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Why the Growth Mindset is the Only Way to Learn | Edudemic - 8 views

    • Derek Doucet
      A game changer - All Students can Learn!!!
  • “You’re too old to learn a foreign language.” “I couldn’t work on computers. I’m just not good with them.” “I’m not smart enough to run my own business.” Do you know what these statements have in common? They’re all examples of the fixed mindset- the belief that intelligence, ability, and success are static qualities that can’t be changed.
  • The problem is, this mindset will make you complacent, rob your self-esteem and bring meaningful education to a halt. In short, it’s an intellectual disease and patently untrue.
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    • Christi Lovrics
      I love the word 'earned'. Skills don't come easily, you have to really work for them.
    • Christi Lovrics
      I love the word 'earned'. Skills don't come easily, you have to really work for them.
  • Talents are innate. Skills are earned.
  • Within a fixed framework, progress is impossible.
  • fixed mindset
  • the growth mindset,
  • a malleable approach to the world
  • believe that at a certain point, what you have is all you’re ever going to have:
  • “You’re too old to learn a foreign language.”
  • fixed mindset, you believe that at a certain point, what you have is all you’re ever going to have
  • In conversation, “skill” and “talent” are often used interchangeably – but there’s an essential difference: Talents are innate. Skills are earned.
  • he growth mindset is the opposite of the fixed: It thrives on challenge and sees failure as an opportunity for growth. It creates a passion for learning instead of a hunger for approval.
    • kristensolowey
      How do you foster a growth mindset in your students?
  • Having
    • tanyacatallo
  • ty; it crushes resilience an
  • The growth mindset is the opposite of the fixed: It thrives on challenge and sees failure as an opportunity for growth. It creates a passion for learning instead of a hunger for approval.
  • “The growth mindset does allow people to love what they’re doing – and continue to love it in the face of difficulties. … The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome.” Remember those students in Hong Kong. Be humble, act as if you’re remedial, and you’ll learn all the more!
    • anonymous
      learning has value regardless of the outcome
  • In conversation, “skill” and “talent” are often used interchangeably – but there’s an essential difference: Talents are innate. Skills are earned.
  • As much as possible, take object orientation out of the equation. Focus on the task at hand. Don’t compare yourself to others or worry if you’re making the knowledge stick. Just learn- stolidly, patiently, and without tripping over your own expectations.
  • Focusing on innate qualities and praising purely for current ability inhibits learning, while praising the process of learning and growth instead of immediate talent promotes it.
  • reatens your competenc
    • heatherradams
      What are you doing with Growth Mindset stuff?
    Looking at growth vs fixed in student learning...
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    Understanding Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
    Talents are innate. Skills are earned. Moving onto the GROWTH MINDSET.
    Growth mindset
    Great article highlighting the value of the growth midnset
Christina Schindler

How to Praise Your Child and Encourage a Growth Mindset | Motion Math - 2 views

  • How to Praise Your Child and Encourage a Growth Mindset
  • The right kind motivates students to learn.” - Carol Dweck
    • Christina Schindler
      Good summary of the research and data that explains the science behind this idea -- a key component of the PD conversation with teachers when discussing how we can implement this as a school-wide tool for communication & feedback 
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  • Being mindful about how you praise your child can help your child foster a growth mindset and boost his or her motivation, resilience and learning
  • Citing specific behaviors such as the amount of time spent or the approach your learner is taking to figure out the task enables the child to connect their actions with results. Additionally, the praise needs to be sincere, otherwise your kid will discredit all praise – insincere and sincere.
    • Christina Schindler
      The parent perspective is key part of a meaningful conversation on mindset, especially in the learning environment.  Trying to shift the focus away from marks alone -- towards the effort, energy and experience of learning is significant.  It is also not easy. I've included articles like this as part of the parent communication piece on how we are implementing a growth mindset perspective.  
  • “I’m proud of you for sticking with it and taking the time to understand the concepts you’re trying to learn.”
  • “I noticed you spent a lot of time figuring out your homework – I’m happy that you’re so dedicated. Let’s work together to figure out what you don’t understand.”
  • “When you ask questions to figure out what you’re doing, I appreciate your curiosity.” or “It makes us happy that we can discuss these activities.” – show your child that you value curiosity, intellectually stimulating conversations and the exploration of ideas.
    This is an interesting perspective on the parent voice in the larger conversation about how feedback contributes to a growth mindset. 

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff | Edutopia - 0 views

    • jenniferweening
      - how many of us need to be reminded of this as well?!  - we say that it's important for the kids to fail and try again, but how often are we willing to do the same in our teaching? 
  • Fixed mindset people dread failure, feeling that it reflects badly upon themselves as individuals, while growth mindset people instead embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and improve their abilities.
  • We have to really send the right messages, that taking on a challenging task is what I admire.
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    • jenniferweening
      Besides just doing away with grades, how can we actually convince students that failure is part of the process? As much as we tell them that it's about challenging themselves, when it all boils down to it, at the end of the grading period we still have to put a number on their report card. So hard to reconcile!
  • Parents around the dinner table and teachers in the classroom should ask, ‘Who had a fabulous struggle today?
  • how to model a growth mindset amongst students and one of her key principles is encouraging teachers to see themselves as learners, and, just like students are all capable of learning and improving, so too are teachers
  • A second principle requires that schools provide opportunities for teachers to try new things and make mistakes.
  • what will teachers and the school learn as part of the process, rather than whether the new idea is going to be a success or a failure.
  • inked to it, and equally vital, is providing a chance for teachers to reflect upon their new ideas and consider what they learned from the process. Ideally, this reflection should focus less on whether the idea was a success or a failure, but rather on what the teacher learnt from the process.
garth nichols

Mindset Works®: Student Motivation through a Growth Mindset, by Carol Dweck, ... - 0 views

    Growth Mindset resources

Four questions that encourage growth mindset among students | Teacher Network | The Gua... - 1 views

  • those with a growth mindset seek out feedback on how to get better, persist with work for longer and cope better with change
  • Get students to spend a few minutes writing down how doing well at school can help them achieve future goals.
  • Some students see tests as a chance to explore how much they’ve learned. Others use it as a chance to compare themselves with their classmates. Psychologists have found that constantly comparing yourself with others can have a negative impact on your confidence, motivation, self-management and academic performance.
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  • guiding students towards being comfortable with receiving feedback and giving them the confidence to act on it will serve them well.
  • Psychologists use the term “metacognition” to describe being aware and in control of your own thought process. Asking what you would do differently is a great example of this; it helps students to analyse and reflect on their thought process.
Christi Lovrics

Growth Mindset: Clearing up Some Common Confusions | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

    Another article, but love that it speaks to the common misconceptions.
garth nichols

The Science of Character (a new 8 min "Cloud Film") - YouTube - 0 views

    This is a great video that walks you through the Hows and Whats and the importance of character and growth mindset

Forget Talent: Why Practice is Key to Most Prodigies' Success | MindShift | KQED News - 1 views

  • Peak: Secrets From The New Science Of Expertise,
  • talent” is often a story we tell ourselves to justify our own failure or to protect children from the possibility of failure.
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  • a tendency to assume that some people have a talent for something and others don’t and that you can tell the difference early on. If you believe that, you encourage and support the ‘talented’ ones and discourage the rest, creating the self-fulfilling prophecy. … The best way to avoid this is to recognize the potential in all of us — and work to find ways to develop it.
  • “deliberate practice.”
  • ind a teacher who has been teaching other people to reach the level of performance that you want to attain. This basically means that teacher will be able to tell you the most effective ways to improve. A good teacher will also be able to find suitable units of improvement, so you don’t push yourself more than you can do.
  • start out, 15 or 20 minutes [a day]
  • think of something you want to attain and then get the help of teachers and parents to start you on the path of creating that
  • But you haven’t simply been waiting around for something that would allow you to instantaneously become good because that’s never happening.
  • You can improve your performance more in those one or two hours with a coach than in 5 to 10 years of regular practice with your friends.
  • you’re really trying to help the child develop this ability and become increasingly more able to monitor their own learning so they will eventually become independent
  • there is a way of helping a child get enjoyment from the mastery and the development of an ability.
  • before a public performance a child is much more motivated to practice and work on things that will translate into a better performance.
  • When that becomes important, you’ll have the motivation and willingness to do the training that will allow you to reach a high level of proficiency.
  • with certain kinds of math activities it’s hard to see how they will actually benefit you as an adult. So, I think education can be transformed into being more skills-based, where students will be able to see how, by learning certain skills, they’ll be able to do things that they couldn’t do before.
  • understand and integrate that knowledge in a way that allows you to use it.
  • I could infer and relate things that were related to me in a meaningful way.

The Best Leaders Are Constant Learners - 0 views

  • searchlight intelligence. That is, the ability to connect the dots between people and ideas, where others see no possible connection. An informed perspective is more important than ever in order to anticipate what comes next and succeed in emerging futures.
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
  • Reinvention and relevance in the 21st century instead draw on our ability to adjust our way of thinking, learning, doing and being. Leaders must get comfortable with living in a state of continually becoming, a perpetual beta mode.
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  • build relationships, seek information, make sense of observations and share ideas through an intelligent use of new technologies.
  • continuous process of seeking, sensing-making, and sharing.
    Amazing article that explores the idea that "Leaders must get comfortable with living in a state of continually becoming" We  must strive to be in a continuous process of "seeking, sensing-making, and sharing"
Justin Medved

How to Get a Job at Google - - 0 views

    "For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it's not I.Q. It's learning ability. It's the ability to process on the fly. It's the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure they're predictive.""
garth nichols

Hackschooling makes me happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDxUniversityofNevada - YouTube - 2 views

  • Hackschooling Makes Me Happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDx
    A 13 year old who talks about moving into the future with a hacker mindset without attending the traditional version of school.
    So inspiring! Another reminder of why we need to keep believing in making change.
    Here is the video that we played at break during our 3rd F2F at MaRS
garth nichols

If School Leaders Don't Get It, It's Not Going to Happen | Eric Sheninger - 2 views

  • For those educators and schools that are either resistant to or unsure about using social media, I challenge you to move from a fixed to a growth mindset to create schools that work better for kids and establish relevance as a leader in your district, school, or classroom.
  • Begin to strategically utilize an array of free social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate important information (student honors, staff accomplishments, meetings, emergency information) to stakeholders in real-time. Consistency aligned with intent is key.
  • Take control of you public relations by becoming the storyteller-in-chief to produce a constant stream of positive news. If you don't share your story someone else will and you then run the chance that it will not be positive. Stop reacting to public relations situations you have limited control of and begin to be more proactive. When supplying a constant stream of positive news you will help to mitigate any negative stories that might arise.
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  • Establishing a brand presence should no longer be restricted to the business world when schools and districts now have the tools at their fingertips to do this in a cost-effective manner. Simply communicating and telling your story with social media tools can accomplish this. When you do, the brand presence develops solely based on the admirable work that is taking place in your district, school, or classroom.
  • Connect with experts, peers, and practitioners across the globe to grow professionally through knowledge acquisition, resource sharing, engaged discussion, and to receive feedback. This will not only save you time and money, but will open up your eyes to infinite possibilities to truly become a digital leader. Who would not want to tap into countless opportunities that arise through conversations and transparency in online spaces? Don't wait another second to start building a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
  • If you are an administrator, stop supporting or enforcing a gatekeeper approach and allow educators to use free social media tools to engage learners, unleash their creativity, and enhance learning. Hiding behind CIPA is just an excuse for not wanting to give up control. If you want students that are real world or future ready, they must be allowed to use the tools that are prevalent now in this world.
  • Schools are missing a golden opportunity and failing students by not teaching digital responsibility/citizenship through the effective use of social media. We need to begin to empower students to take more ownership of their learning by promoting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and the use of mobile learning devices if schools do not have the means to go 1:1. By BYOD I don't mean just allowing kids to bring in and use their own devices in the hallways and during lunch. That is not BYOD. Real BYOD initiatives allow students to enhance/support their learning experience, increase productivity, conduct better research, and become more digitally literate.
    Administrators in Education...please read!
garth nichols

4 Ways to Become a Better Learner - 0 views

  • What is Learning Agility? Learning agility is the capacity for rapid, continuous learning from experience. Agile learners are good at making connections across experiences, and they’re able to let go of perspectives or approaches that are no longer useful — in other words, they can unlearn things when novel solutions are required. People with this mindset tend to be oriented toward learning goals and open to new experiences. They experiment, seek feedback, and reflect systematically.
  • How Do You Develop Learning Agility? Since developing learning agility involves learning to recognize and change automatic routines, the aid of a coach can be invaluable. Coaching, which Peterson calls “the ultimate customized learning solution,” helps clients understand how their minds work and how to make them work better. But even if you’re not working with a coach, there are steps you can take on your own to enhance your learning agility. Ask for feedback. Think of one or more people who interacted with you or observed your performance on a given task.
  • Experiment with new approaches or behaviors. To identify new behaviors for testing, Peterson recommends reflecting on a challenge you’re facing and asking yourself questions such as “What’s one thing I could do to change the outcome of the situation?” and “What will I do differently in the future?”
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  • Look for connections across seemingly unrelated areas. For example, Peterson has systematically applied principles he’s used to learn about wine to the domain of leadership development
  • Make time for reflection. A growing body of research shows that systematically reflecting on work experiences boosts learning significantly. To ensure continuous progress, get into the habit of asking yourself questions like “What have I learned from this experience?” and “What turned out differently than I expected?”

If You're Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow - - 1 views

    Great reminder about the importance of a growth mindset.
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