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Contents contributed and discussions participated by garth nichols

garth nichols

Mindful Teachers: Mindfulness Activities and Teaching Resources - 1 views

    As we head into the business of the year, here is a thoughtful reminder for mindfulness and its benefits...
garth nichols

Helping Teachers and Schools Run Experiments - Vander Ark on Innovation - Education Week - 1 views

    Building a culture of innovation
garth nichols

Spongelab | A Global Science Community - 0 views

    Hey Science and STEAM teachers, check out this incredible platform for learning!
garth nichols

Can the Internet Be Archived? - The New Yorker - 3 views

    A great read for all those teacher-librarians and English teachers!
garth nichols

Math Problems: Knowing, Doing, and Explaining Your Answer - 1 views

    Great article on Math Understanding and how to show it...
garth nichols

If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is? | WIRED - 2 views

    STEAM - it's the next thing...
garth nichols

Teach for Google - 2 views

    If you're using Google Products, here are some great resources!
garth nichols

Hacking the Classroom: Beyond Design Thinking | User Generated Education - 0 views

    Always thinking and designing!
garth nichols

Our Makerspace: Inquiry & Challenges in Coding, Music & Mathematics - 0 views

    As we explore STEM and engagement, here is an article about MakerEd that connects the two!
garth nichols

REDlab- Research in Education & Design - 1 views

    Research in Design and Education: The impact of design thinking on learning on K-12 education. Design thinking in the classroom and other settings for learning.
garth nichols

Clearing the Confusion between Technology Rich and Innovative Poor: Six Questions - 1 views

  • Transformational Six Did the assignment build capacity for critical thinking on the web? Did the assignment develop new lines of inquiry? Are there opportunities for students to make their thinking visible? Are there opportunities to broaden the perspective of the conversation with authentic audiences from around the world? Is there an opportunity for students to create a contribution (purposeful work)? Does the assignment demo “best in the world” examples of content and skill?
    Great questions to ask ourselves and our colleagues as we move deeper into integrating tech into our everyday practice
garth nichols

Cohort 21 - Jan 23rd - 3rd F2F Session - Google Slides - 8 views

    Why comment on the blogs of others? Find out!
garth nichols

Interactive Bloom's Taxonomy Tool - 2 views

    A great interactive tool for verbs and tasks associated with Blooms
garth nichols

Multitasking while studying: Divided attention and technological gadgets impair learnin... - 2 views

  • For a quarter of an hour, the investigators from the lab of Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University–Dominguez Hills, marked down once a minute what the students were doing as they studied. A checklist on the form included: reading a book, writing on paper, typing on the computer—and also using email, looking at Facebook, engaging in instant messaging, texting, talking on the phone, watching television, listening to music, surfing the Web. Sitting unobtrusively at the back of the room, the observers counted the number of windows open on the students’ screens and noted whether the students were wearing earbuds.
  • tudents’ “on-task behavior” started declining around the two-minute mark as they began responding to arriving texts or checking their Facebook feeds. By the time the 15 minutes were up, they had spent only about 65 percent of the observation period actually doing their schoolwork.
  • The media multitasking habit starts early. In “Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds,” a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and published in 2010, almost a third of those surveyed said that when they were doing homework, “most of the time” they were also watching TV, texting, listening to music, or using some other medium. The lead author of the study was Victoria Rideout, then a vice president at Kaiser and now an independent research and policy consultant. Although the study looked at all aspects of kids’ media use, Rideout told me she was particularly troubled by its findings regarding media multitasking while doing schoolwork.
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  • During the first meeting of his courses, Rosen makes a practice of calling on a student who is busy with his phone. “I ask him, ‘What was on the slide I just showed to the class?’ The student always pulls a blank,” Rosen reports. “Young people have a wildly inflated idea of how many things they can attend to at once, and this demonstration helps drive the point home: If you’re paying attention to your phone, you’re not paying attention to what’s going on in class.” Other professors have taken a more surreptitious approach, installing electronic spyware or planting human observers to record whether students are taking notes on their laptops or using them for other, unauthorized purposes.
    Why digital multitasking is inhibiting our learning
garth nichols

Why I'm Asking You Not to Use Laptops - Lingua Franca - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher... - 3 views

  • On the first day of class, students and I spend the first 30-40 minutes learning something new about how language works (in order to set the tone for the class), and then we go over the syllabus. When we get to the laptop policy, I pause and say, “Let me tell you why I ask you generally not to use laptops in class.” And here’s the gist of what I say after that:
  • First, if you have your laptop open, it is almost impossible not to check email or briefly surf the Internet, even if you don’t mean to or have told yourself that you won’t. I have the same impulse if I have my laptop open in a meeting. The problem is that studies indicate that this kind of multitasking impairs learning; once we are on email/the web, we are no longer paying very good attention to what is happening in class. (And there is no evidence I know of that “practice” at doing this kind of multitasking is going to make you better at it!)
  • Now I know that one could argue that it is your choice about whether you want to use this hour and 20 minutes to engage actively with the material at hand, or whether you would like to multitask. You’re not bothering anyone (one could argue) as you quietly do your email or check Facebook. Here’s the problem with that theory: From what we can tell, you are actually damaging the learning environment for others, even if you’re being quiet about it. A study published in 2013 found that not only did the multitasking student in a classroom do worse on a postclass test on the material, so did the peers who could see the computer. In other words, the off-task laptop use distracted not just the laptop user but also the group of students behind the laptop user. (And I get it, believe me. I was once in a lecture where the woman in front of me was shoe shopping, and I found myself thinking at one point, “No, not the pink ones!” I don’t remember all that much else about the lecture.)
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  • In addition, I can find your multitasking on a laptop a bit distracting as the instructor because sometimes you are not typing at the right times; I am not saying anything noteworthy and yet you are engrossed in typing, which suggests that you are doing something other than being fully engaged in our class. And that distracts my attention.
  • There’s also the issue of the classroom environment. I like to foster a sense of conversation here, even in a class of 100 students. If you are on a laptop, I and your peers are often looking at the back of your computer screen and the top of your head, rather than all of us making eye contact with each other. Learning happens best in a classroom when everyone is actively engaged with one another in the exchange of information. This can mean looking up from your notes to listen and to talk with others, which means you may need to make strategic decisions about what to write down. Note-taking is designed to support the learning and retention of material we talk about in class; note-taking itself is not learning. And speaking of what you choose to write down …
  • A study that came out in June—and which got a lot of buzz in the mainstream press—suggests that taking notes by hand rather than typing them on a laptop improves comprehension of the material. While students taking notes on a laptop (and only taking notes—they were not allowed to multitask) wrote down more of the material covered in class, they were often typing what the instructor said verbatim, which seems to have led to less processing of the material. The students taking notes by hand had to do more synthesizing and condensing as they wrote because they could not get everything down. As a result, they learned the material better.* I think there is also something to the ease with which one can create visual connections on a handwritten page through arrows, flow charts, etc.
  • I figure it is also good for all of us to break addictive patterns with email, texting, Facebook, etc. When you step back, it seems a bit silly that we can’t go for 80 minutes without checking our phones or other devices. Really, for most of us, what are the odds of an emergency that can’t wait an hour? We have developed the habit of checking, and you can see this class as a chance to create or reinforce a habit of not checking too.
  • Of course, if you need or strongly prefer a laptop for taking notes or accessing readings in class for any reason, please come talk with me, and I am happy to make that work. I’ll just ask you to commit to using the laptop only for class-related work.
    Why we need a balanced approach to the use of computers in the classroom. This is a great partner-piece to Clay Shirky's from 2014...
garth nichols

Design Thinking, Deconstructed | MindShift - 5 views

    A great graphic that deconstructs the Design Thinking Process...super cool, and ready to implement
garth nichols

Pixton | Comics | Make a Comic - 1 views

    Use this to allow students to make comics to express themselves via Comics!
garth nichols

Visualize and Analyze data with some of Google's hidden tools - Google Slides - 0 views

    Make learning and data visible with hidden tools of Google
garth nichols

EducationOnAir - 0 views

    Here is a great curation of all hangouts connected to Education
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