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Nigel Coutts

Playing with Habits of Mind - The Learner's Way - 8 views

    What are the mindful habits of successful learners and how can an understanding of these habits help us better achieve our learning goals? This is the question Art Costa Bena Kallick set out to answer with their study of the habits of Mind. In 'Learning and Leading with habits of Mind' Costa and Kallick identify sixteen habits which when utilised promote deeper understanding, unlock creativity, encourage reflective thinking and scaffold problem solving for individuals and groups. 
Aay K

9 Ways to Give Up Bad Habits - 0 views

    Struggling with unwanted habits? Discover nine simple, effective ways to break free and achieve lasting change. Check out the full article to get started on your journey to a better you!

50 Habits of Highly Successful Online Learners | - 0 views

    Online students have unique challenges, and the truly successful ones have some habits in common. Here are 50 characteristics and practices held by many successful online learners:
Nigel Coutts

rediquest - Home - 45 views

    This site combines Habits of Mind with Making Thinking Visible Routines. It is useful for teachers and students when trying to implement Habits of Mind as it provides a set of strategies to apply for each Habit, examples in the form of short films and a set of associated Thinking Routines. Also useful when looking for the right thinking routine to use for a given learning outcome or objective.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary Over View by Stephen Covey - 0 views

    7 Habits of highly Effective People Summary is a complete project on 7 Habits and can also be used in training sessions as it also includes group activities and complete two hours session plan. Auto-Biography of Stephen R. Covey Dr Stephen R Covey was born in 1932.

Buy Verified Revolut Account - 100% USA UK CA Revolut - 0 views

    What is Revolut Revolut is a digital banking platform that allows you to manage your money in one place. It's designed to help you use your cash in the places where it's most useful, including at ATM machines and online merchants. Buy Verified Revolut Account Revolut works by letting you transfer money between different currencies and convert them into any other currency instantly. For example, if you have a balance in USD on your Revolut account and want to withdraw some euros from an ATM machine somewhere abroad (where they cost more), all you need do is swipe your card at the machine; it'll automatically detect what type of card was used-like Visa or MasterCard-and deduct the correct amount from whichever account has that currency linked up with theirs via their integration with VISA/MasterCard Global Payment Solutions (GPS). What is a Revolut account? A Revolut account is a digital money account that you can use to send money, make payments and exchange currencies. The card itself is a prepaid card that allows you to spend in over 130 countries around the world, including the United States and Canada. You can use your Revolut Card as payment for goods at over 25 million places worldwide - including restaurants, grocery stores, shops and drugstores - or withdraw cash from ATM with no fees charged by the banks themselves. Buy Revolut Account Revolut is a cryptocurrency platform that allows users to use their debit cards and other services around the world. It also offers remittance services, so you can make payments without fees or restrictions. The company was founded in 2015 by Russian-born Vital Milkshake and Estonian Merle van den Bosch, who wanted to create an app that would allow people from different countries to access their money easily. Buy Verified Revolut Account What are the benefits of buying a Revolut account? A Revolut account allows you to: Manage all your finances in one place - including savings accounts and loans; Send money
intermixed intermixed

Lunettes Ray Ban pas cher On - 0 views

- Bombes à fragmentation ? - L'Arabie saoudite fait l'objet de critiques croissantes pour la campagne militaire qu'elle mène depuis plus de cinq semaines au Yémen avec huit autres pays arabes, majo...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 13 May 15 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

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A Mayotte, aux Comores, le cap des 1 000 cas a été franchi (1)», a déclaré lundi soir Xavier Bertrand, ministre de la Santé, qui, avec Xavier Goulard, ministre de la Recherche, a mis en place une c...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 03 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
Leonard Miller

How 21st Century Thinking Is Just Different - 0 views

  • this world full of information abundance, our minds are constantly challenged to react to data, and often in a way that doesn’t just observe, but interprets. Subsequently, we unknowingly “spin” everything to avoid cognitive dissonance
  • Instead, we might consider constant reflection guided by important questions as a new way to learn in the presence of information abundance.
  • Information Abundance There is more information available to any student with a smartphone than an entire empire would have had access to three thousand years ago
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Truth may not change, but information does. And in the age of social media, it divides and duplicates in a frenzied kind of digital mitosis.
  • Specifically, new habits of mind. Persisting. Managing impulsivity. Responding with awe. Questioning. Innovating. Thinking interdependently.
  • learn
  • If the 20th century model was to measure the accuracy and ownership of information, the 21st century’s model is form and interdependence
  • learning options today don’t just abound, they dwarf formal learning institutions in every way but clout with the power-holders—parents, teachers, deans, and curriculum designers
  • Habits, by nature, are reflexive, accessible, and adaptable–not unlike knowledge. This is a can’t-miss point. Internalized and reflexive cognitive patterns that are called upon intrinsically, and transfer seamlessly.
  • all else, the 21st century
  • learner
  • Above
  • needs for self-knowledge and authentic local placement, two very broad ideas that come from patient thinking
  • Persistence. Managing Impulsivity. Responding with awe.
  • Old learning forms focused on the thinker rather than the thoughts, the source rather than the information, and correctly citing that source over understanding what made that information worth extracting
  • The tone of thinking in the 21st century should not be hushed nor gushing, defiant nor assimilating, but simply interdependent, conjured to function on a relevant scale within a much larger human and intellectual ecology, one that exposes itself daily across twitter, facebook, and a billion smartphone screens.
    Beautiful description of 21st century thinking
Paul Beaufait

Creating Kick-Ass Passwords | Should I Change My Password? - 18 views

    "Creating long, secure passwords can be extremely difficult, especially when you have multiple accounts and have to remember them all. It's no wonder that we end up writing them down, or using the same password again and again. This is however, a terrible habit to get in to." (Creating (and remembering) Great Passwords, ¶1) To help online site and tool users do a better job of password protecting their accounts, ShouldIChangeMyPassword (the Avalanche Technology Group) recommends: Padding, Passphrases, Formulas, and Password Managers.
Rick Beach

Younger Americans' Reading and Library Habits | Pew Internet Libraries - 0 views

    adolescents reading of e-books/use of the library
Martin Burrett

21habit - 0 views

    A nice site for any teacher trying to break or make a teaching/classroom habit. My desk actually may be tidy for once.
Martin Burrett

Planet Positive - Carbon Calculator - 0 views

    A lovely carbon calculator designed for children found via @martingibb. Enter the answers to a few questions about transport habits, energy and food and see how green your students are.
intermixed intermixed

RDC. survetement ralph lauren - 0 views

Dans un communiqué publié jeudi, les médias officielssyriens ont déclaré que les déclarations britanniques et françaisessur la livraison d'armes aux rebelles "s'inscrivent dans le cadrede l' implic...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 20 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

basket burberry pas cher Une - 0 views

Les pompiers de Gironde ont renforcé leurs dispositifs "pour faire face à une éventuelle dégradation de la situation", a-t-il ajouté, précisant qu'aucun axe majeur ou route départementale n'étaient...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 25 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

survetement ea7 soldes L'herbe - 0 views

En termes militaires, la LRA n'est plus une menace. Ses miliciens ne peuvent plus tuer ni enlever d'enfants. Ils ne sont plus capables de se réarmer car ils n'ont plus de soutien financier de l'étr...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 16 May 14 no follow-up yet
J Black

Stats: Old Media's Decline, New Media's Ascent - 0 views

    Quick: what was the most widely-used form of media in 2008? If you guessed Internet news sites, blogs, or social networks, you'd be way off. Network TV news (NBC, CBS, ABC) is still used by the highest percentage of adult Internet users, with local newspapers and local TV news occupying the 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively, in a recently released survey from Ketchum. While old media is still on top, the trends in the survey, which has been conducted each of the last three years, point to a familiar story: media consumption habits are quickly changing. That said, some forms of new media are performing much better than others. For example: - Blogs are now used by 24% of Internet users, up from 13% in 2006 - Social networks are now used by 26% of Internet users, up from 17% in 2006 - Videocasts are now used by 11% of Internet users, up from 6% in 2006 Slower growers include: - RSS feeds: growing from 5 to 7 percent - Podcasts: growing from 5 to 7 percent - Business news sites: flat at 8 percent
Diane Breault

Make the Windows Key a good habit in Windows 7 | TechRepublic - 0 views

    • Diane Breault
      Make the Windows Kay a good habbit in Windows 7
seema khanam

Top Ways to Quit a Dangerous Smoking Habit! - 0 views

    The dangers of smoking are well known to all, but one thing still remains unknown in large masses, is that the availability of cessation programs and methods. Smoking is as dangerous as the health of a person and increases the chances of getting lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in people who smoke. But there are people in this world who want to quit but are unable to succeed because of nicotine addiction. This article aims to provide quality information on different types of cessation programs and methods.
Martin Burrett

Learn to Write a Letter - 0 views

    Get children into the habit of structuring their formal letters correctly by using this template which prompts for information when required. There is no spell-checker available, so children will need to rely on a good old fashioned dictionary.
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