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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Institute for Responsible Technology - GMO Myths and Truths report - 0 views

    "Executive Summary GMO Myths and Truths report Genetically modified (GM) crops are promoted on the basis of a range of far-reaching claims from the GM crop industry and its supporters. They say that GM crops: Are an extension of natural breeding and do not pose different risks from naturally bred crops Are safe to eat and can be more nutritious than naturally bred crops Are strictly regulated for safety Increase crop yields Reduce pesticide use Benefit farmers and make their lives easier Bring economic benefits Benefit the environment Can help solve problems caused by climate change Reduce energy use Will help feed the world. However, a large and growing body of scientific and other authoritative evidence shows that these claims are not true. On the contrary, evidence presented in this report indicates that GM crops: Are laboratory-made, using technology that is totally different from natural breeding methods, and pose different risks from non-GM crops Can be toxic, allergenic or less nutritious than their natural counterparts Are not adequately regulated to ensure safety Do not increase yield potential Do not reduce pesticide use but increase it Create serious problems for farmers, including herbicide-tolerant "superweeds", compromised soil quality, and increased disease susceptibility in crops Have mixed economic effects Harm soil quality, disrupt ecosystems, and reduce biodiversity Do not offer effective solutions to climate change Are as energy-hungry as any other chemically-farmed crops Cannot solve the problem of world hunger but distract from its real causes - poverty, lack of access to food and, increasingly, lack of access to land to grow it on. Based on the evidence presented in this report, there is no need to take risks with GM crops when effective, readily available, and sustainable solutions to the problems that GM technology is claimed to address already
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

WebTorrent Desktop - 0 views

    "Whether it's video from the Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, or audiobooks from Librivox, you can play it right away. You don't have to wait for it to finish downloading. WebTorrent - network of peers WebTorrent Desktop connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers. It can talk to peers running Transmission or uTorrent, and it can also talk to web pages like"
    "Whether it's video from the Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, or audiobooks from Librivox, you can play it right away. You don't have to wait for it to finish downloading. WebTorrent - network of peers WebTorrent Desktop connects to both BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers. It can talk to peers running Transmission or uTorrent, and it can also talk to web pages like"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Some Social Skills May Be Genetic | Wired Science | - 0 views

    "Social butterflies who shine at parties may get their edge from special genes that make them experts at recognizing faces. Scientists have found the strongest evidence to date that genes govern how well we keep track of who's who. The findings suggest that face-recognition and other cognitive skills may be separate from each other, and independent of general intelligence. This could help explain what makes one person good at math but bad at music, or good at spatial navigation but bad at language "People have wondered for a long time what makes one person cognitively different from another person," said cognitive psychologist Nancy Kanwisher of MIT, coauthor of the study published Jan. 7 in Current Biology. "Our study is one tiny piece of the answer to this question." The ability to recognize faces is not just handy for cocktail parties, it's crucial for distinguishing friend from foe and facilitating social interactions. If face recognition increases our ability to fend off predators and find mates, there is an evolutionary drive to encode this ability in our genes. To test this, Kanwisher's team looked at whether the ability to recognize faces runs in the family. They found that identical twins, who share 100 percent of their genes, were more similar in their face-recognition ability than fraternal twins, who share only 50 percent of their genes. This suggests the ability to recognize faces is heritable."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Disponible Linux From Scratch 7.10, la última versión estable de este singula... - 0 views

    "Posiblemente los usuarios de Linux más novatos no saben qué es Linux From Scratch, sin embargo los más expertos no sólo la conocen sino que lo valoran positivamente. Seguramente que muchos de vosotros, os gustaría crear una distribución personalizada, otros seguramente que os gustaría saber como funciona una distribución Gnu/Linux, pues bien, Linux From Scratch es la solución a estas incertidumbres"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Inside EurekAlert, the News Hub That Shapes the Science You Read | WIRED - 0 views

    "Scientists discover a new planet that might be able to support life. A drug that targets certain cancer receptors. Evidence of a previously unknown branch of human ancestors. Extreme weather. Dinosaurs had feathers? Who the hell knew ravens were so clever! And you saw the story on Facebook, on Twitter, in an email from your mom. Then you shared it to your coworker via Slack, your boss over lunch, from a barstool during your date that evening."
    "Scientists discover a new planet that might be able to support life. A drug that targets certain cancer receptors. Evidence of a previously unknown branch of human ancestors. Extreme weather. Dinosaurs had feathers? Who the hell knew ravens were so clever! And you saw the story on Facebook, on Twitter, in an email from your mom. Then you shared it to your coworker via Slack, your boss over lunch, from a barstool during your date that evening."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Tools To Password Protect Folder In Linux - LinuxAndUbuntu - 0 views

    "Most of the time, having a password protected user is all you need to keep your files private and protected from prying eyes. There are those few times when you need to allow access to your account to another person, sometimes there are folders or files you would like to keep away from being accessed. Now we can password protect folder with several handy tools. In the Windows world, these tools are quite easily available for Windows but today we will look at a few options available for the Linux user."
    "Most of the time, having a password protected user is all you need to keep your files private and protected from prying eyes. There are those few times when you need to allow access to your account to another person, sometimes there are folders or files you would like to keep away from being accessed. Now we can password protect folder with several handy tools. In the Windows world, these tools are quite easily available for Windows but today we will look at a few options available for the Linux user."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Russian Copyright Law Allows Entire News Site To Be Shut Down Over A Single Copied Arti... - 0 views

    "from the funny-how-that-works dept We've noted for a long time now that copyright laws are regularly used as a tool for censorship. In Russia, abusing copyright law for censorship and to harass political opponents has become standard. Remember how the Russian government teamed up with Microsoft to use questionable copyright claims to intimidate government critics? And then how the MPAA gleefully got into bed with Russia's media censor to celebrate copyright? Of course, Russia also expanded its ability to use copyright to censor the internet, following pressure from short-sighted US diplomats, demanding that Russia better "respect" copyright laws. "
    "from the funny-how-that-works dept We've noted for a long time now that copyright laws are regularly used as a tool for censorship. In Russia, abusing copyright law for censorship and to harass political opponents has become standard. Remember how the Russian government teamed up with Microsoft to use questionable copyright claims to intimidate government critics? And then how the MPAA gleefully got into bed with Russia's media censor to celebrate copyright? Of course, Russia also expanded its ability to use copyright to censor the internet, following pressure from short-sighted US diplomats, demanding that Russia better "respect" copyright laws. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What is Copyleft? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) - 0 views

    *The Copyleft is not a whim from free-riders -as 'many' believe- it's a serious proposal from the software creators that like to share -and benefit, and let others benefiting from- the open works...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Applying the open source approach to product development | - 0 views

    "Enterprises learned an important lesson on their way to embracing open source software: they could benefit from work that came from outside of their own rosters of employees. Now businesses are beginning to recognize that open source "
    "Enterprises learned an important lesson on their way to embracing open source software: they could benefit from work that came from outside of their own rosters of employees. Now businesses are beginning to recognize that open source "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

History of Copyright: Statute of Anne, 1710 - 0 views

    "The Statute of Anne, 1710 (1/6) (transcription below image) This is the first copyright act in the world, the British Statute of Anne, from 1710. This facsimile is taken from British Library, 8 Anne c. 19. Several monographs on copyright date this text to 1709. However, 1710 is the correct date, see John Feather, The Book Trade in Politics: The Making of the Copyright Act of 1710, "Publishing History", 19(8), 1980, p. 39 (note 3). Transcription from fraktur is available below the image. Words in roman type in the original are formatted here as italics."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What Does "Fast" Mean? | Linux Journal - 0 views

    "What Is Speed? Many non-technical people will say "I want to have a fast Web site." From a technical perspective, however, that's not a very useful statement, because it neither differentiates between the different types of speed, nor does it consider the multiple layers involved in a modern Web application, nor does it take into consideration multiple people and the crunch that comes from a sudden surge of interest in the site. "
    "What Is Speed? Many non-technical people will say "I want to have a fast Web site." From a technical perspective, however, that's not a very useful statement, because it neither differentiates between the different types of speed, nor does it consider the multiple layers involved in a modern Web application, nor does it take into consideration multiple people and the crunch that comes from a sudden surge of interest in the site. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Privileged Users Are a Major Security Risk - 0 views

    " Privileged users are a key concern for IT leaders because inadvertent leaks from unsanctioned app usage are more likely to originate from this user group."
    " Privileged users are a key concern for IT leaders because inadvertent leaks from unsanctioned app usage are more likely to originate from this user group."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD. - Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. - 0 views

    "Easy file sharing from the command line"
    "Easy file sharing from the command line"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Wondering What Lies Ahead? The Power of Predictive Modeling | Forte Consultancy - 0 views

    "Forte Consultancy / May 17, 2010 From telecoms to finance, e-commerce to government, predictive models are being utilized across various sectors to tackle all kinds of business problems. Companies that have yet to benefit from this practice need to examine the ways in which they can do so… You can download PDF version of this whitepaper here."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

ISECOM - Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) - 0 views

    "Fact does not come from the grand leaps of discovery but rather from the small, careful steps of verification. That is the premise of the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual also known as the OSSTMM (pronounced as "awstem") It is a peer-reviewed manual of security testing and analysis which result in verified facts."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

7 Ways Linux Users Differ from Windows Users - Datamation - 0 views

    "Linux users are different from Windows users in attitude as much as their choice of operating system."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Standards Body Whines That People Who Want Free Access To The Law Probably Also Want 'F... - 0 views

    "from the bad-ansi,-bad dept You would think that "the law" is obviously part of the public domain. It seems particularly crazy to think that any part of the law itself might be covered by copyright, or (worse) locked up behind some sort of paywall where you cannot read it. Carl Malamud has spent many years working to make sure the law is freely accessible... and he's been sued a bunch of times and is still in the middle of many lawsuits, including one from the State of Georgia for publishing its official annotated code (the state claims the annotations are covered by copyright)."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Sony Sued For Not Protecting Leaked Movie From Pirates - TorrentFreak [# ! Note] - 0 views

    " Andy on July 29, 2016 C: 39 News In 2014, Sony was subjected to a massive cyberattack which resulted in the leak of huge quantities of data. The trove contained several movies, all of which appeared online for anyone to download for free. Now the owner of one of the titles is suing Sony, claiming that company failed in its obligation to protect the movie from Internet pirates."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What makes up the Fedora kernel? - Fedora Magazine - 0 views

    "Every Fedora system runs a kernel. Many pieces of code come together to make this a reality. Each release of the Fedora kernel starts with a baseline release from the upstream community. This is often called a 'vanilla' kernel. The upstream kernel is the standard. The goal is to have as much code upstream as possible. This makes it easier for bug fixes and API updates to happen as well as having more people review the code. In an ideal world, Fedora would be able to to take the kernel straight from and send that out to all users."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Is One Big Fat Pirate-Linking Search Engine - Digital Music News - 0 views

    "Is Google bullying the entire media industry? On Wednesday, Getty Images filed a complaint with the European Union's antitrust commission over Google's alleged piracy of its content. Getty Images claims that Google 'siphons traffic' away from the company's premium website."
    "Is Google bullying the entire media industry? On Wednesday, Getty Images filed a complaint with the European Union's antitrust commission over Google's alleged piracy of its content. Getty Images claims that Google 'siphons traffic' away from the company's premium website."
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