional hard drives, and OCZ makes it easy to see why! Whether you're refreshing an old laptop or trying to maximize the potential of the latest desktop, SSDs are the ultimate way to "feel" the difference in your everyday computing performance!"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Software Piracy and Linux Adoption by Arne Rogde Gramstad :: SSRN - 0 views

    "Arne Rogde Gramstad University of Oslo, Department of Economics, Students February 5, 2016 Abstract: The open-source software operating system Linux is a free-of-charge substitute to proprietary systems like Microsoft Windows. By using a cross-country data set, this paper finds evidence that increased piracy of proprietary software has a negative impact on adoption of desktop versions of Linux. The interpretation of this result is that the availability of pirated versions of Windows leads to fewer individuals installing a Linux operating system on their desktop computers. Thus, in the absence of software piracy, Linux would be a more widely used operating system. Number of Pages in PDF File: 11 Keywords: Open-source software, software piracy, intellectual property JEL Classification: L11, L17, O34"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Online discussions about rape, cannibalism, torture are not illegal, court rules | Ars ... - 0 views

    "Judges also rule prosecutors abused the anti-hacking Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. by David Kravets (US) - Dec 5, 2015 10:35am CET"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Tony Maro: My Linux Story | - 0 views

    "Having lived and breathed computers and electronics since I first helped my dad run a card sorter at work as a child, I've never been afraid to try new things (or to break them). "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What's Your Threat Score? | Alternet [Via] - 0 views

    "it's a computer algorithm that steals your data and calculates your likelihood of risk and threat for the fuzz." [# Via Janet Innes-Kirkwood]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Musk and Friends Launch OpenAI | Community | LinuxInsider - 0 views

    "What OpenAI Will Do OpenAI's researchers will be encouraged to publish their work, and any patents awarded will be shared with everyone. They will collaborate freely with both institutions and corporate entities. Today's AI systems are outstanding when it comes to pattern recognition problems, but they're limited to those. OpenAI plans to work to remove those constraints until computers eventually can reach human performance on virtually every intellectual task, Brockman and Sutskever wrote. Doing so correctly could be of huge benefit -- or it could cause incalculable harm. OpenAI's investors consider it important to have a leading research institution that "can prioritize a good outcome for all over its own self-interest," they said. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Future of the Free Software Foundation: Your Input Requested - Datamation - 0 views

    "The FSF is surveying computer users in an effort to renew its relevance, asking users for input on all manner of free and open source software issues. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What's your vision for the FSF? Fill out our survey - Free Software Foundation - workin... - 0 views

    [ by Zak Rogoff - Published on Jan 08, 2016 08:01 PM 2015 was the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) thirtieth year defending and advancing computer users' rights. The free software community has sustained the Foundation throughout these decades and been deeply involved in our work. We continue to rely on the expertise of the free software movement to inform our initiatives and strategies. Taking the first step into our next thirty years, we want to hear your feedback, your suggestions, and your vision for the future of the FSF. Fill out the survey now!]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hello World · GitHub Guides - 1 views

    "The Hello World project is a time-honored tradition in computer programming. It is a simple exercise that gets you started when learning something new. Let's get started with GitHub! You'll learn how to: Create and use a repository Start and manage a new branch Make changes to a file and push them to GitHub as commits Open and merge a pull request"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Contentious Windows 10 upgrade ads removed from Windows 7, 8.1 | Ars Technica UK - 0 views

    "The controversial and increasingly aggressive upgrade campaign frustrated many. Peter Bright (US) - Sep 21, 2016 9:42 pm UTC"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

When OpenOrg meets DevOps | - 0 views

    "In October, the OpenOrg and DevOps communities joined forces for an #OpenOrgChat."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Monta y configura tu propio ordenador pieza a pieza - - 0 views

    "1: ¿Qué tipo de ordenador necesitas? La configuración y montaje de un ordenador puede parecer algo muy complicado, pero en realidad no lo es tanto. Bastará con conocer algunas características básicas de los componentes para evitar incompatibilidades y tener en cuenta algunos factores importantes a la hora de elegir los componentes adecuados para construir tu PC."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Running Windows apps on Linux - Datamation - 0 views

    "Running Windows apps on Linux is achieved mainly by two methods, though there are a number of factors to consider."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Report: Operating Systems Should Actively Block Pirated Downloads - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on August 3, 2016 C: 253 News Apple, Google and Microsoft, are in an ideal position to deter piracy, according to a new report published by Black Market Watch and the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime. The controversial report opts for voluntary or mandatory blocking of pirated content on the operating system level."
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