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Makerspaces in Libraries: Play, Discovery, and Collegiality | Whyte | The iJournal: Gra... - 1 views

    This article is from the journal of U of T's School of Information Science. Based on research in public libraries, it speaks about the importance of promoting play, discovery, and collegiality in makerspaces. It offers some encouragement re: letting students mess around, after at least a little guidance!

Educational Leadership:Relationships First:Fox Taming and Teaching - 1 views

  • Little Prince asks the fox to play with him—to enter his world. "I cannot play with you," says the fox. "I am not tamed."
  • The curious traveler asks what it means to be tamed.
  • "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
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  • that's the essence of "real" teaching—the transformative kind that sends a young person forward on a journey they understand to be their own
  • It's about a teacher intending to see beauty—what is invisible to the eye—in the child who passes by.
  • It's about knowing that establishing ties must start the learning journey
  • John Hattie (2009) points to positive teacher-student relationships as one of the most potent catalysts for student achievement.
  • ne of the great satisfactions of teaching is that those of us who teach are the primary beneficiaries of the process. We are re-made each year
    This article was referred to me by my colleague Nicole Davies as I was writing and thinking about making contact with students in more meaningful ways in the classroom. A neat metaphor...
garth nichols

6 Illustrations That Show What It's Like in an Introvert's Head - 5 views

    Love these illustrations as a way to visualize what a quiet student is doing on the inside!
    Very interesting article - the illustrations gave me a lot to think about. Knowing a bit of this now, it will be interesting to think about how to manage collaborative work, from grouping to helping students to find the right pacing so that everyone has time to figure out what they need to say and do. In short, getting the tortoise and the hare to the start line at roughly the same time?

MLTS Sparks - 3 views

    A series of videos about the future of education...great food for thought, sparks for discussion, etc.
    These look great - thank you. I partciularly like the idea of group testing near the end of in A Test of Value.

5 Strategies to Deepen Student Collaboration | Edutopia - 2 views

    • d_rutherford_8
      In order to make collaborative tasks authentic, we have to make them complex enough that working together makes sense.
  • One way to do this is through rigorous projects that require students to identify a problem (for example, balancing population growth in their city with protection of existing green spaces) and agree—through research, discussion, debate, and time to develop their ideas—on a solution which they must then propose together.
  • We have to help students understand the what, why, and how of collaboration. We can do this in several ways:
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    • d_rutherford_8
      It's not enough to just force student groups; we have to get them to see the benefits of collaboration and what successful collaboration looks like. It's important for us to teach them these skills.
  • Design meaningful team roles that relate to the content and to the task.
  • assessing students both individually and as a group.
  • individual accountability
  • small groups
  • evaluate their own participation and effort
  • Many group projects are based on efficiency, dividing labor to create a product in the most effective way possible. This focus on the product means that we often ignore the process of collaboration.
    • d_rutherford_8
      Focus on the process in addition to the product to see how students have benefitted from the collaborative process.
  • Collaboration should not just strengthen students’ existing skills but ensure that their interactions stretch existing knowledge and expand one another’s expertise.
  • we want to ensure that students don’t just occupy the same physical space but that they share an intellectual space—that they learn more, do more, and experience more together than they would alone.

A Lightning-Fast Way To Make A Digital Prototype | Co.Design | business + design - 3 views

    How to prototype with Keynote
    Finally, a use for Keynote ;) Make sure to export to PDF so the rest of the world can open it.
garth nichols

Math Teachers Should Encourage Their Students to Count Using Their Fingers in Class - T... - 2 views

  • This is not an isolated event—schools across the country regularly ban finger use in classrooms or communicate to students that they are babyish. This is despite a compelling and rather surprising branch of neuroscience that shows the importance of an area of our brain that “sees” fingers, well beyond the time and age that people use their fingers to count.
  • Remarkably, brain researchers know that we “see” a representation of our fingers in our brains, even when we do not use fingers in a calculation
  • Evidence from both behavioral and neuroscience studies shows that when people receive training on ways to perceive and represent their own fingers, they get better at doing so, which leads to higher mathematics achievement. The tasks we have developed for use in schools and homes (see below) are based on the training programs researchers use to improve finger-perception quality.
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  • The need for and importance of finger perception could even be the reason that pianists, and other musicians, often display higher mathematical understanding than people who don’t learn a musical instrument.
  • Teachers should celebrate and encourage finger use among younger learners and enable learners of any age to strengthen this brain capacity through finger counting and use. They can do so by engaging students in a range of classroom and home activities, such as:Give the students colored dots on their fingers and ask them to touch the corresponding piano keys:
  • Visual math is powerful for all learners. A few years ago Howard Gardner proposed a theory of multiple intelligences, suggesting that people have different approaches to learning, such as those that are visual, kinesthetic, or logical. T
  • To engage students in productive visual thinking, they should be asked, at regular intervals, how they see mathematical ideas, and to draw what they see. They can be given activities with visual questions and they can be asked to provide visual solutions to questions.
    Great article on the strategies and rethinking of them in Math class for younger grades

GV guide to research - 2 views

    Great resource on user testing.
Justin Medved

How Do I Differentiate Through Project-Based Learning? - TeachThought PD - 3 views

    "There are many opportunities to differentiate from the start of a PBL unit to its climactic conclusion. In my book, So All Can Learn: A Practical Guide for Differentiation (February 2017), I explain that the key is to think of Differentiation as a lens that's used to view lessons and units for planned opportunities of supports that meet all learner needs. For PBL units, as with traditional units, lesson planning is where the learning experiences take shape. Here are some PBL strategies that can be differentiated to bring out the power of meeting learner needs, so all can learn. Strong PBL units include standard elements that make for rich experiences. They include: Authentic Purpose Entry Event Need to Know protocol Checkpoints Student Voice"

Framework for 21st Century Learning - P21 - 4 views

  • “21st century student outcomes”
  • are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century.
  • Disciplines include: English, reading or language artsWorld languagesArtsMathematicsEconomicsScienceGeographyHistoryGovernment and Civics
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  • In addition to these subjects,
  • promoting understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into curriculum:
  • Global awareness Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health literacy Environmental literacy 
  • Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as the skills that separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century, and those who are not.
  • A focus on creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.
  • To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively utilize information, media, and technology.
  • Today's students need to develop thinking skills, content knowledge, and social and emotional competencies to navigate complex life and work environments. P21's essential Life and Career Skills include:: Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability
  • Leadership & Responsibility
    This page gives an overview of a framework for 21st century skills and learning. I like how it values all of the academic disciplines and gives links to different sites that focus on broader interdisciplinary themes, innovation skills, information, media, and technology skills, and life and career skills.
Lara Gee


    This is a great resource - I particularly liked the link to the infographic. We just has a workshop on this for our students in grades 4-8 - I have sent it along to teachers at our school. They might get some good ideas for followup discussions.
Myriam Lafrance

About French Quest - French Quest - 4 views

  • FrenchQuest is a tool that supports blended learning in the French language learning classroom.
    Thanks for sending this link. It looks interesting - I have passed it on to our middle school French teachers.
garth nichols

Ideaflip | Realtime brainstorming and collaboration - 6 views

    What a great idea to take brainstorming out of the classroom, and have the students do some thinking together asynchronously
    Thanks for sending this link - I think it has great potential for planning with colleagues and with students. I tried it out with some ideas about some upcoming lessons and invited my colleague.

The Third Teacher - 1 views

shared by amacrae on 19 Nov 16 - No Cached
  • 2Getting Started with the Physical EnvironmentOVERALL ...It is both an art and a science to design (as opposed to decorate) a learning environment that responds to our ultimate goal as educators – to develop independent and rigorous thought. Therefore, if we want to foster discovery and reflection, dialogue and the sharing of ideas, the overall physical environment should include:•A large gathering space for whole-group work and discussions, located near whiteboards, easels and/or projector screens.•A gathering space for small-group and whole-group discussions – where students can see clearly the representations of learning that are posted on boards or screens and hear classmates as they share ideas.•Flexible and reconfigurable space for small-group collaborative work and inquiry – space must allow for groupings of various sizes, such as pairs, triads and groups of four or more.•Desks and tables configured to facilitate discussion by allowing eye contact with peers and teacher, the unencumbered flow of traffic and enough space for students to write collaboratively.•Active areas for inquiry, investigation and wonder and quiet areas for thinking and exploring technology – all areas need to be accessible to students for communicating and documenting their own learning (e.g., computers, computer software, tablets, digital cameras and video recorders, document cameras, interactive white boards).•Instructional materials organized in such a way as to provide easy selection and access for all students – materials may include computer software, educational web sites and applications, found materials, graphic organizers, newspapers and other media, resource texts, etc.FOR MATHEMATICS ...Mathematically literate students demonstrate the capacity to “formulate, employ and interpret mathematics” (OECD, 2012, p. 4); they view themselves as mathematicians, knowing that mathematics can be used to understand important issues and to solve meaningful problems, not just in school but in life. By extension, the physical environment for mathematics learning should include: •Spaces where students can use manipulatives to solve problems and record their solutions.•Board and/or wall space to display student solutions for Math Congress and Bansho – student solutions should be easily visible from the group gathering space.•Space to post co-created reference charts such as glossary terms and past and current summaries of learning that specifically support the development of the big ideas currently under study.•Instructional materials organized in such a way as to provide easy selection and access for all students; may include mathematics manipulatives, calculators and other mathematical tools, mathematical texts, hand-held technology.FOR LITERACY ... Today’s literate learners experience “a constant stream of ideas and information” – they need strategies for interpretation and making sense and lots of practice in identifying meaning, bias and perspective (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2009, 2006). By extension, the physical environment for literacy learning should include: •Spaces where students can talk, listen, read and write.A place for wonder, mystery and discovery ...“We need to think about creating classroom environments that give children the opportunity for wonder, mystery and discovery; an environment that speaks to young children’s inherent curiosity and innate yearning for exploration is a classroom where children are passionate about learning and love school.” (Heard & McDonough, 2009)
  • maintain that the key to learning in today’s world is not just the physical space we provide for students but the social space as well (
  • A large gathering space
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  • mall-
James Trood

3 Ways to Be Less Boring | Edutopia - 6 views

  • Use Wait Time Two
  • Try "Do Not Call On Me" Signals
  • Enjoy Your Students
    How can we help those who never put up there hands?
    Lately I have tried something where I tell the students I will be asking at least 21 questions (the number of students in my class) and for them to choose the question they will answer. Some of the questions were simple yes/no, but it got those who never say anything, putting their hand up and answering a question. I even got a smile from some of them.
Christina Schindler

Learner-driven learning | SmartBrief - 3 views

    An interesting (and quick read) that reinforces the importance of a 'learner- driven' learning environment and how it can impact buy-in as well as student success.
    Thank you for the reference. Having the students drive the bus, instead of being passengers in learning is so important.

7 Ways to Hack Your Classroom to Include Student Choice - 3 views

  • Giving students choice in testing is not something you see in many classrooms.
  • You might also consider adding a variety of question types, like constructed response, multiple choice with multiple correct answers, true/false and yes/no items. In doing so, you are giving students even more choice and modeling your classroom tests after Common Core assessments, especially if you build your tests online.
  • Letting students make choices in the classroom makes them feel like stakeholders in the classroom.
garth nichols

35 Psychology-Based Learning Strategies For Deeper Learning - 4 views

    Brain-based learning strategies

Forget Talent: Why Practice is Key to Most Prodigies' Success | MindShift | KQED News - 1 views

  • Peak: Secrets From The New Science Of Expertise,
  • talent” is often a story we tell ourselves to justify our own failure or to protect children from the possibility of failure.
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  • a tendency to assume that some people have a talent for something and others don’t and that you can tell the difference early on. If you believe that, you encourage and support the ‘talented’ ones and discourage the rest, creating the self-fulfilling prophecy. … The best way to avoid this is to recognize the potential in all of us — and work to find ways to develop it.
  • “deliberate practice.”
  • ind a teacher who has been teaching other people to reach the level of performance that you want to attain. This basically means that teacher will be able to tell you the most effective ways to improve. A good teacher will also be able to find suitable units of improvement, so you don’t push yourself more than you can do.
  • start out, 15 or 20 minutes [a day]
  • think of something you want to attain and then get the help of teachers and parents to start you on the path of creating that
  • But you haven’t simply been waiting around for something that would allow you to instantaneously become good because that’s never happening.
  • You can improve your performance more in those one or two hours with a coach than in 5 to 10 years of regular practice with your friends.
  • you’re really trying to help the child develop this ability and become increasingly more able to monitor their own learning so they will eventually become independent
  • there is a way of helping a child get enjoyment from the mastery and the development of an ability.
  • before a public performance a child is much more motivated to practice and work on things that will translate into a better performance.
  • When that becomes important, you’ll have the motivation and willingness to do the training that will allow you to reach a high level of proficiency.
  • with certain kinds of math activities it’s hard to see how they will actually benefit you as an adult. So, I think education can be transformed into being more skills-based, where students will be able to see how, by learning certain skills, they’ll be able to do things that they couldn’t do before.
  • understand and integrate that knowledge in a way that allows you to use it.
  • I could infer and relate things that were related to me in a meaningful way.
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