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Digital Kids: how children are using devices, apps and media in 2013 | Technology | the... - 0 views

    A day-long live blog about how kids are using devices, apps and media in 2013.
garth nichols

The SAMR Model Explained By Students - YouTube - 2 views

    SAMR for kids...
Justin Medved

Common Sense :: Digital Bytes - 1 views

    This new resource is INCREDIBLE !!! "Curious what Digital Bytes is all about? Digital Bytes is all about how you can explore and influence the digital world in which you live. Many kids have inspired/impacted the digital world in a big way... Seniors, known as the West High Bros, make the world a kinder place "one word at a time." A 9-year-old inspires imaginations globally with his cardboard magic. Erika used YouTube to take a stand and become a leader in the Dreamer movement. These kids have found their voices. When is yours going to be heard? Be part of a real conversation and show us what you've got."

Copyright & Creative Commons for Kids - YouTube - 0 views

    Easy to understand video for kids on copyright and using Creative Commons

Open curriculum alternatives to MPAA's new anti-piracy campaign for kids - Creative Com... - 0 views

    An important part of Digital Citizenship is understanding copyright, especially when it comes to images. SO many students just pull images from any website with no regard for whether they are copyrighted or not. This article has a lot of information on "Copyright curriculum for kids".
Sarah Bylsma

The Global Teacher | The Principal of Change - 1 views

  • “classroom teacher” is someone that focuses on their classroom and students only.
  • “school teacher“.  This to me was the ideal as this teacher connected with every student in their classroom, as well as students and educators around the school
  • global teacher has the best elements of the classroom and school teacher, but their focus is on “what is best for kids”, no matter if is their own kids, kids in the school across the street, or across the ocean.
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  • Global teachers (should) care about education as a whole, as well as their school and their classroom.  I just want to iterate that if the person only looks at sharing and learning globally, but cannot connect with those in their classroom or school, I would not consider them a “global teacher”.  They just know that we are better when we work together, not just taking, but contributing.  They know what they share makes a difference for others, as well as knowing what they learn from others makes a difference for their school and students.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      Cohort21 goal. 
garth nichols

What The Screen Time Experts Do With Their Own Kids | MindShift | KQED News - 2 views

  • They unplug at family dinner and before bed. They have a family movie night on Fridays, which is an example of the principle Radesky touts in her research, of “joint media engagement,” or simply sharing screen time.
  • But more than just limiting time, says Radesky, “I try to help my older son be aware of the way he reacts to video games or how to interpret information we find online.” For example, she tries to explain how he is being manipulated by games that ask him to make purchases while playing.
  • She sums up her findings from over a decade of research: “As kids and adults watch or use screens, with light shining in their eyes and close to their face, bedtime gets delayed. It takes longer to fall asleep, sleep quality is reduced and total sleep time is decreased.”
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  • No screens in the hour before bed, no screens in the bedroom and no screens as part of the bedtime routine.
  • “You don’t want to look at a screen before bed because it tells your brain to stay awake.”
  • His materials promote the formula 5- 2- 1- 0. That means five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, no more than two hours of screens, one hour of physical activity, and no sugary beverages
    "They unplug at family dinner and before bed. They have a family movie night on Fridays, which is an example of the principle Radesky touts in her research, of "joint media engagement," or simply sharing screen time."

So what if kids are reading less these days? They're better off - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    Crescent School teacher Robert Costanzo's view that students are "surviving English class by sampling, scanning, and browsing."
Justin Medved

Column: Futile fight on student tweets - 0 views

    "Taking a cue from The Scarlet Letter, the website Jezebel compiled racially insensitive tweets directed toward President Obama by high school students across the country, naming names and even calling the students' schools. The tweets - posted by students under their real identities - covered the full range of bigotry, from racial epithets to basketball stereotypes, with the N-word in abundance. In response, Giga OMasked, "When does shaming racist kids turn into online bullying?" The answer to that is never. It would be a mistake to mischaracterize the denunciation of racially offensive speech as abusive. To the contrary, that give-and-take (or more precisely "say something deeply offensive and get verbally pummeled") is what free speech in America is all about. That's the flaw in virtually every strategy to keep students in both high school and college on the social media straight and narrow. High school is all about preparing the next generation for citizenship. We teach them civics, history, a smattering of math and science and hand them a diploma. But we too often also try to control their every move. That's literally the case with the news last week that a sophomore at John Jay High School in San Antonio was expelled after refusing to carry an ID with a computer chip designed to track the movements of every student in the school."
Ruth McArthur

XtraMath - 0 views

    Personalized learning for extra practice and review of math facts. These are practiced and the results are sent to the teachers. This program could be used as a personal goal for kids to achieve and track progress in the primary years of basic facts. 

The Secret to Raising Smart Kids - Scientific American - 3 views

  • Teaching people to have a “growth mind-set,” which encourages a focus on “process” rather than on intelligence or talent, produces high achievers in school and in life.
    • kellycarlson1974
      Teaching students to focus on the process, and pay more attention to the feedback, can be difficult when they are often very focused on the end results (the marks).
Lisa Bettencourt

The Science of Effective Learning Spaces | Edutopia - 5 views

    • Jason wood
      This is important.
    • Lisa Bettencourt
      Yes! It's a great resource.
  • Daytime Light Exposure Can Boost Learning
  • 21,000 U.S. elementary students showed that, over one school year, kids who were exposed to more sunlight during their school day displayed 26 percent higher reading outcomes and 20 percent higher math outcomes than kids in less sunny classrooms.
    Wow - that is interesting research!
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    Was thinking of the best way to redesign my classroom and our school classrooms yesterday, thanks for the article a great starting point.
    Fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
    Very interesting article. I plan to share this with the iSTEAM team at my school!
    Very interesting to me as we plan new learning spaces and look at effects of lengthening recess breaks for more outdoor time.
Justin Medved

Exposed | Teaching Tolerance in the 21st century - 0 views

    "Capturing the Moment: Webcamming, Sexting and Screen-Grabbing Teenagers have become their own paparazzi. Four out of five teens have cellphone cameras. From selfies to food porn and photo-bombing, kids are constantly "capturing the moment." They rarely seek permission from their subjects-making what were once private moments now very public. "
Justin Medved

Big Picture | 4.0 Schools - 0 views

shared by Justin Medved on 11 Sep 13 - No Cached
    "4.0 Schools launches ventures that solve tough problems in education. We bring educators, entrepreneurs and technologists together to deliver relevant solutions that reimagine the way we teach and learn. Our community has a bias toward products that aren't band-aids on an outdated system. Instead, they are anchored to new ways of thinking about a fundamental set of questions: What is school for? Where does learning happen? What should kids learn? Who delivers learning?"
garth nichols

The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

    A great article in favour of social media in education: ""Student writers today are tackling the kinds of issues that require inquiry and investigation as well as reflection,""

10 tips for engaging pupils and parents in e-safety and digital citizenship | Teacher N... - 1 views

    10 great tips for teachers (and parents) to help kids understand digital citizenship.
garth nichols

Teachers' Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform : Shots - Health News : NPR - 1 views

  • So since expectations can change the performance of kids, how do we get teachers to have the right expectations? Is it possible to change bad expectations?
  • "It's really tough for anybody to police their own beliefs," he said. "But think about being in a classroom with 25 kids. The demands on their thinking are so great."
  • "If I believe boys are disruptive and my job is control the classroom, then I'm going to respond with, 'Johnny! You're out of line here! We need you to sit down right now.' "
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  • But if the teacher doesn't carry those beliefs into the classroom, then the teacher is unlikely to see that behavior as threatening. Instead it's: " 'Johnny, tell me more about what you think is going on ... But also, I want you to sit down quietly now as you tell that to me,' " Pianta says.
  • "It's far more powerful to work from the outside in than the inside out if you want to change expectations," he says. In other words, if you want to change a mind, simply talking to it might not be enough.
    Teachers' Expectations can shift their students, and even their own teaching. This is what Cohort 21 is all about too!
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