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OpenSocial in the Cloud - OpenSocial - 0 views

  • Apps can grow especially fast on social networks, so before you launch your next social app, you should think about how to scale up quickly if your app takes off.
  • Unfortunately, scaling is a complex problem that's hard to solve quickly and expensive to implement.
  • If this app grows to serve millions of users and photos, shared hosting or even a dedicated server won't have the bandwidth or CPU cycles to handle all of the requests. We could invest in more servers and network infrastructure, shard the database, and load-balance requests, but that takes time, money, and expertise. If you'd rather work on the new features of the app, it's time to move into the cloud.
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  • It's important to focus on the interactions between the app and your server when designing an application that will run in the cloud. If we standardize the communication protocol and data format, we can easily change the server side implementation without modifying the OpenSocial app.
  • You can configure the makeRequest method to digitally sign the requests your app makes to your server using OAuth's algorithm for parameter signing. This means that when your server receives a request, it can verify that the request came from your application hosted in a specific container. To implement this, the calls to makeRequest in the OpenSocial app spec XML specify that the request should be signed, and the code that handles requests on the server side verifies that a signature is included and valid
  • When our server receives a request, we can verify that it came from our application by checking that the digital signature was signed by a valid container and that the application ID is correct.
  • Since our server isn't storing any relationship data, the app will need to send us a list of user IDs so we can fetch the appropriate photos.
  • Although it's outside the scope of this article, we could provide a mechanism for our OpenSocial app to request a one-time-use token that it would include in the request to upload a photo.
  • Note that the post data is URL-encoded in the request so the post method uses urllib.unquote before splitting the comma-separated list of person IDs.
  • Since the server doesn't store any relationship data, the PhotosHandler class checks the post data of the request for a list of IDs from the container.
  • A common misconception when coding in the cloud is that storage space, CPU cycles, and bandwidth are unlimited. While the cloud hosting provider can, in theory, provide all the resources your app needs, hosting in the cloud ain't free so these resources are limited by your budget. Luckily, OpenSocial provides several mechanisms to cache images and data that will reduce the load on your server.
  • In addition to reducing traffic to our server, this technique has the added benefit of being fast—requesting data from the Persistence API is much faster than making the round trip to your server.
    Some OpenSocial apps can be written entirely with client-side JavaScript and HTML, leveraging the container to serve the page and store application data. In this case, the app can scale effortlessly because the only request hitting your server is for the gadget specification which is typically cached by the container anyway. However, there are lots of reasons to consider using your own server: * Allows you to write code in the programing language of your choice. * Puts you in control of how much application data you can store. * Lets you combine data from users on multiple social networks. * Enables interaction with the OpenSocial REST API. Setting up an OpenSocial app that uses a third party server is fairly simple. There are a few gotchas and caveats, but the real issues come up when your app becomes successful - serving millions of users and sending thousands of requests per second. Apps can grow especially fast on social networks, so before you launch your next social app, you should think about how to scale up quickly if your app takes off. Unfortunately, scaling is a complex problem that's hard to solve quickly and expensive to implement. Luckily, there are several companies that provide cloud computing resources-places you can store data or run processes on virtual machines. These computing solutions manage huge infrastructures so you can focus on your applications and let the "cloud" handle all the requests and data at scale. This tutorial focuses on a simple photo-sharing app that uses a third-party server to host photos and associated metadata. If this app is going to host millions of images and support many requests per second, we won't be able to run it on a single dedicated host. We'll break the app down and analyze the interactions between the OpenSocial App and the back end server. Then we'll implement the app in the cloud, first using Google App Engine, then leveraging Amazon's S3 data storage service. Finally, we'll look at s
Stian Danenbarger

Katz (ed.): "The Tower and The Cloud" (EDUCAUSE "ebook" in PDF and HTML, 2008) - 0 views

    The emergence of the networked information economy is unleashing two powerful forces. On one hand, easy access to high-speed networks is empowering individuals. People can now discover and consume information resources and services globally from their homes. Further, new social computing approaches are inviting people to share in the creation and edification of information on the Internet. Empowerment of the individual-or consumerization-is reducing the individual's reliance on traditional brick-and-mortar institutions in favor of new and emerging virtual ones. Second, ubiquitous access to high-speed networks along with network standards, open standards and content, and techniques for virtualizing hardware, software, and services is making it possible to leverage scale economies in unprecedented ways. What appears to be emerging is industrial-scale computing-a standardized infrastructure for delivering computing power, network bandwidth, data storage and protection, and services. Consumerization and industrialization beg the question "Is this the end of the middle?"; that is, what will be the role of "enterprise" IT in the future? Indeed, the bigger question is what will become of all of our intermediating institutions? This volume examines the impact of IT on higher education and on the IT organization in higher education.
John Li

Learn about could computing | Eucalyptus Community - 0 views

shared by John Li on 30 Aug 10 - Cached
    • John Li
      like eucalyptus for the cloud computing
    What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is the access to computers and their functionality via the Internet or a local area network. Users of a cloud request this access from a set of web services that manage a pool of computing resources (i.e., machines, network, storage, operating systems, application development environments, application programs). When granted, a fraction of the resources in the pool is dedicated to the requesting user until he or she releases them. It is called "cloud computing" because the user cannot actually see or specify the physical location and organization of the equipment hosting the resources they are ultimately allowed to use. That is, the resources are drawn from a "cloud" of resources when they are granted to a user and returned to the cloud when they are released. A "cloud" is a set of machines and web services that implement cloud computing.
Aspire SoftServ

How to Develop AI Medical Transcription Software: Costs, Process, and Benefits - 0 views

The process of creating medical transcriptions has traditionally been manual, time-consuming, and prone to errors. With increasing volumes of patient data, this approach often results in misinterpr...

#aidevelopmentcompany #aidevelopmentservices

started by Aspire SoftServ on 26 Nov 24 no follow-up yet
Eric Swanstrom

Find the Best method for Connecting to Cloud or Data Center - 0 views

    The Cloud computing and Data Center has increased the amount of information that is being passed across the network, from one location to another. Internet connectivity has always been important, but its importance has increasingly become important, as bandwidth intensive applications have moved to the cloud. Find out the right provider which will best serve the interest of your Data Center and provide you the best speed at the best price for your needs.
Stian Danenbarger

Susan Brenner: "Privacy and the Cloud" - 1 views

  • the 4th Amendment was developed at a time when the only privacy was spatial privacy; for something to be private, I had to keep it IN my home or office (and maybe in a locked chest), which both made it difficult for law enforcement officers to gain access to it and symbolically invoked my right to assume they wouldn’t gain access to it. (In other words, I could assume privacy.)
  • our lives have already moved far beyond spatial privacy; I talked about the 4th Amendment’s application to the contents of emails and what we do online -- arguing that it should apply to both, but noting that courts so far do not tend to agree. I think cloud computing will take this analysis to the next level.
  • My point is that even under current 4th Amendment law, I can make what I think are valid arguments as to why the 4th Amendment should apply to data stored in a cloud (as long as the appropriate conditions exist). I really think, though, that we shouldn’t be using cases that were decided thirty years ago or a hundred and thirty years ago to set the standard for 4th Amendment privacy in an era of advancing technology. As I argued in that law review article, I think we need to move beyond a purely spatial approach to privacy to approaches that encompass both spatial and non-spatial privacy.
    What about privacy in an era of cloud computing? If I store my data in a cloud, is the data in a "closed container" and therefore private under the 4th Amendment? Or is putting data in a cloud analogous to giving the numbers I dial on my phone to the phone company?
Eric Swanstrom

Cloud, Data Center Applications and the Role of the Corporate WAN - 0 views

    Read about the revolutionary cloud, data center and WAN technology for the global market place and the role of catalyst it is playing in the corporate sector. It explains about application growth in the cloud and data center, future application growth, the current problems that are facing WAN connections, goals of the WAN and optimizing WAN performance.
Stian Danenbarger

Cavoukian: "Privacy in the Clouds - a White Paper on Privacy and Digital Identity: Impl... - 0 views

    Informational self-determination refers to the ability of individuals to exercise personal control over the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information by others. It forms the basis of modern privacy laws and practices around the world. [...] At the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC), we have long advocated a strong role for individuals in managing their personal information, not just by exercising their privacy rights under Ontario law, but also by becoming better informed and using privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs). [...] This paper explores what will be possible if proper digital identity services are deployed and the full power of Cloud computing is realized.
Rich Hintz

Cloud Computing Poses E-Discovery, Legal Risks - 0 views

  • Cloud Computing Poses E-Discovery, Legal Risks April 10, 2009By Marty Foltyn ORLANDO, Fla. — Cloud computing was a hot topic at this week's Storage Networking World show, but one attorney sounded a warning note about the rush to the cloud. In a presentation titled "Computing (strike that — Litigation) in the Cloud," Steven Teppler, senior counsel at KamberEdelson in New York, said cloud computing and services are a corporate counsel's nightmare. The 2006 e-discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) changed the legal and corporate information landscape, putting custody and control at top of mind. "Cloud computing means that data may always be in transit," said Teppler, "never anywhere, always somewhere." And that creates a big challenge for corporate counsel. How can they identify "who, when and where" in the cloud? How can organizations handle document retention? And to add another layer of worry, information targeted for the cloud may also be subject to laws requiring privacy and persistent data integrity, and other requirements that the storage manager may not even be aware of. Teppler spelled out the top cloud computing shortcomings: no native security attributes; inadequate or no security provisioning by providers; the lack of understanding of cloud legal issues (a real problem for not only cloud computing providers, but also corporate counsel and IT consultants); and the failure to recognize potential liability from either legal issues or a lack of security. Teppler told the audience that litigation in the cloud is already here. Users of cloud services will need to insist on service level agreement (SLA) terms with their providers to ensure legal and regulatory compliance, searchability, demonstrable customer care (security), provably persistent data integrity and reliability, and demonstrable storage security and integrity for electronically stored information in the cloud.
Rich Hintz

The Impact of Virtualization on Wide Area Networks-Part 1 - Data Center Networks - 0 views

    Imagine that a Singapore-based sales manager is accessing a CRM application which was once local, but is now based in the Hong Kong data center. But it's end of quarter and the peak load on the Hong Kong CRM application is over the specified capacity limit, so the transaction (running on a virtual machine) is transferred via VMotion to the data center in San Francisco, completed and sent back to the Singapore sales office.
Eric Swanstrom

Adopt Proper Cloud Methodologies and Utilize Cloud Applications for your business - 0 views

    The #Cloud is increasingly becoming an emerging trend for the way processes are carried out at all levels of IT. The emergence of Cloud has encouraged rapid growth and scalibility. Cloud has changed the way these products are marketed. The Cloud has allowed CIO's to utilize technology to add a greater value to the businesses they are working for. This #WhitePaper helps you startegize on how to align your organizational needs to adopt the proper cloud methadologies. Vist and download it for free.
Kelly Hair

VMware: VMware vCloud Blog: Thoughts Around Service Provider's Public Cloud Platforms - 0 views

    "aaS Providers Shifting to Commercial VMs. IaaS (infrastructure as a service) providers have focused on open source and internal technologies to deliver solutions at the lowest possible cost. But that's changing. In the past year, there's been a rapidly growing trend for IaaS providers to add support for major commercial VM formats - especially VMware, but also Hyper-V and XenServer. The reason? To create an easy on-ramp for enterprises. As enterprises virtualize (and in many cases, build private clouds), the IaaS providers know that they need to make interoperability, hybrid, overdrafting, migration as easy as possible. The question is whether that will require commercial offerings (such as VMware's vCloud Datacenter Services, or Microsoft Dynamic Datacenter Alliance), or if conversion tools will be good enough. I tend to think that service providers better make the off-premises experience as identical to the on-premises experience as possible - and I'm not sure conversion will get them there."
Stian Danenbarger

Youseff et al: "Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing" (PDF, 2009) - 0 views

    Towards the end-goal of a thorough comprehension of the field of cloud computing, and a more rapid adoption from the scientific community, we propose in this paper an ontology of this area which demonstrates a dissection of the cloud into five main layers, and illustrates their interrelations as well as their inter-dependency on preceding technologies. The contribution of this paper lies in being one of the first attempts to establish a detailed ontology of the cloud.
Stian Danenbarger

OakLeaf Systems: "Comparing Google App Engine, Amazon SimpleDB and Microsoft SQL Server... - 1 views

    "The entry of the Google App Engine into the "Data Stores in the Cloud" arena on April 7, 2008 increases the number of high-profile Storage as a Service (StaaS?) players to three. Here's are brief highlights of the three entrants' features in the order of their arrival as beta versions" [Note: Not updated since 2008-05-06?]
    More than a year old, but still useful...?
Stian Danenbarger

Susan W. Brenner: "The Fourth Amendment in an Era of Ubiquitous Technology" (PDF, 2005) - 0 views

    The physical and informational barriers we once used to differentiate between our "private" and "public" selves are being eroded by technology, and the erosion is accelerating. If we persist in utilizing a zero-sum, spatial conception of privacy to implement the Fourth Amendment, we will render it ineffective as a guarantor of privacy in the face of arbitrary government action. If we continue along this path, the Fourth Amendment will become, in effect, an artifact - a device that protects against a limited class of real-world intrusions (which will become increasingly unnecessary given the other alternatives).
Stian Danenbarger

Marc Andreessen: "The three kinds of platforms you meet on the Internet" (2007, retriev... - 1 views

  • Ning within our platform provides a whole suite of APIs for easily building social networking applications; Salesforce within its platform provides a whole suite of APIs for easily building enterprise applications; Second Life within its platform provides a whole suite of APIs for easy building objects that live and interact within Second Life. EC2, at least for now, has no such ambitions, and is content to be more of a generic hosting environment.
  • Akamai, coming from a completely different angle, is tackling a lot of the technical requirements of a Level 3 Internet platform in their "EdgeComputing" service -- which lets their customers upload Java code into Akamai's systems.
  • Amazon's FPS -- Flexible Payments Service -- is itself a Level 3 Internet platform.
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  • I think that kids coming out of college over the next several years are going to wonder why anyone ever built apps for anything other than "the cloud" -- the Internet -- and, ultimately, why they did so with anything other than the kinds of Level 3 platforms that we as an industry are going to build over the next several years -- just like they already wonder why anyone runs any software that you can't get to through a browser.
    "This post is my attempt to disentangle and examine the topic of "Internet platform" in detail. I will go at it by identifying three distinct approaches to providing an Internet platform, and project forward on where I think each of the three approaches will go. At best, I might be able to help make a new landscape clear. At worst, hopefully I can at least provide one framework for future discussion."


    The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth rate during the forecast period due to the rising adoption of LendTech solutions for reforming the lending landscape and growing number of start-ups catering to most of the financial areas, including banking, insurance, lending and wealth management.
Louis Martin

Long Term Cash Loans Funds Without Any Assurance For Security - 0 views

    A variety of purposes from individual to family unit can be comprehended with the assistance of the cash gave to the person through this plan of Long term cash loans. It helps in give a brisk answer for the general population to manage the surprising need of the person.

Jivespace: Jive Talks: XMPP (a.k.a. Jabber) is the future for cloud services - 0 views

    Cloud services are being talked up as a fundamental shift in web architecture that promises to move us from interconnected silos to a collaborative network of services whose sum is greater than its parts. The problem is that the protocols powering current cloud services; SOAP and a few other assorted HTTP-based protocols are all one way information exchanges. Therefore cloud services aren't real-time, won't scale, and often can't clear the firewall. So, it's time we blow up those barriers and come to Jesus about the protocol that will fuel the SaaS models of tomorrow--that solution is XMPP (also called Jabber) .
Casey Wedge

Get the Best Solutions for Data and T1 Internet Services at Connecthere - 0 views

    Connecthere offers the best T1 Internet Services like High Speed Internet and Data, Dedicated Internet Access, Ethernet & fiber Solutions, Hosting and Colocation, MPLS Services and Private Line Services. Connecthere provides Dedicated Internet Access through its network of Tier One Internet Service providers. It provides a proven track record of negotiating the best solutions and pricing for our customers telecommunications solutions custom tailored for the unique need of their business or industry and offers clients the best solutions that the industry can offer.
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