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Home/ Cohort 21 Shared Resources/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by garth nichols

Contents contributed and discussions participated by garth nichols

garth nichols

Problem Solving with GAS - Open Source Teacher - 0 views

    Here is a great resource for add-ons, extensions, and scripts to enhance your workflow via Chrom
garth nichols

RESOURCES « Digital Citizenship Program - 0 views

    WoW! Do you want a comprehensive digital citizenship curriculum/program? Here is it - make sure it is embedded, make sure it is meaningful, etc...
garth nichols

Gone Google Story Builder - 0 views

    Build a story in docs!
garth nichols

"21st century skills" - Google Search - 1 views

    Here are great news stories from search under "21st Century Skllls"
garth nichols

Resources: Next Vista for Learning - 1 views

    Great array of Free Tech for teachers and well curated
garth nichols

WordSift - Visualize Text - 0 views

    Use this to help data mind responses from Google Forms
garth nichols

Rethinking Learning: The 21st Century Learner | MacArthur Foundation - YouTube - 1 views

    This is still so relevant for education today: "If I'm not learning, it isn't fun"
garth nichols

Delicious - 0 views

    Great resources for Harkness Tracking Sheets. Does anyone have any other great resources they could post and tag for me regarding Harkness implementation, tracking and best practices?
garth nichols

If School Leaders Don't Get It, It's Not Going to Happen | Eric Sheninger - 2 views

  • For those educators and schools that are either resistant to or unsure about using social media, I challenge you to move from a fixed to a growth mindset to create schools that work better for kids and establish relevance as a leader in your district, school, or classroom.
  • Begin to strategically utilize an array of free social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate important information (student honors, staff accomplishments, meetings, emergency information) to stakeholders in real-time. Consistency aligned with intent is key.
  • Take control of you public relations by becoming the storyteller-in-chief to produce a constant stream of positive news. If you don't share your story someone else will and you then run the chance that it will not be positive. Stop reacting to public relations situations you have limited control of and begin to be more proactive. When supplying a constant stream of positive news you will help to mitigate any negative stories that might arise.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Establishing a brand presence should no longer be restricted to the business world when schools and districts now have the tools at their fingertips to do this in a cost-effective manner. Simply communicating and telling your story with social media tools can accomplish this. When you do, the brand presence develops solely based on the admirable work that is taking place in your district, school, or classroom.
  • Connect with experts, peers, and practitioners across the globe to grow professionally through knowledge acquisition, resource sharing, engaged discussion, and to receive feedback. This will not only save you time and money, but will open up your eyes to infinite possibilities to truly become a digital leader. Who would not want to tap into countless opportunities that arise through conversations and transparency in online spaces? Don't wait another second to start building a Personal Learning Network (PLN).
  • If you are an administrator, stop supporting or enforcing a gatekeeper approach and allow educators to use free social media tools to engage learners, unleash their creativity, and enhance learning. Hiding behind CIPA is just an excuse for not wanting to give up control. If you want students that are real world or future ready, they must be allowed to use the tools that are prevalent now in this world.
  • Schools are missing a golden opportunity and failing students by not teaching digital responsibility/citizenship through the effective use of social media. We need to begin to empower students to take more ownership of their learning by promoting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and the use of mobile learning devices if schools do not have the means to go 1:1. By BYOD I don't mean just allowing kids to bring in and use their own devices in the hallways and during lunch. That is not BYOD. Real BYOD initiatives allow students to enhance/support their learning experience, increase productivity, conduct better research, and become more digitally literate.
    Administrators in Education...please read!
garth nichols

A Simple Idea That Just Might Revolutionize Education - Brilliant or Insane - 2 views

  • Assessment 3.0 is today’s blackboard, and it can revolutionize teaching and learning. Best of all, it doesn’t require any inventions or manufacturing costs. Assessment 3.0 involves replacing traditional grades with conversation, self-evaluation and narrative feedback using SE2R or a similar model.
  • After many years of using traditional grading practices, I realized that my students needed more. “A” students were just good at manipulating an outdated system, and “F” students didn’t try, because they were convinced they couldn’t learn. What if we just talk about learning, I wondered. So, I threw out numbers, percentages and letters and stopped grading anything and everything my students ever did. Instead, I provided SE2R feedback: A one- or two-sentence Summary of what had been done. An Explanation of what I observed that students had mastered, based on lessons and guidelines and what still needed to be accomplished. When more learning needed to be demonstrated, I Redirected students to prior lessons and models. I asked for reworked items to be Resubmitted for further assessment. This is SE2R. It’s simple and can be used with any age in any class and delivered in a variety of ways, including through digital tools and social media. Best of all, SE2R creates conversation about learning.
    A great graphic for how to know you're doing great assessment
garth nichols

Technology and the Enduring Understandings of Algebra | Andrew Ruston - 1 views

    Math, Andrew Rushton. Get on his blog and leave a comment about what you think!
garth nichols

Education Week - 1 views

    A great answer to "We've always done it this way!" for EdTech adoption...
garth nichols

Do girls learn differently? - 2 views

  • To hear some ed tech enthusiasts tell it, online learning is sweeping aside the barriers that have in the past prevented access to education. But such pronouncements are premature. As it turns out, students often carry these barriers right along with them, from the real world into the virtual one.
  • These dismally low numbers provide a reminder that “access” to education is more complicated than simply throwing open the digital doors to whoever wants to sign up. So how can we turn the mere availability of online instruction in STEM into true access for female students?
  • One potential solution to this information-age problem comes from an old-fashioned source: single-sex education. The Online School for Girls, founded in 2009, provides an all-female e-learning experience.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • But evidence is weak that there is such a thing as “girls’ learning,” online or offline, if what is meant by that is that each gender has cognitive differences that should be accommodated by different instructional methods. Neuroscientist Lise Eliot has argued persuasively that, while small inherent differences in aptitude between males and females do exist (even as infants, for example, boys seem to have an edge in spatial cognition), society takes these small differences and makes them much bigger—by supporting boys in math and science, and by discouraging girls who study these subjects.
  • These same dynamics play out online, as Cheryan demonstrated in a subsequent study. Changing the design of a virtual classroom—from one that conveyed computer science stereotypes to one that did not —“significantly increased women’s interest and anticipated success in computer science,” Cheryan and her colleagues reported.
  • Cheryan notes, “was sufficient to boost female undergraduates’ interest in computer science to the level of their male peers.”
  • Another way to promote female students’ sense of belonging in online math and science courses would be putting more women at the head of virtual classrooms.
  • All these approaches have in common a focus, not on teaching girls and women differently, but on helping them to feel differently about their place in the fields of math and science. Just as in the physical world, in the virtual sphere the barriers to girls’ and women’s advancement in STEM fields remain very much in place. With informed intervention and clever design, however, the digital walls may prove easier to scale.
    This article is great for those at BSS, Branksome, Havergal, oh and any other school! I was on a panel with Brad Rathgeber, the Director of the OnLine School for Girls, and he was a great speaker on this front...
garth nichols

Robotics - 2 views

    Got Robots? Here is a great link to all things robotics!
garth nichols

A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat - 1 views

    this is a great way to lead our facilitators to hosting the Twitterchats that we want them to...
garth nichols

GoSoapBox - 1 views

    Like Clickers? Like Immediate Feedback? Try GoSoapBox... Much like
garth nichols

Mindset Works®: Student Motivation through a Growth Mindset, by Carol Dweck, ... - 0 views

    Growth Mindset resources
garth nichols

10+ Tools To Bring Robotics (And Other Real Objects) Into Your Classroom - Edudemic - 0 views

    Anyone doing robotics at their school? Here's a great article for integration with curriculum and classes
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