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Justin Medved

Twitter Chats - The ins, outs and my top 8 chats - 2 views

    Twitter Chats - The ins, outs and my top 8 chats Educational Twitter Chats are happening all the time on Twitter and as a globally connected educator - I LOVE IT! Every opportunity I can get I involve myself in the 1 hour Twitter chats that surface themselves in my Twitter feed. It gives me the opportunity to connect and collaborate with like minded educators, network with the best in the business and pick up new and interesting things to use to make me a better educator. PD in the palm of my hands (literally). For those that don't know what I am talking about - let me give you the low-down. Twitter chats take place on Twitter at a certain time every week (click here for a complete list of education related Twitter chats and their times). All chats use a certain hashtag to discuss a variety of topics with a education related theme. They provide a unique and eye opening opportunity for educators to connect, share and collaborate with others from all over the world. The best part about this virtual staffroom ….. it is FREE!
Justin Medved

The Teacher's Guide To Twitter | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Twitter has proven itself to be an indispensable tool for educators around the globe. Whatever skill level you may be, Twitter is downright fun and worth your time.
  • For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning.
  • Many are also harnessing Twitter as a part of their PLN (personal learning network) to connect, share, and network.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The best way to get the most out of Twitter is to use it.
  • When you’re just getting started on Twitter (or perhaps trying to add to or refine your feed), a resource for educational hashtags or guides to great accounts to follow are excellent resources to point you in the right direction.
  • If you always find interesting things on Twitter, such as lesson plans, don’t forget to share your awesome resources, too.
  • Just like going to the gym once every two weeks isn’t going to keep you in peak physical condition, participating in Twitter #hashtag chats and interacting only occasionally isn’t going to make your Twitter community very robust.
    Something to get teachers into Twitter as a means to seek personalized professional growth.
garth nichols - 0 views

    Here is a great list of all the Twitter #s to follow as an educator. If you've never taken part in a #chat, get started with this great resource!
Justin Medved

Twitter for education - Educational Uses of Twitter - 0 views

    "How might we use Twitter in the Classroom? "
Carolyn Bilton

University of Windsor prof makes Twitter mandatory | Windsor Star - 1 views

    Fantastic example of using Twitter in class!

A Refreshingly Simple Guide To Twitter For Teachers - Edudemic - Edudemic - 0 views

    Simple guide to Twitter

100 Perfect Twitter Accounts for Teachers! | My Town Tutors - 0 views

    Suggestions of educator Twitter accounts to follow.

15 innovative Twitter accounts you should follow | eSchool News | eSchool News | 2 - 1 views

    EDTECH Twitter suggestions from ESchool News
Justin Medved

How Do You Participate in a Twitter Chat? | Reading By Example - 1 views

    "How Do You Participate in a Twitter Chat?"

Twitter Illiterate? Mastering the @BC's - - 0 views

    Mastering Twitter for the Tweet illiterate!
Derek Doucet

30 Education Innovators Worth Following On Twitter - Edudemic - 0 views

  • 30 Education Innovators Worth Following On Twitter
    A quick hit for some great people to follow...

11 amazing Twitter chats for educators | eSchool News | eSchool News - 1 views

    "Some of the most engaging professional development and professional learning occurs on Twitter." A interesting assortment of ideas to follow... Su
    Hi Sue, Thanks for adding this to the group! The Lakefield tradition of excellent Cohort members continue. Thanks for sharing this resource!
garth nichols

A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat - 1 views

    this is a great way to lead our facilitators to hosting the Twitterchats that we want them to...
garth nichols

6 Twitter Tips That Will Jumpstart Your Professional Development - 2 views

    This is a great resource for tweeting effectively...
Justin Medved

Why Your Whole Staff Should Be on Twitter - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 4 views

    "Thank goodness Chris started dropping truth bombs before I could tune out. "Who is telling the story of your school? Who is sharing the successes and failures of your students and staff?  How do people know what's happening on the other side of those school walls? Why would you wait for someone else to tell YOUR story?"  I sat there with tears in my eyes and restrained myself from running across the room and embracing Chris after a 20 foot running jump hug. (I'm totally serious, I'm pretty good at those.)"
Claire Hazzard

Can Social Media Have a Role to Play in Managing a Successful Classroom? | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

  • immediately
  • Social Media is one venue (of many) to LEARN… why should it not play a role in our schools?
  • Social
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • schools
  • Media
  • Social
  • Our students are gravitating (on their own) to Social Media
  • Learning for the 22nd century
  • Social Media adds so many layers of depth
  • Communication has changed in the world around us.
  • Information has changed our lives.
  • The lines between our lives and “digital lives” are blurring
  • The world is shrinking.
  • YES, social media can play a role in a successful classroom
  • why would we not want to expose, facilitate and support our students in becoming literate in the area of global, network, media, information literacies and digital citizenship?
  • CSI Twitter- Crime Scene Investigation
  • Guide to Twitter in the K-8 Classroom
    A few reasons why to use social media in education
    Useful read on using SM with different levels

Derek Muller (@veritasium) | Twitter - 0 views

    Interesting and thought-provoking STEM videos. Great to kick-start class discussions.
garth nichols

3 ways to weave digital citizenship into your curriculum - 0 views

  • Fortunately, in a classroom where students already use technology, it’s a simple matter to incorporate a digital citizenship component into any lesson — all while meeting both the ISTE Standards and the Common Core. For example, teachers have the opportunity to address digital citizenship whenever students: 1. Create digital presentations
  • Anytime students create content to share online, teachers can supplement the lesson with an age-appropriate discussion about copyright and fair use. Mendoza suggests going beyond simply showing students how to properly cite ideas and images. “Flip the tables on them. When they’re creating and sharing their work with the world online, ask them: How do you want other people to use your work? Would you want other people to make a profit off it, share it or alter it? That’s when it really hits home,” she said.
  • 2. Study historical figures or literary characters Prompt students to think about how they present themselves online — and what it means to leave a digital footprint — by creating fake social media profiles for the characters they’re studying in history or English classes. “If Lincoln had a Twitter feed, what would he tweet? Get students to think about how these characters might present themselves online,” Mendoza said. “Reframe social media to look at how the characters might have exemplified themselves in a digital world and how it might have impacted them.” Add another dimension to this activity by using characters that have two very distinct sides to their personalities, such as Jekyll and Hyde. “It helps them think about how sometimes people present themselves online in a whole different way than they really are in person and why we might share things about ourselves that might not really be in line with who we are in person.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 3. Research a project If a project requires students to perform research online, help them develop information literacy skills by introducing effective search strategies and discussing how to determine whether a website is credible.
Justin Medved

The 25 Best Pinterest Boards in Educational Technology | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 0 views

    "Blogs and Twitter aren't the only social tools out there that can help you keep up with the latest and greatest developments in educational technology. Pinterest is rapidly becoming a favorite tool of educators all over the nation, and many have amassed some pretty great collections of edtech-related pins that teachers and students alike can use to explore new ways to learn, share, teach, and grow. While it would be nearly impossible to highlight every edtech pinboard out there, we've shared some of the boards we think stand out among the crowd here. "
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