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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dennis OConnor

Dennis OConnor

Learn It In 5 - Home - 22 views

    Video site dedicated to short instructional tutorials for the technology classroom.  
Dennis OConnor

#PleaseHelp: Learning to Write (Again) on Twitter | Digital Is ... - 16 views

    A writing teacher's narrative about re-discovering a writers process by slowly learning Twitter.  This is a thoughtful account that may lure some who are hesitant about using twitter into giving it a try. (More than a try really, it takes some time for you too find your voice and your audience.)
Dennis OConnor

6-Traits Resources: Writing Process / 6-Traits / Web 2.0 - 28 views

  • Here's my stab at creating a poster that shows the relationships between the writing process, 6-traits, an web 2.0. ~ Denni
    I'm glad you bookmarked this poster. I created it after seeing the NWREL Traits / Writing Process poster. ~ Dennis O'Connor (aka Wireinstructor).
Dennis OConnor

6-Traits Resources: Twitter for K-3? Think about it! - 18 views

  • I have been itching to write this Teachers Guide to Twitter for a while now - hoping to encourage K-3 Teachers and others, to give Twitter a try.
Dennis OConnor

Education Blog Awards - The Winners | Education Blog Awards - 25 views

  • There were over 300 nominated blogs, and over 3600 votes cast – then the five judges got their hands on the list! They have spent the best part of a month reading the forty shortlisted blogs and after much soul searching they have managed to come up with the winners.
Dennis OConnor

Free Technology for Teachers: Google Tutorials - 43 views

    This page contains tutorials for using Google tools. The tutorials that I've created you are welcome to use in your own blog, website, or professional development session. Before using the tutorials created by others, please contact their creators.
Dennis OConnor

Skype and Kinect could be Microsoft's new killer combo - GeekWire - 12 views

  • Microsoft’s blockbuster agreement to acquire Skype is all but assured now, with multiple reports citing a purchase price of $8.5 billion,
  • The skepticism is warranted. Microsoft has had a rough time with big acquisitions in the past, and Skype will be seen by many in the industry as tying its fortunes to an over-the-hill technology giant that has struggled in consumer markets.
  • But many of the people trying to wrap their heads around the deal are missing an important point — the more than 10 million Microsoft cameras connected to television screens in homes around the world.
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  • That’s how many Xbox 360 Kinect sensors have been sold in six months.
  • Whether or not all of this justifies the $8+ billion price tag isn’t clear. Google and Facebook were reportedly discussing $3 billion to $4 billion at one point in their talks with Skype, which suggests that Microsoft was willing to pay a premium to keep those competitors at bay.
    A few years from now when the 'Holo Deck" is real and brought to you via the Cloud by our buddies in Redmond, will we remember it all started with Kinect & Skype?    if games drive virtual presence toward a 3d experience... I'll take the ride and try to figure out how to use it in teaching and learning. 
Dennis OConnor

The rise of K-12 blended learning: Profiles of emerging models | Innosight Institute - 2 views

  • Definition of blended learning In a field with significant confusion around what K−12 blended learning is, the 40 programs converged under a simple, umbrella definition. First, in all of the blended programs, the students learned in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home at least some of the time. Second, in all of the cases, the students experienced online delivery with some control over the time, place, path, and/or pace. These two requirements, then, start to distinguish blended learning from other types of learning.
    Synopsis of Innosight Institute report.  Link to pdf full white paper.  Cutting edge analysis of k-12 blended learning models.  A must read for any educator working with blended learning.
Dennis OConnor

Episode 83: Teaching Students to Be Smartphone-Literate - Tech Therapy - The Chronicle ... - 10 views

    Episode 83: Teaching Students to Be Smartphone-Literate
Dennis OConnor

Martin Dougiamas Keynote at Moodlemoot Canada | Some Random Thoughts - 13 views

  • Martin Dougiamas presented the keynote at the Canadian Moodlemoot in Edmonton.
  • Martin updated us with the current stats on Moodle 54,000 verified sites worldwide. 41 Million users 97 language packs (17 fully complete, the rest are in various states) 54 Moodle Partners who fund the project and its going very well ensuring the project will continue into the future. (such as Remote-Learner who I work for) USA still has the highest raw number of installations and Spain has half of that with much less population. Brazil is now 3rd in the world and has overtaken the UK now in total installs. 3 of the top 10 are English speaking per head of population, Portugal has the largest number of Moodle installations.
  •  ”a lot of people find that giving students the ability to teach is a valuable learning process” – Martin Dougiamas.
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  • As many may have seen before, there are 10 steps of pedagogical usage of Moodle, which is outlined on Moodle Docs. It details the typical 10 step progression which looks like: Putting up the handouts (Resources, SCORM) Providing a passive Forum (unfacilitated) Using Quizzes and Assignments (less management) Using the Wiki, Glossary and Database tools (interactive content) Facilitate discussions in Forums, asking questions, guiding Combining activities into sequences, where results feed later activities Introduce external activities and games (internet resources) Using the Survey module to study and reflect on course activity Using peer-review modules like Workshop, giving students more control over grading and even structuring the course in some ways Conducting active research on oneself, sharing ideas in a community of peers
  • A lot of people want that secure private place in the LMS with big gates, with students needing to gain competencies and knowledge.  Many people really want this “Content Pump” focus, becuase it is what they need. Others use it as a community of practitioners, connected activities, content created by students and teachers alike and many methods of assessment. These are the two ends of the spectrum of usage.
  • Moodle has two roles: to be progressive and integrate with things coming up, and a drag and drop UI, with innovate workflows and improve media handling and mobile platforms to be conservative and improve  security and usability and assessment , accredition, detailed management tracking and reports and performance and stability
  • Since Moodle 1.9 came out three years ago,  March 2008 and most are still using the three year old code which has had fixes applied since then (1.9.11 is the current release.) The support for 1.9 will continue until the middle of 2012 as it is understood that it will be a big move to Moodle2.   “If you are going to Moodle2, you may as well go to Moodle 2.1 as it is better with 6 months more work” .
  • However, the ongoing support for each release will be 1 yr moving to the future. Moodle will be released every 6 months which enables the organisations to plan their upgrade times ahead of time.
  • What will be in Moodle 2.1? Performance Restore 1.9 backups Quiz/question refactor Page course format Interface polishing Official Mobile app (there now is a Mobile division)
  • HQ are working on an official app which uses Moodle 2 built-in web services. This provides a secure access to the data in Moodle 2 for people who have accounts in Moodle which greatly benefits mobile apps.
  • Moodle HQ has looked at what is Mobile really good at and identified them one by one and implemented them.  This includes messaging, list of participants in your course, marking attendence (in class roll call). This will be for the iPhone first and then someone will make it for Android so it will lag behind, but will be the same.
  • What is going to happen in 2.2 and beyond?
  • Grading and Rubrics Competency Tracking (from activity level, course level, outside courses to generate a competency profile) Assignment (planning to combine all 4 into one type and simplify it) Forum (big upgrade probably based on OU Forum) Survey (to include feedback/questionnaire – being rewritten currently) Lesson Scorm 2 Improved reporting IMS LTI IMS CC (although it is in 1.9 needs to be redone)
    An important overview for any one using Moodle, especially useful for those contemplating an upgrade to 2.0 .  (I'll make the move when we have 2.1 or 2.2.)  
Dennis OConnor

UW-Stout E-Learning: Here Comes Summer 2011! - 7 views

  • I've put together a free e-book of my best articles on how to find e-learning jobs.
  • The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program has a Facebook page
  • Complete the READI (Readiness for Education at a Distance Indicator) for personalized feedback on how online learning fits your learning style and lifestyle needs
Dennis OConnor

Teacher Challenge - 21 views

  • Connecting teachers through free professional learning
    Another fine list of Web 2.0 tools complete with free professional development.
Dennis OConnor

Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collie... - 5 views

  • Nicholle Stone is the program advisor and lead instructor for the online graduate certificate program in instructional design at the University of Wisconsin-Stout [] (one of two grad certificates UW-Stout offers; the other is in eLearning). While you can use the certificate courses at UW-Stout for the school’s Master’s in Education, there is no master’s specifically in instructional design. UW-Stout developed only certificate programs in the field because so many of its students already hold advanced degrees, says Stone.
  • Coursework at UW-Stout includes understanding learning and design theories, models, and instructional strategies, as well as hands-on work developing computer-based training pieces. The work students do is customized to their current job or career interests, says Stone
  • Before beginning your school quest, you need to figure out your goals, says Harris. “You really have to develop your own personal rubric: ‘What is it I am looking to do?’” he says. “There is no Good Housekeeping book where you can look up a recipe to find your ideal school; you have to determine this yourself, based on research and an honest assessment of your professional objectives."
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  • Harris says there is no credible ranking for online master’s or certificate programs in instructional design, so you need to do your research to find the best program that fits your goals.
  • verall, says Harris, what’s most important in picking where you go and what you study is “what you want for yourself as a professional. That’s going to be the most important criteria you have to come up with in deciding whether a program is a good choice for you.”
Dennis OConnor

Jeff Clark - Portfolio Illustrating Patterns in Data - 22 views

    This is a tantalizing portfolio page of infographic generators.  As a writing teacher I see many applications. As an information fluency advocate I see a way to understand data that excites the mind. Many of these programs use social media sources to build visual comparisons and patterns.   What a find! 
Dennis OConnor

Twitter Venn - 10 views

  • Venn Diagram's can be used to illustrate the amount of overlap between various sets of items. In the projects section of Neoformix I have just published an application I call Twitter Venn. It supports investigation into the relationship between how words are used within the messages of all the people using Twitter.
    Develop venn diagrams by keyword searching twitter.  Seems like a great way to think about information and discover new power keywords. 
Dennis OConnor

The Power of Twitter in Information Discovery | Both Sides of the Table - 9 views

    The author provides a short history of information discovery that provides a fascinating context for the article.  You see the evolution of web info over the paste decade. You also get some true insight on how to consume information using social tools.  Abundant links to web 2.0 apps make this article well worth the time to read (and re-read it).  
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