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Contents contributed and discussions participated by garth nichols

garth nichols

Launching a Makerspace: Lessons Learned From a Transformed School Library | MindShift |... - 7 views

    A great story of How-To create Maker spaces...
garth nichols

Even Apple (AAPL) is acknowledging that the "iPads in education" fad is coming to an en... - 0 views

  • “If we had known how big a transition it would have been [to switch] from laptops to iPads we would have proactively done some good work with teachers to make the transition easier for them,” Mike Muir, the policy director of the Maine Learning Through Technology Initiative, told Quartz.
  • One teacher in Virginia thought giving her third graders an iPad would enhance their learning, but found that, for all the device’s benefits in terms of adding more varied activities to lessons, it undermined her pupils’ conversation and communication skills.
    Even Apple realizes the limitations of the iPad
garth nichols

Three Ways to Transform Ed-Tech Professional Development - By Involving Students - Nove... - 0 views

    Great resource that supports our Cohort 21 Model :)
garth nichols

Using "Think-Time" and "Wait-Time" Skillfully in the Classroom. ERIC Digest. - 2 views

    "when students are given 3 or more seconds of undisturbed "wait-time," there are certain positive outcomes: * The length and correctness of their responses increase. * The number of their "I don't know" and no answer responses decreases. * The number of volunteered, appropriate answers by larger numbers of students greatly increases. * The scores of students on academic achievement tests tend to increase. When teachers wait patiently in silence for 3 or more seconds at appropriate places, positive changes in their own teacher behaviors also occur: * Their questioning strategies tend to be more varied and flexible. * They decrease the quantity and increase the quality and variety of their questions. * They ask additional questions that require more complex information processing and higher-level thinking on the part of students."
garth nichols

STOP STEALING DREAMS: Seth Godin at TEDxYouth@BFS - YouTube - 2 views

    Want to rethink school - check out this 16mins from Seth Godin
garth nichols

What VUCA Really Means for You - 1 views

  • Actually, you can. Here is a guide to identifying, getting ready for, and responding to events in each of the four VUCA categories.
garth nichols

"Will this be on the test?" - Medium - 0 views

  • But, you might say, it’s the internet. We’ve come to associate the internet as low-engagement, a drive-by experience. We take for granted that the internet offers us things that are slightly flaky, or easy. So we’re not surprised when the drop out rate is so high. Easy in, easy out.But it doesn’t have to be this way.The course was as well-designed as a real-world lecture and the teacher was qualified and engaging, but it’s not a surprise that the dropout rate was so high: As soon as education gets difficult (and useful education always gets difficult) it’s social pressure, peer pressure and our own need to fit in and achieve that often keeps us going. The typical online course provides precious little of any of these elements.
  • Lectures are at the heart of the last century of higher learning. A proven scholar orates in front of a class of selected students.Tests are the way institutions enforce compliance. They’re the stick.And accreditation is the carrot. Put up with the lectures and the tests and we’ll give you the certificate, the scarce piece of paper that is (supposed to be) worth far more than the effort you went through to get certified.
  • We’ve seen that when knowledge jobs meet the internet, they change. And now we’re seeing that online education is having trouble acting like a job as well.
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  • It turns out that the best way to cause change is for people to actually change someone or something else. We learn what we do, not what we’re told.
  • If you want people to become passionate, engaged in a field, transformed by an experience — you don’t test them, you don’t lecture them and you don’t force them. Instead, you create an environment where willing, caring individuals can find an experience that changes them.
    Seth Godin cogently responds to "How to fix Online Education". He is exploring his answer by running the AltMBA - I am currenlty enrolled in it. I can't wait for the experience!
garth nichols

Thank You - Education Technology Summit 2016 - 1 views

    Here are two resources (of four in total) addressing the Future & Challenges of EdTech. I am presenting at this conference with Farbod Kalimi on how to design effective PD for EdTech adoption.
garth nichols

World Economic Forum on Twitter: "These are the #skills you'll need to get a job in 202... - 2 views

    The Future Skills !
garth nichols

The chasm between high school and university - 0 views

  • Let's start with the secondary system. As this level of education becomes significantly student focused, there are many of us in the system who fear we are coddling students in the extreme and not preparing them at all for the realities of the work world or college/university. Here are samples of policies, largely instituted by the Ministry of Education, that added together, have lead to concerns re: coddling.
  • •Late work: Student work is not penalized for lateness. Late work is viewed as a behavioural issue, not an academic one. •Plagiarism: This is also seen as a behavioural issue, and usually does not result in any academic penalty, even in a grade 12 University level course. •Evaluation: Policies are moving away from grades being derived from an average of all student assignments in favour of a more general approach that reflects "most recent and/or most consistent" achievement. •Lower limits: Students getting failing grades are assessed by this policy which requires teachers to give a mark of 30 to students who are, on paper, achieving anywhere from 1-29 per cent. This is designed to 'give them hope' of success. •Credit rescue/recovery: A policy designed to give students who fail a course the opportunity to make up key missed work with the goal of achieving a passing grade. •Memorization: The idea of students actually memorizing material is viewed as "old fashioned" and is rejected in favour of "inquiry based learning'." The world of the university student is decidedly different, as evidenced by their policies. •Late work: Most courses do not accept late work. Period. •Plagiarism: This is viewed as academic dishonesty, and harsh academic penalties are in place. •Evaluation: Most courses feature few evaluations that are weighted heavily, and grades are based on the average of all assignments. •Evaluation: The move toward knowledge-based evaluation is epidemic. Exams, even in courses like literature studies and philosophy, are commonly multiple choice and short answer exams.
  • •If students are trained for the 14 years they attend school that there really are few consequences to academic problems, how will they fare in the much more rigorous world of post-secondary education? A history professor recently asked me what we (high school teachers) were doing to our kids.
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  • The idea that we have largely abandoned 'knowledge based learning' in no way prepares students for the new reality of university
  • As for the world of work, students who have struggled to graduate by submitting work late, gaining credits through credit rescue, and who have not developed responsibility for their work may improve rates of graduation, but will not serve them in the work world, where the safety nets they have come to rely on do not exist.
    Interesting perspective on how the MoE is/is not preparing our students for post-secondary and the work force
garth nichols

Heather Payne | Designing a School from Scratch | CreativeMornings/TO - 2 views

    How would the founder of HackerYou change/start school? Nothing we haven't heard before, but wrapped in a really nice package from a business perspective.
garth nichols

4 Ways to Become a Better Learner - 0 views

  • What is Learning Agility? Learning agility is the capacity for rapid, continuous learning from experience. Agile learners are good at making connections across experiences, and they’re able to let go of perspectives or approaches that are no longer useful — in other words, they can unlearn things when novel solutions are required. People with this mindset tend to be oriented toward learning goals and open to new experiences. They experiment, seek feedback, and reflect systematically.
  • How Do You Develop Learning Agility? Since developing learning agility involves learning to recognize and change automatic routines, the aid of a coach can be invaluable. Coaching, which Peterson calls “the ultimate customized learning solution,” helps clients understand how their minds work and how to make them work better. But even if you’re not working with a coach, there are steps you can take on your own to enhance your learning agility. Ask for feedback. Think of one or more people who interacted with you or observed your performance on a given task.
  • Experiment with new approaches or behaviors. To identify new behaviors for testing, Peterson recommends reflecting on a challenge you’re facing and asking yourself questions such as “What’s one thing I could do to change the outcome of the situation?” and “What will I do differently in the future?”
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  • Look for connections across seemingly unrelated areas. For example, Peterson has systematically applied principles he’s used to learn about wine to the domain of leadership development
  • Make time for reflection. A growing body of research shows that systematically reflecting on work experiences boosts learning significantly. To ensure continuous progress, get into the habit of asking yourself questions like “What have I learned from this experience?” and “What turned out differently than I expected?”
garth nichols

The globe of economic complexity - 0 views

    A beautiful rendering of data for Economics!
garth nichols

How Teachers Can Run Classrooms Like 'Lean Startups' | EdSurge News - 0 views

  • Do students recognize that they have a need or dearth that you are trying to fill or address? If there is a way to address that need, will students buy into it? Knowing what you know, can you fill that need?
  • These answers should help you decide on a hypothesis—which is eerily similar to a lesson objective, or a SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To) statement. Except, in this case, you’re adding an action (A) before the objective (B), in the form of “If I do A, then the student will be able to B.”
    How can teachers behave like a "lean start up"?
garth nichols - 1 views

  • In my mind, a solid 4 rating means that your adult professional embraces feedback, both formal and informal and has strong systems and processes in place that encourage feedback - things like annual faculty,  parent, and board surveys, intentionally designed evaluation processes for students, faculty, staff and leadership that happen at minimum annually, but even better quarterly, regular audits of programs, curriculum, pedagogy, time and space.  Other good signs that your culture supports feedback might be meetings that end with questions like, "How are we working together as a team/department?" and "What can we do to get better at this work?"  and school leaders who ask their reports with genuine curiosity,  "What can I do to better support your work?"  "What do you think about this idea?" or "How did this meeting go for you?"
  • What if you spent a week "playing anthropologist" with the following question in mind: "What evidence do I see that our adult community has a strong culture of feedback?" 
    • garth nichols
      Love these questions of educators!
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  • pend some time with colleagues. Ask them questions about their classes.  See how many times you hear someone ask questions like: "What do you think about this?"  "Will you come by my class and let me know what you think about this lesson I am teaching?"  "How can I/we do this better?"  Attend meetings with this question in mind.  How receptive are team members to feedback they get in meetings?
  • talk Feedback Without Frustration.  This 15 minute video offers some key habits and practices that designers (and educational leaders in their roles as experience designers) can adopt in order to make feedback more meaningful, especially when presenting a new idea or product and much of which can be applied to feedback - both formal and informal.  A few tips include:taking responsibility for the feedback you are gettinggoing after the kind of feedback you wanthaving a designated facilitator for more significant processeshaving goals for the project that you can use to make the feedback more helpfulnot confusing what you like/don't like with what is good/bad(most importantly) just getting better at talking to each other.
    For those of us who lead teachers; for those of us who seek feedback from others; and for those of us who want to buid a culture of sharing and feedback, this is a great read!
garth nichols - 0 views

    Great visuals for DT
garth nichols

What skills future entrepreneurs should be learning in post-secondary | Edmonton Journal - 0 views

    Great quotations to put up in a Design lab or in business courses!
garth nichols

Opening City Hall's Wallets to Innovation - The New York Times - 0 views

    Innovation on a city-level can mean great things for teachers!
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