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Arsenal and scouring a legendary treasure still free Beecham gunmen leaders praise 272 - 0 views

Podolski Arsenal Chamberlain injuries to tisa sanpbacks the offensive line staff is relatively tight , the new aid Yaya - Sanogo is still training with the French U20 team was injured, but in the ...

started by li li on 11 Sep 13 no follow-up yet
li li

Garnett plans! Yuedeluoxi Totti continues to remain or become the new leader of Team Nova - 1 views

Roman develop "plans Garnett," Totti pay cuts this week, is expected to recover faster, De Rossi is also important to determine left the team, Florencio Garcia trust Sarkozy barcelona jerseys was ...

started by li li on 28 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
Shabbar Suterwala

APJ Abdul Kalam: How to Mange Failure - 0 views

    APJ Abdul Kalam was among India's best-known scientists before he became the country's President. An alumnus of the Madras Institute of Technology, he worked for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he helped launch India's first satellites into orbit. Later, Kalam worked on developing missiles and other strategic weapons; he was widely regarded as a national hero for leading India's nuclear weapons tests in 1998. In 2002, Kalam was named the country's President, and he held that position until 2007. During the Wharton India Economic Forum in Philadelphia, Kalam spoke with India Knowledge@Wharton about his career as a scientist, his vision for India's future, and the most important traits for leaders, among other issues. An edited transcript of the interview follows:
Barbara Lindsey

NSBA T+ L News - NSBA announces this year's '20 to Watch' - 0 views

  • According to the organization, this list encompasses the most dynamic group of leaders they’ve ever recognized: from the director of technology for the Zuni Tribe’s school district to the first librarian to be mentioned on the list, all have helped students reach 21st-century educational goals.
  • “This list is really for the people who haven’t yet emerged on the national stage,”
  • Participants must be nominated by their peers or supervisors, and each applicant must describe a tech-related initiative that his or her nominee is involved with, why the nominee is an emerging leader, and how the nominee’s curiosity with new technology is implemented in education.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • “I feel it is so important that school librarians are recognized as educators who are often on the cutting edge of using new technology with K-12 students,” said Kay Hones, librarian for Stevenson Elementary School in San Francisco and one of this year’s honorees. “As a school librarian, I am often the first to try a new technology and quickly find a way to use it with all students.”
  • “I believe test scores and literacy rates will improve when all students have equitable access to high-quality library programs, including books, media, electronic, and primary resources that support student interest as well as curriculum,” she said.
  • Cynthia Trujillo, director of technology for Zuni Public School District, agrees that equitable access to technology is a key to students’ future success.
  • “The community also didn’t have the ability to connect, so I worked with the local phone company, CenturyTel, to provide everyone access,” said Trujillo. “By being able to connect to the internet, we’ll be able to share our culture with others, and vice versa.”
  • Recognizing the lack of discretionary funds for teachers, Henke—who was nominated by CoSN’s chief executive, Keith Krueger—launched, a free online listing service of grants and awards for teachers and students. This fall, an offshoot of the project,, will be the first social-networking site for both grant seekers and grant givers to share insights and experiences, she said.

Afghanistan Bombings Death Toll Rises to 50 in Blasts | World News - 0 views

     Situation in Afghanistan will be an urgent issue for the new leader, although the longest-running US war was hardly mentioned in the bitterly contested presidential elections.
edutopia .org

Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits) | Edutopia - 0 views

    Adam Bellow (@adambellow on Twitter) works as the Director of Educational Technology for the College Board Schools where he works with educational leaders, teachers, and students to infuse technology successfully in the classroom. In 2011, he was recognized as Outstanding Young Educator of the Year by ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education).

Bulk SMS Chennai, Marketing SMS Chennai, Transactional SMS Chennai - 0 views

    Bulk SMS Chennai Provider offering SMS service in Chennai at most affordable rates. And as leader in providing Bulk SMS, Promotional SMS provider for company in Chennai -
Abhinav Outsourcings

Australia Global Talent Visa Program- Pathway to Fast-Track Permanent Residency in Down... - 0 views

    If you have exceptional skills or are an emerging leader in your field, then the Australia Global Talent Visa program is the right choice for you. The Global Talent Visa can help you obtain permanent residency status in Australia in a few months if you prove your ground-breaking skills in one of the government's targeted sectors.

Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 0 views

Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...

english quiz online

started by puzznbuzzus on 17 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
li li

Rasi in leading European Masters first round Li Haotong behind five ranked 12Beijing ti... - 0 views

Rasi in leading European Masters first round Li Haotong behind five ranked 12Beijing time on September 6 news, Indian players Ani Ban - Rasi li (Anirban Lahiri) in Switzerland Swiss Golf Club Schip...

started by li li on 06 Sep 13 no follow-up yet
li li

Total development without Idol - 0 views

For this contest, the Chinese team effectiveness cheap soccer shirts , Zhou Jihong think in general relatively flat, "women good springboard, Wu Min Xia, as a veteran, led the young players. Spring...

started by li li on 05 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
Sarah Eeee

The Magic of Higher Education - Old School, New School - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

  • When we view faculty as labor and students as customers, we do not see magic; we see expenses and revenue on a profit-and-loss sheet. We would be better off selling tickets to a magic show.
  • When we present the university as a corporation, the faculty as labor, and the students as customers, we lose sight of our core mission of teaching and learning. Just as the corporate analogy distracts, the customer analogy detracts. Presenting the student as a customer rather than as a partner in learning is condescending at best. It is a short-run view that focuses on interactions with students as a series of financial transactions rather than a network of human relationships. When we view education as consumption, administrators are forced to side either with faculty at the expense of the students or with students at the expense of the faculty. When our focus is on learning as a form of development, we can spend our energy on finding ways to support the creativity and growth of both partners in this relationship.
  • But the reality is that those of us who labor in academe range from part-time work-study students to outsourced janitors and food-service workers, to campus police, librarians, doctors, legal counsel, and a myriad of student counselors, among others. Many of the working conditions that affect professors also affect the rest of us. Much more is to be gained by seeing the conditions we have in common than by painting a picture of faculty as uniquely oppressed. Building bridges between faculty and administration is a necessary step in creating a campus culture that values teaching and learning and that is oriented toward the success of both students and faculty.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Professors seem to have a strange sort of tunnel vision when it comes to defining labor on campus. Apart from their fellow faculty members, their view rarely includes those outside of the line on the organizational chart that links themselves to their presidents. They seem to look through their chairs, deans, and provosts to their most senior leaders.
  • Academic discussions of the corporatization of higher education frame the institution as a corporation and the faculty as the labor oppressed by this structure. But academics need to realize that the corporate model dehumanizes everyone on campus, not just the faculty.
    How can we be inspirational teachers at a distance? How do we achieve this 'magical' element, rather than just replicate the base demands of the corporate university?

One of the Best SEO Agency- HTBS for website - 0 views

    When it comes to your online presence, leave nothing to chance. HTBS is an industry leader in Best SEO Agency HTBS. More than just a service provider, HTBS is an agency of experts committed to helping you reach your highest potential in the digital market. Get advice on SEO strategy, web design, content creation and more-all tailored to your specific needs. With HTBS, you can look forward to a comprehensive solution that will help you drive traffic, gain visibility and establish a strong digital presence. Don't get left behind in the race-trust a team of expert professionals at HTBS and let them elevate your online success. 10 Steps to SEO Success SEO is a process. It takes time and plenty of research to find what connects with your audience in order to achieve success in the organic search results. That's why our SEO process starts with you. You know your business best and your goals will act as the driving force behind your Best SEO strategy. So before we start any work, our team takes the time to get to know you and your business. By learning more about your audience, business model and competition, our team can work more effectively to develop a customized search engine optimization strategy tailored to your exact needs. 1. Your Goals Our experienced marketing consultants work with you to define your digital marketing goals, developing an initial platform to start strategizing your SEO plan. 2. Site Audit By combing through your website, we gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your current position. Using an extensive range of SEO tools, we identify and prioritize the elements of your website that will provide the most benefit. 3. Competitive Analysis Auditing your competitors' actions is a proven way to distinguish your unique value proposition. This also helps our SEO team highlight your business' strengths while staying in tune with the competitive landscape of your industry. 4. Keyword Research This criti
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