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Using Chronological Teaching * EffectiveEvangelism - 0 views

  • start with Creation when you teach the Gospel, and present God's story chronologically from Creation to Christ. This is proving to be one of the most exciting and productive soul-winning and discipleship methods available
  • Unfortunately, most people only hear bits and pieces of the Bible, and never really understand how it all goes together. No wonder so many are confused about what the Bible and the Gospel is about and what it all means. They have simply never had the whole story clearly explained from the beginning, in correct order.
  • We are told that evangelists who show the Jesus film have found greater success when they first show the God's Story video.
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  • It has been the difference between night and day for New Tribes Mission.
  • Here on ChristianAnswers.Net, The HOPE has proven to be the most effective evangelism video we have ever used (and we have used just about all of them). We are showing it on-line.
  • If you are serious about reaching out to those who don't have a clear understanding of the Bible and salvation, we highly recommend chronological Bible story telling and these wonderful resources.
  • Resources you can use A great new book entitled The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
  • You don't have to be a gifted orator to sit down with a neighbor and read through a book together, and that's the beauty of this resource.
  • The HOPE can purchased on DVD, and may be viewed in its entirety, free on-line. (80-minutes)   The HOPE can be shown in segments. See on-line list of suggested segments.
  • God’s Story uses artist’s illustrations of biblical events to share the gospel, from Creation to eternity. It is available for purchase on DVD or VCD and is already available in a plethora of languages.
IN Too

Hope for the Future gives us Hope for the Present « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Jesus' resurrection… gives us hope that we too can live our lives unburdened by sin/sinfulness/the sin-nature. We have a hope for the present, for our day-to-day walk, that sin does not have to rule over our lives: Jesus' resurrection means we are free.

Make disciples with the film "The Hope" - in many languages - 0 views

  • The Hope The Story of God’s Promise for All People a powerful chronological overview of God’s redemptive story from Genesis to Revelation
  • Available in these languages (more coming)
  • They all wanted something that: had the production quality to reach even the most media sophisticated cultures, was about an hour was sensitive to the culture in which they were ministering, and told the whole story, creation through Christ.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There are four major sections comprised of 12 chapters and 36 biblical events. Four discussions can be built around the four sections. At a deeper level, a 12 unit Sunday school program or Bible study can be built around the 12 chapters. Finally, at a more detailed level, 36 classes could be built around the 36 biblical events.
  • Show The HOPE in a single showing or in sections (over a period of days, weeks or months), or both SECTION ONE - 15:09 min. Introduction - 3:11 The Universal Question - Is There a Purpose? The Voice - Recorded for All Time in a Book Chapter 1 - In the Beginning - 4:51 The Story Begins with God - His Attributes Creation - A Reflection of Gods Power & Nature Chapter 2 - The Choice - 3:07 The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge The Rebellion of Satan and The Creation of Hell

The Apathetical Man - Gregory Martin Mcleod | Home - 0 views

    Today we as mankind need hope, without any doubts. We need hope in something greater than that of our governments, teachers, doctors, and so on. Even though these are good for us, we still are sometimes without the understanding of true reality. Today, we can have a greater hope in something greater than you can imagine. Just look to the heavens my friend. Just think, everything that your eyes can see, your eyes can hear and your fingers can touch will be gone, like a vapor one day. It isn't a matter of "IF" it is a matter of just "WHEN." Then what?

Walmart Corporate - Ethical Sourcing - 0 views

    if it is so, good - I hope, also on the unseen inside
Ebey Soman

Travian Guides: Heroes - 0 views

    The guide to Heroes from Travian - hope you enjoy!
Ingrid Funk

Spirituality on - 0 views

    a website offering inspiration, hope and rest while reflecting on Bible Verses, prayers, quotes, stories, poems, reflections and jokes - now with a daily Bible Verse on the home page
Cody Lorance

Why do I fear? - 0 views

    Here's a moving poem about fear and hope. I really liked it and want to know what you think.
Ebey Soman

The Balfour Declaration - 0 views

    In the middle of World War I, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour wrote on behalf of the British Government the words that would one day fulfill the dreams and hopes of millions of Jews around the world.
Irwan S - Commitment to be Good People Site - 0 views

    the first site which established the idea of be good people all over the world. This site is made to ask as many people as possible to make such a commitment to be good people by showing their profile. The main difference compare to the other "social-purposed sites", is that this site is more likely to push the people to be "good people" with the better consequence effects in their real life - not only online.\nWe hope by joining this site, people are expected to postpone their 'evil side' at least 5min, an hour, a day, even more as long as they can. So, if you think you're good enough, prove it here.
Ingrid Funk

Reflections on - 0 views

    Heartprints, I hope, and more

#Very Effective Tinnitus Sound Therapy 528Hz to Promote Inner Healing And Calm - YouTube - 0 views

    #Very Effective Tinnitus Sound Therapy 528Hz to Promote Inner Healing And Calm Welcome to MAGICAL BLESSINGS We are creating soothing meditation music, mantra chants and other important resources for meditation, relaxation, and sleep and healing. Hope our work will help you in a positive way. Blessings and Peace all the way. Listening powerful mantras while sleeping, or Play in Background at Work or Home for Successful Result. Play this Mantra at Work Place or Home every day and will you see miraculous positive financial and socials recognitions and this mantras also Help us in Improvement of Health, Career Booster and Most important, above everything the PEACE OF MIND. Thank You

How to get a girlfriend: the 3 important steps to get the girl of your dreams - relaati... - 0 views

    Getting a girlfriend, for many men can be a difficult task. They should join tons of online dating sites, use social media, join a cooking class with the hope that they will find the perfect girlfriend. Yes, these are some of the things you can do to become a wife. Or you can follow what I teach in this article and get the girl of your dreams. Here, I teach you how to get a girlfriend using 3 safe steps.

10 Scriptures of Hope for the Single Mom | buzitnow - 0 views

    When I was a mother raising children alone, I possessed one certain Bible. I wrote notes in the margins beside verses that pertained to my circumstances, asking God to apply that truth to my need. My Bible was my diary (much like the little pink one with a lock on it that I hid under my pillow when I was eight years old). Then when I married Rich 25 years ago, I purchased another Bible, one accompanied with fresh-smelling neon markers.

When Addiction Hits Your Family: Top 3 Ways to Fight Back | buzitnow - 0 views

    When addiction invades a family, it doesn't politely knock on the front door and ask to come in. It comes in like a bat out of hell with a bloody vengeance. Addiction's sole mission is to destroy relationships, health, finances, hopes, dreams, and sanity… but it doesn't stop there. In its quest for pain and destruction, addiction goes after anyone who stands in its way. This includes the addict and the family. The families are left in the wake of addiction feeling hopeless, powerless and broken. They have had addiction consume most areas of their lives (if not all) and are paying the price of addiction even though they are not addicts themselves. Though the family can't ultimately stop the addict from self-destruction, there are some things they can do to regain their footing and start taking their power back from addiction.

Early Signs of pregnancy | buzitnow - 0 views

    Babies are born into a variety of situations and different kinds of families. The baby may be a firstborn or one of many siblings. Some babies have one parent, others have two. Some are born into traditional nuclear families, others into stepfamilies. Some pregnancies are carefully planned, while others may come as quite a surprise. This booklet contains information on pregnancy, birth and parenting. It also gives advice on how to take care of your baby and where you can find help and support. In addition to this guide, your local prenatal and child health clinics are there on-hand to offer support and advice on good parenting. For further assistance, you can also contact your maternity hospital, as well as the many other organisations mentioned in this booklet that are dedicated to child and family support. We hope that this booklet will be a useful guide in the preparations for a new addition to your family
José Bortolato


    Jó capítulos 18 e 19 Em meio às mais terríveis amarguras, saibam todos que existe uma luz, um abrigo na tempestade, uma paz no meio da tormenta, uma luz que espanca as trevas, a verdade que vence os sofismas, o consolo que apaga as angústias da alma, o alívio para as dores físicas e
    In the middst of a sufferance we can find a light of hope. How is it? It is written in the book of Job, chapter 19, and we are here commenting - in portuguese, but you may translate to the language you would want, and have a good time in this lecture.
Ingrid Funk

Spirituality on - 2 views

    a Christian website offering inspiration, hope and rest while reflecting on Bible verses, prayers, quotes, stories, poems, reflections and jokes

Living Loved - Quotes & Humor - 0 views

  • Generally, what I find is that the ordinary people who come to church are basically running their lives on their own, utilizing 'the arm of the flesh' - their natural abilities - to negotiate their way," he says. "They believe there is a God and they need to check in with him. But they don't have any sense that he is an active agent in their lives. As a result, they don't become disciples of Jesus.
  • We must never forget that God's speaking to us, however we experience it in our initial encounter, is intended to develop into a intelligent, freely cooperative relationship between mature people who love each other with the richness of genuine agape love. We must therefore make it our primary goal not just to hear the voice of God but to be mature people in a loving relationship with him.
  • Only broken people are truly honest. By nature you and I are full of erroneous judgments... It is only after God has shaken our natural foundation to pieces... only when all our illusions are raised and we have lost the remainder of our inborn self-confidence... only when we see we have misjudgment concerning ourselves... then do we begin to be honorable. Revelation has its price.
  • ...35 more annotations...
  • many Christians fear the responsibility of being free. It's often easier to let others make the decisions or to rely exclusively on the letter of the law.
  • when we reduced Scripture to formula and a love story to theology, and finally morality to rules. It is a very different thing to break a rule than it is to cheat on a Lover.
  • What if the guy who sold everything he had to buy the incomparable pearl, was God and you were the incomparable pearl? What if? The context certainly allows for that interpretation, and that is in effect what Jesus did when he gave up everything he had so that we could become his - now and forever!
  • The local church many have come to cherish - the services, offices, programs, buildings, ceremonies - is neither biblical or unbiblical. It is abiblical - that is, such an organization is not addressed in the Bible
  • We humans are notorious for taking something Scripture describes as a reality, giving a term to it and thinking we've replicated the reality. Paul talked about the church that gathered in various homes, but he never called it 'house church'. Houses were just where they ended up in their life together. Jesus was the focus, not the location.
  • I have concluded at this point that the most dangerous enemy of Jesus-brand community is viewing community as an ideal to be achieved rather than as a gift to be received.
  • We value God's power over human effort, transformation over conformity, mutuality over hierarchy, authenticity over entertainment, modeling over celebrity, following Jesus rather than implementing models, and the presence of the Living Christ above all else!
  • When religion replaces the actual experience of the living Jesus, when we lose the authority of personal knowing and rely on the authority of books, institutions, and leaders, when we let religion interpose between us and the primary experience of Jesus as the Christ, we lose the very reality that religion itself describes as ultimate.
  • "Unless a definite step is demanded, the call vanishes into thin air, and if people imagine that they can follow Jesus without taking this step, they are deluding themselves like fanatics... Although Peter cannot achieve his own conversion, he can leave his nets." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • "Brothers and sisters, break free from whatever ruts you have settled into! Whoever does not want to be set free - well, suit yourself, but don't say you are living in Christ's spirit. You can continue in the old ways and be a part of Christianity, but not of God's kingdom. You can live in Christianity but not in Christ; the gulf between the two is great."
  • Much Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. Many Christian empire builders have been people unable to give and receive love.
  • Even in its ruined condition a human being is regarded by God as something immensely worth saving. Sin does not make you worthless, but only lost.
  • You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.
  • hairdo
  • Jesus knew the worst and He loved me. What a relief to know the worst about yourself and at the same moment to be embraced by God. It's so liberating to reach the end of yourself.
  • put our intimate friendship with him above everything else we might want from God
  • real enemy of the cross-life? comes from the established religion of the day
  • The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.
  • What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know they must do at the last day. For each of us the time is surely coming when we shall have nothing but God.
  • Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
  • That you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of a child and sing and dance in the love of God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
  • Ruthless trust comes down to this: faith in the person of Jesus and hope in his promise in spite of all disconcerting appearances.
  • The people you'll remember are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the biggest awards. They are the ones who care
  • Anyone God uses significantly is always deeply wounded... We are, each and every one of us, insignificant people who God has called and graced to use in a significant way
  • "Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think and act like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning away from the old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want." - I Peter 4:1-2
  • My true brothers are those who rejoice for me in their hearts when they find good in me, and grieve for me when they find sin. They are my true brothers, because whether they see good in me or evil, they love me still.
  • Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is!
  • The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.
  • Well, I may not know much about God, but I have to say, we built a pretty nice cage for him
  • Expectations are resentment waiting to happen.
  • Religion vs Relational LifeReligion conforms people to a system; relational life frees them to trust God.Religion divides people by preference and perspective; relational life celebrates the incredible diversity in God's family.Religion bores people with routine; relational life is as fresh as a new conversation with an endearing friend.Religion rewards image and pretense; relational life demands honesty and reality.Religion provides substitutes for the active presence of Jesus in people's lives; relational life focuses on that presence alone.Religion sacrifices people for the good of the institution; relational life teaches people how to live together as Father's family.Religion uses what God says and does for its own agenda; relational life allows God to set the agenda and for us to simply follow him.Religion leaves us able to boast about how much we're doing or how hard we're working; relational life finds joy only in celebrating God's work among us.Religion finds love inefficient and cumbersome; relational life embraces love as the heart of God's working.
  • "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
  • "So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said, 'No.'" - Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer."We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." - Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.Remember these next time someone tries to steal your dream.
  • Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing."Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are there helping you turn your feeble attempts into true masterpieces. Remember, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. And He'll always be there to love and guide you on to great things.
  • Scientists point out that administratium is known to be toxic at any level of concentration and can easily destroy any productive reaction where it is allowed to accumulate. Attempts are being made to determine how administratium can be controlled to prevent irreversible damage, but results to date are not promising.
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