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Nigel Coutts

A Conceptual approach to Big Understandings and Mathematical Confidence - The Learner's... - 3 views

    This traditional pedagogy results in students developing a negative attitude towards mathematics. Many develop a mathematical phobia and believe that they are not a "maths person". When confronted by challenging mathematics they retreat and have no or only poor strategies with which to approach new ideas. This all leads to a decline in the number of students pursuing mathematical learning beyond the years where it is compulsory. Fortunately there is a growing body of research that shows there is a better way. 
Nigel Coutts

Supporting Mathematical Thinking through the Eight Cultural Forces - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    At the heart of mathematics are a set of connected thinking dispositions. The mathematician uses these dispositions as the cognitive tools of their trade. While the traditional imagining of mathematics might be all about the accurate application of well-rehearsed algorithms and processes, in the real world of mathematics, it is all about the thinking. As we consider what our students need from their mathematical education, we should not overlook the importance of these dispositions. 
Nigel Coutts

Bringing concepts to early learning in Mathematics - The Learner's Way - 6 views

    Our beliefs about mathematics play a significant role in how we approach learning within the discipline. These beliefs are established by the nature of our early engagement with mathematics and are difficult to change once established. For many people mathematics is viewed as a subject that is not for them. Indeed the situation is so bad that many people will say that they are not a maths person and approach mathematics with fear and anxiety. 
Nigel Coutts

Rethinking Mathematics Education - The Learner's Way - 10 views

    What becomes clear, as you dive further into the emerging research that connects what we know about learning, mindsets, dispositions for learning and the development of mathematical understandings, is that a new approach is required. We need to move away from memorisation and rule based simplifications of mathematics and embrace a model of learning that is challenging and exciting. We can and should be emerging all our students in the beauty and power of mathematics in learning environments full of multiple representations, rich dialogue and collaborative learning. 
Nigel Coutts

Perseverance and Mathematics - A mathematical journey to Mars - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    The landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars is an excellent catalyst for a discussion with students about the nature of Mathematics. It is a chance to inspire curiosity and wonderment and to do so through a mathematical lens.
Nigel Coutts

Agency and Mathematics - The Learner's Way - 12 views

    Of all the subjects that our students engage in, mathematics is the one most requiring an injection of learner agency. What is it about mathematics that engenders it to modes of teaching that are so heavily teacher-directed? How might this change if we seek to understand the place that learner agency plays in producing learners who will emerge from our classrooms with a love of mathematics and a deep understanding of its beauty?

Mathematics Assignment Help - Math Query Solutions Expert - 0 views

    If you need your mathematics assignment solutions? Then Contact Assignment Classmates and get your mathematics assignment answer instantly.
Kathleen N

Calculation Nation - Challenge others. Challenge yourself.™ - 0 views

    Math Games
    Serious Gaming from NCTM/ ILLUMINATIONS \n\nCalculation Nation™ uses the power of the Web to let students challenge opponents from anywhere in the world. (USA & CA for now) At the same time, students are able to challenge themselves by investigating significant mathematical content and practicing fundamental skills. The element of competition adds an extra layer of excitement.\n\n"The games on Calculation Nation™ provide an entertaining environment where students can explore rich mathematics," "Through these games, students are exposed to the same mathematical topics that they see in class as well as those that are recommended in Curriculum Focal Points."\n\nCan play against computer using a guest pass but must create an account to challenge other players. \n\nSquare Off--Perimeter and area, Factor Dazzle, Fraction-Feud, Times Square, Slam Ball.
Nigel Coutts

Mathematical thinking presents teachers and students with new challenges - The Learner'... - 4 views

    The shift away from teaching for the rote memorisation of prescribed methods requires teachers to rethink their approach to the discipline. With this new pedagogy comes a need to understand the processes of mathematical thinking in ways not previously required. When we require our students to be able to reason and problem-solve through unique challenges we also require our teachers to have an understanding of the mathematical moves that their learners are likely to call upon.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Mathematics - TopperLearning - 0 views

    NCERT Solutions for Mathematics class 10, - Access free NCERT Solutions for class 10 Mathematics on TopperLearning. All the questions has been solved by expert and explained in detail. Even if you have doubts you can ask and our expert will answer all your queries.
Nigel Coutts

Reflections from Mathematics: The Greatest Show - The Learner's Way - 6 views

    I have just had the opportunity to spend the weekend learning alongside a large group of mathematics teachers. After a day and a half of talking and thinking about mathematics teaching, I am excited to get back to school and try out some new ideas. There were also some key takeaways for me that I share below. These are the questions or wonderings that my mind wandered to while listening to the numerous talented speakers over the past two days.
Nigel Coutts

Insights into the true power of Number Talks - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    Number Talks are a wonderful way to see where our students are with their mathematical thinking. As a part of a daily routine, a Number Talk promotes number sense and mathematical reasoning. In this post, I revisit what a Number Talk can reveal about our students' understanding of mathematics, and how they might be used to promote a fresh perspective. In addition, I examine a success criteria for Number Talks that is more expansive and recognises their true power.
Nigel Coutts

Moving Beyond Rote Learning in Mathematics - The Learner's Way - 5 views

    How do move from an emphasis on rote learning of procedures in mathematics towards a focus on mathematical reasoning?
Judy Robison :: Mathematics Enrichment :: July 2009 Front Page - 0 views

    The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. To support this aim, members of the NRICH team work in a wide range of capacities, including providing professional development for teachers wishing to embed rich mathematical tasks into everyday classroom practice.
Nigel Coutts

Teaching mathematicians shouldn't be like programming a computer - The Learner's Way - 4 views

    Traditional methods of teaching maths have more in common with how we programme a computer that what we might do if we wanted to engage our students in mathematical thinking. We shouldn't be overly surprised then when our students consider mathematics to be all about learning a set of rules that they need to apply in the right order so as to output the correct response. But is there a better way?

Importance of CPM Homework Help from Math Experts - 0 views

    Do you want to Know the importance of CPM homework help by mathematics industry experts? You can visit Australia Best Tutor to understand the College Preparatory Mathematics and gain proficiency with their suggestion.

How to solve a challenging situation in Mathematics Assignment - 0 views

    While explaining the challenging situation in mathematics assignment, most of the students lose their patience level for going to the last step.
Judy Robison - 48 views

    Emaths for Teachers provides free classroom resources for teachers of mathematics, helping you to teach topics clearly and interactively. Emaths for Students contains many useful resources and links to help students who are learning mathematics.
Turadg Aleahmad

Welcome to the Algebra Hut - 0 views

    Mission Statement: To create web tools to further enable the communication of mathematics and mathematical ideas over the internet, especially between student and teacher.
Nigel Coutts

Does Mathematics Education need a re-think? - 19 views

    Once upon a time Mathematics was easy to teach. A typical lesson would begin with a direction towards a particular page of the text book and would conclude with the ceremonial marking of the answers. This process was repeated over and over, year after year and in the end students would be able to repeat the required method with a satisfactory degree of accuracy.
    goodby 2015 welcome 2016 to all friends
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