Teachers can create an account for school. Provides practice and quizzes. Probably best for elementary or sped. I also like SpellingTube which has videos created by students (UK accent) to reinforce spelling.
This is way cooler than I thought it would be! You input some vocab or spelling words and it creates tests or teaches the words including spelling, and using them in a sentence.
A superb resource where teachers can sign in and input spelling lists for pupils to learn by playing games. Give pupils the link and they don't need to sign in to use it. Site only recognises US spelling when generating example sentences, but you can input your own easily. Free option should be enough for most users, but 'paid for' option is available.
Class participation is an important aspect for students to develop good speaking and listening skills. By making students talk we can make learning easier for students
A common challenge for students and teachers is how to develop a great idea for a piece of writing. Too often students struggle with the process of finding inspiration for their writing. They have a vague idea for the story they hope to tell, but all too quickly it transforms into a list of events with little or no detail. The goal here is to provide our students with a process to use during the planning process. The hope is that by identifying the type of thinking required during the early phases of ideation and to focus their attention on details, that the stories our students subsequently compose will be more enjoyable to read. Hopefully, this process helps.
Bring the power of the Amazon book store to your children's stories. Use this great online publishing tool to show off your children's writing and even produce paper copied.
Digital storytelling is an emerging art form of personal, heartful expression that enables individuals and communities to reclaim their personal cultures while exploring their artistic creativity.
Schoenfeld has said that, ‘Groups are not just a convenient way to accumulate
the individual knowledge of their members. They give rise synergistically to
insights and solutions that would not come about without them.’
Encourage the philosophy in the classroom that “deep thinking is a highly valued
have found that (in addition to the familiar strategies associated with
student-driven, authentic inquiry-based projects) scaffolded, collaborative
journal writing is helpful to move kids beyond the social comments.
The elaboration triggers are connecting words or phrases that can be
used to help kids extend their thinking beyond what they might otherwise
attempt. So once they write something, they are encouraged to check the list of
‘elaboration triggers’ to think more deeply.
"Posted by Peter Skillen on Nov 30, 2012 in The How of 21st Century Teaching,
Peter Skillen writes, How CAN we help our students be the kind of thinkers we want?
Several years ago, my friend and colleague, @brendasherry, wrote a thoughtful post called "What is Deep Understanding?"
She asked several excellent questions:
what kind of thinkers do we want our students to be?
what is deep understanding?
can schools really provide the learning environment to nurture and develop it?
In thinking about these questions, I would like to also ask: "How can we help novice learners become more expert learners?"