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IJSRD Journal

IJSRD - International Journal For Scientific Research - 0 views

    IJSRD Journal is a leading e-journal, under which we are encouraging and exploring newer ideas of current trends in Engineering and Science by publishing papers containing pure knowledge. The Journal is started with noble effort to help the researchers in their work and also to share knowledge and research ideas.
Ben Rimes

MediaShift . 5 Principles for Teaching Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age | PBS - 9 views

    Great resource for teaching journalism ethics for a high school journalism and/or broadcasting class. Good firsthand, industry examples and guidelines.
Clif Mims

Mnemograph: Web Based Timeline Software - 0 views

    • Clif Mims
      This web application could be used with the following: -Research/ Reports in any content area -Lab reports -Data collection/ analysis (research journal/ log, data trail, notes, formation of ideas and early possible findings, etc.) -Pre- and post-assessment -Ogranizer -Group or whole-class projects -Self-paced instruction -Journal writing exercise spanning an extended timeframe -Group/ Project management
    This web application could be used with the following: -Research/ Reports in any content area -Lab reports -Data collection/ analysis (research journal/ log, data trail, notes, formation of ideas and early possible findings, etc.) -Pre- and post-assessment -Ogranizer -Group or whole-class projects -Self-paced instruction -Journal writing exercise spanning an extended timeframe -Group/ Project management -In IDT 7/8052
Dean Mantz

iPads Make Better Readers, Writers -- THE Journal - 23 views

    The Journal provides this article containing research showing the impact of an iPad on developing reading skills.
IJSRD Journal

IJSRD - Institue for Research and Development India - 0 views

    The objective of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) is to help professionals working in the field, educators and policy makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.
IJSRD Journal

Ijsrd - Good Journals of India - 0 views

    The objective of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) is to help professionals working in the field, educators and policy makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work.
Barbara Moose

Met Any Good Authors Lately? Classroom author visits can happen via Skype (here's a lis... - 0 views

    School Library Journal article on authors who Skype for free
Clif Mims

Seesaw - 6 views

    Useful as a learning journal and for student-driven portfolios.
Lynley Greer

Writing Prompts for Students - 0 views

    This website gives all kinds of writing prompt ideas for kids starting in elementary school and going through middle school. The only way kids are going to enjoy writing is if the teacher makes it fun for them. This website has prompts for narrative, persuasive, expository, essay, and journal writings.
Ben Rimes

Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica - CNET News - 7 views

  • In response to situations like these and others in its history, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has always maintained that the service and its community are built around a self-policing and self-cleaning nature that is supposed to ensure its articles are accurate.
    Brief of s study completed by the journal Nature about the accuracy of Wikipedia as compared to the accuracy of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Dean Mantz

blog_and_writing.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 14 views

    Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy Oct.2007
drew polly

Charlie's Chirps - 0 views

    Travel journal of school's toy mascot. Incorporates teacher and student writing and journaling. Maintained by Joan Schlegelmilch.
    Flat Stanley collaborative writing project but on a blog.
Clif Mims

effective practices using blogs and wikis at the college level - 123 views

We begin a new semester today and this will be the first time that I'll be using a wiki with one of my classes. It is a special topics seminar for graduate students. My intent is to provide them w...

Favorite Resources

Barbara Lindsey

Paly Voice - Home - 12 views

    Palo Alto High School Online Journalism Site. Excellent example of authentic student work.
Clif Mims

Issuu - You Publish - 12 views

    Upload all major file formats and convert them into online publications. Can be used to: -Create digital books, e-zines, etc. -Students can become "published" authors -Alternative strategy for reports and presentations -Develop and share tutorials, study guides, etc. -Embed projects into a class site, blog or wiki -Connect with others that share your interests
Clif Mims

Calaméo: Publish and share documents - 5 views

    Upload all major file formats and convert them into online publications. Can be used to: -Create digital books, e-zines, etc. -Students can become "published" authors -Alternative strategy for reports and presentations -Develop and share tutorials, study guides, etc. -Embed projects into a class site, blog or wiki -Connect with others that share your interests
IJSRD Journal

How to submit manuscript at - 0 views

shared by IJSRD Journal on 04 Nov 14 - No Cached
    This video will guide all research scholars to Manuscript submission process. The easiest way to publish your paper is at IJSRD- International Journal for Scientific Research & Development. Stay in touch and get connected to research world. We are trying to help interested authors in best possible ways.
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