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1More - 0 views

    It's inevitable. The school you once called home will call you up after you've hung your cap and gown, and ask for donations. For those postgraduates who feel financially stable enough to give, it is a warm call to action. But for the growing number of postgraduates who feel the burden of student loans and tough job markets, it is a guilt-ridden reminder that the comforts of college are over. You are now an alumna, however aimless or surefooted, and you have a responsibility to guide younger classes through the same transition. But without a hefty paycheck, how can you give back?

Nathan Lee Jackson's Music - 0 views

    "A little about Nathan Lee Jackson Nathans Web Site. A few years back. We had moved to Nashville,TN. Being that we are so heavily into the Christian Music Scene, it didn't take long for us to really get into meeting several great artists and musicians that went way beyond the Talent we have. I have never seen so many talented artists of all genres anywhere except in Nashville. I understand why they call it Music City. Among those Artist we met Nathan Lee Jackson. We actually went to a small church again almost all of them Musicians. Karin, Bill and Nathan were all there. I heard some of the most honest worship there. It was a sound for soar ears so to speak. True Worship, Finally. Anyway we all became good friends. I really enjoyed the time we got to play together and the Fellowship with all of them. We miss you all out there. I just wanted to brag a little here on how far Nathan has made it ever since. If they let me I would like to add more updates here as well. First off, Nathan Lee Jackson's CD he's been working on for so long now. I finally out. We jumped on it of course, It's that good. If you wanna own a great CD, Filled with the Spirit of God and the talent to back it all up. Go to his site here and check it out."

When Addiction Hits Your Family: Top 3 Ways to Fight Back | buzitnow - 0 views

    When addiction invades a family, it doesn't politely knock on the front door and ask to come in. It comes in like a bat out of hell with a bloody vengeance. Addiction's sole mission is to destroy relationships, health, finances, hopes, dreams, and sanity… but it doesn't stop there. In its quest for pain and destruction, addiction goes after anyone who stands in its way. This includes the addict and the family. The families are left in the wake of addiction feeling hopeless, powerless and broken. They have had addiction consume most areas of their lives (if not all) and are paying the price of addiction even though they are not addicts themselves. Though the family can't ultimately stop the addict from self-destruction, there are some things they can do to regain their footing and start taking their power back from addiction.

Living Loved - The Narrow Road - 0 views

  • We are simply called to follow him, in the simplest of choices as best we recognize his invitations. As we do, his life will unfold in us with ever-increasing reality.
  • You only have to have a heart that wants to follow him and he will teach you how he speaks to you and invites you into life.
  • Listening to him is not living by feelings, but by recognizing those impulses he brings to your mind and following them. Initially they will encourage you to rest in his love and to be more gracious to people near you. In time, he will show you more of his wisdom to guide your life.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • You will only learn by practice. Yes, you will do some things you thought God was leading you to do, only to find out by the fruit of it that it was more your thought than his. That's part of the process. How else will you learn? But you'll also get some things right and the joy of that will help tune our heart to his. In the process, you'll be drawn closer to him and come to recognize your more selfish aspirations, and the misplaced trust you have in your own wisdom or abilities.
  • You can usually tell if someone's listening to Jesus by how open and relaxed they are. If they are closed and defensive when someone questions them, be careful.
  • One thing I know about people who listen to God, they don't act destructively and they aren't arrogant about what they think they hear. Learning to listen to God is a humbling process. You're never one hundred percent sure of what he's asking. You just have an impulse in your heart you can't explain. It grows over time, but he is never forceful or manipulative, and that is also true of people learning to listen to him. They can be firm, but not defensive and are always willing to sacrifice for others, instead of asking others to sacrifice for them.
  • God does love you, but that love only transforms you to the degree that you can trust his love enough to follow him on to the narrow road. His love doesn't mean that everything will work out the way we want, nor that we won't be the victims of other people's hurtful and destructive choices.
  • But he wants to be with us in those moments to help us navigate our experience in a broken world and be transformed through it. He invites us to participate with him, which is why love and obedience go hand in hand in the Scriptures. As you grow to trust his love you will want to obey him, and it's in following him that you get to live in the fruit of his love.
  • Jesus repeatedly made clear that our actions matter. Scripture often invokes the reality of sowing and reaping to express this truth. How we live either leads us more into his life, or draws us away from it, whether we'll contribute to his redemption in the world, or be part of its destruction. That's what Jesus meant when he affirmed those who followed, Well done! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness! (Matt. 25: 21)
  • If we follow a bit, the road will get clearer. If we follow our own way instead, we'll lose sight of him.
  • That doesn't mean you have to be perfect for God to work in you, or that you can't reverse the trend any day you want to. He is always ready to lead you one simple step at a time and never asks for what you cannot give. Following in small things today will open more doors tomorrow. If we're indulgent and dishonest in little things, we will be indulgent and dishonest in larger things. If we can learn to follow him in simple ways of loving others and being true to our word even when it hurts, his work in us will grow in ways we'd never conceive.
  • This is not about earning his life by our obedience, but participating with him as he transforms us. Everything I get to experience of God today began with simple choices years ago. They set off a chain of unforeseen consequences that opened doors to where I live now. The simple nudge to go to public schools with our children and volunteer to help began a series of opportunities that eventually led to twenty years of consulting public schools on religious liberty conflicts. Listening to Jesus say, "I have more to teach you if you walk away," when my former co-pastor wanted to force me out of the fellowship we helped build together, opened a trailhead into personal transformation I adore and opportunities for growing and sharing I would not have found without him.
  • At the outset, all these choices looked more difficult than other options I had in mind. I'm glad he won me into following him and the choice to do so now is far easier. I don't even trust my own desires anymore because following him, even though painful at times, has always yielded better fruit.
  • Learning to merge off of the broad way and onto the narrow road is a process that he wants to work in you, not a requirement he's made for you. It's simply a matter of learning to lean into him a bit more each day and leaning away from what draws you down the broader road. You can't do this alone. And this does not mean you have to carefully listen to Jesus at every moment and try to figure out what he wants so you won't miss out. Doing that will leave you frustrated and exhausted. We find his way much more simply than that. In fact, the anxiety of having to hear him will make it more difficult to do so. Instead go through your day with a growing awareness that he is with you. Whenever you have it, follow that inner sense that seems to encourage you one direction or checks you from going another. When you come up against choices of significance, ask him what he has in mind. Let him show you in his time. You don't have to hear something every day or in every circumstance. Relax in him as he connects your heart with his.
  • Learning to live out of your spirit, rather than your intellect or emotions alone, will take some time. Ask him to show you the next step ahead and relax in a growing trust that he will. The Spirit makes his direction clear in a variety of ways--it might be that stray thought in your mind, affirmed by something that you read or hear, perhaps even a lyric of a song in the background that resonates with your heart. Don't look for a "voice" per se, but a growing awareness of his thoughts in your mind. Of course, familiarity with his words in Scripture and conversations with others on a similar journey will also bring clarity to what he's showing you.
  • As I go about my life, I become aware of options that are better than my own, especially in helping someone near me, or drawing me into a quieter space with him. At first, I don't always like where these nudges would lead me, which is why Jesus saw this journey as a narrower road and why most people miss it. Our flesh so easily dismisses what it doesn't want to consider. And, no, you don't have to always get it right. No one does.
  • As you make a few choices down the narrow road, you will find yourself becoming more relaxed and able to live in the moment instead of trying to manipulate your circumstances. The questions you'll find yourself asking might be these: What does he want to show me about himself today? What might love lead me to do in this situation? How does loving others, even at the expense of my self-interest perpetuate the kingdom? How does my forgiveness or service to someone else today, make the world a better place?
  • But even when you miss him and find yourself on a path of your own making, he is there, too, still nudging you toward a better road. Don't be hard on yourself, just keep coming back to him over and over. You are loved, even in your brokenness. Today is the day God cares about. As they say, the best time to plant an oak tree was twenty years ago, but the second best time to plant it is today.
  • As you learn to live more on the narrow road, you'll have a better idea just how destructive the broad way was, to yourself and others. Rather than be embarrassed by it, embrace that new reality. One of the most redemptive things we do on the narrow road is to go back to people we've wronged, seek their forgiveness and offer restitution where we can. Such moments bring great healing and clarity to all involved. Yes, it may not be easy, but that's exactly the point of the narrow road--most fruitful things aren't fun at the outset, but yield great joy later on.
  • Perhaps the most effective form of discipleship is not teaching a curriculum, but simply being alongside others when they are at a fork in the road and being a cheerleader for the road less traveled. We don't have to manipulate or pressure them, but simply through a question or observation give them an opportunity to make a choice that matters. And if they make it, lend them our support and encouragement. That's how people find their way onto a journey that will be full of his life.
  • The only reason why his way may seem difficult is because we're so busy following the crowd that we miss his invitation to a narrower road. But once we learn to believe him, it becomes far easier than most think possible. And though you'll find yourself on a road most others can't understand, it will change the way you think, live, and how you treat others. You'll find yourself on a transformative journey that you will never regret.
  • The reason this journey seems so difficult is because it is far easier than we dare to believe! I know it isn't easy for people to find their way into a loving relationship with the Father. Everything we've learned and believed before runs counter to the dynamics of recognizing and resting in his love. However, it isn't difficult because God makes it complicated, or because it takes a certain skill set or sensitivity, but because we look in the wrong places for how his life takes root in us. But Jesus knows that too, and is still up to the challenge of engaging us in a fruitful relationship with his Father.
  • Only the religious would twist them either to take pride in thinking they practice the right doctrine or ritual, and delight in the fact that those who don't will get what they deserve. Jesus didn't want to provoke exclusivity or fear with his words, but rather to equip hungry hearts to know how to know him. Following the broad way of self-interest will devour us, but there is a narrower path that will lead us to life.
  • At first, everything in us wants to resist his nudge. No, it can't be that way. I could get hurt. I could make a mistake. What if it goes wrong? But if he's the one inviting us, we are safer doing what he asks than anything we do to save ourselves. We are not asked to indulge our preferences or live in resistance to them. We are simply called to follow him, in the simplest of choices as best we recognize his invitations. As we do, his life will unfold in us with ever-increasing reality.
  • Making space for him and his thoughts and following them is the only way off the broader road. We find the narrow road when we find rest in his love for us and then recognize his leading as he offers us a different way to see what's going on around us. We often don't even see a new trailhead until he nudges us towards it.

Obama-backed Syrian Rebels "Ethnic Cleansing" Christians - 0 views


Improve the Silence « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    Today is a gift from the hand of God. What we do and say in it is our gift back to Him. Be enriched in the knowledge of Him and speak your faith to those who will listen.

Charles E. Schumer's Policy on Internet Neutrality - 0 views

    I emailed the senator regarding net neutrality and he responded back with this lengthy email. Charles E. Schumer is a US Senator representing New York State and is fighting to help maintain net freedoms and for affordable access for families to the internet.

Israeli Robots Remake Battlefield - - 0 views

    "TEL AVIV, Israel - Israel is developing an army of robotic fighting machines that offers a window onto the potential future of warfare. Sixty years of near-constant war, a low tolerance for enduring casualties in conflict, and its high-tech industry have long made Israel one of the world's leading innovators of military robotics. WSJ's Charles Levinson reports from Jerusalem to discuss Israel's development of robotic, unmanned combat systems. He tells Simon Constable on the News Hub how they are deploying unmanned boats, ground vehicles and aerial vehicles. "We're trying to get to unmanned vehicles everywhere on the battlefield for each platoon in the field," says Lt. Col. Oren Berebbi, head of the Israel Defense Forces' technology branch. "We can do more and more missions without putting a soldier at risk." In 10 to 15 years, one-third of Israel's military machines will be unmanned, predicts Giora Katz, vice president of Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., one of Israel's leading weapons manufacturers. "We are moving into the robotic era," says Mr. Katz. Over 40 countries have military-robotics programs today. The U.S. and much of the rest of the world is betting big on the role of aerial drones: Even Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shiite guerrilla force in Lebanon, flew four Iranian-made drones against Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War. When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, it had just a handful of drones. Today, U.S. forces have around 7,000 unmanned vehicles in the air and an additional 12,000 on the ground, used for tasks including reconnaissance, airstrikes and bomb disposal. In 2009, for the first time, the U.S. Air Force trained more "pilots" for unmanned aircraft than for manned fighters and bombers."

Lessons from the Barnyard « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    The story of the shepherd seeking his lost sheep became very, very real to me that night, and I'm not ashamed to admit that those stupid lost hens brought me to tears of humility. Do we not do the same to our Heavenly Father? He shows us green fields, and we race back to the emptiness of what's familiar… even those with years of experience in walking with God, we can be caught unawares. All of us, at some time or another, stray away from God's best, and need the Shepherd to come find us. 

Gone Fishin' « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    When Jesus calls you/me into ministry (any kind of ministry; Romans 12:4-8), what will be our response?Will we immediately make the step of faith? Or will we hold back (making the usual excuses)?When Jesus makes the call, do we have our minds set for service?

He's an On-Time God, Yes He Is: A True Story of God's Perfect Timing « Reflec... - 0 views

    Sometimes God chooses to let us walk through the storm so that we can learn that He will never leave us or let a situation be more than we can handle with His help. And sometimes He just plain steps in and fixes everything better than you could possibly have dreamed. Sometimes it happens in a moment, sometimes after years of patient waiting. We'll never see it if we don't let Him work, if we don't step back in faith and let God be God.

Don't Turn Back | Life Without Limbs - 0 views

    Join Nick Vujicic on this channel for Life Without Limbs TV. From life without limbs to life without limits.

5 Rules Of Love You Must Know | buzitnow - 0 views

    Love. It's simple isn't it? You love your family and your friends; they love you back. You find a partner who you love, and who loves you, too. And you don't even have to try-it just happens. All true, but if you're reading this book, you already know full well that it's much, much more complex.

How Can I Know if My Spouse is a Bully? | buzitnow - 0 views

    I watched in disbelief as Pat, the forty-year old wife of Jeff, her forty-five year old husband, froze amidst the hail of verbal challenges by her pontificating husband. To make matters worse, he seemed oblivious to his behavior, even under our watchful eye during their Marriage Intensive. Pat looked down as Jeff stared at her, his eyes bulging from his intensity. He continued his incessant criticism, seemingly unaware that he had lost any connection to his wife he may have previously had. Frozen in fear, she no longer talked back, slumping further in his chair. She simply sat stiffly and listened to his tirade-or at least appeared to be listening. I wondered about when I should interject my critical impressions.

What does it mean to Walking with God - 0 views

    Walking with God or Working with God is putting Him in our daily lives, laying aside our crazy schedules and making out time for Him. God desires a personal relationship with us, wanting a reconciliation back to a relationship destroyed in the garden of Eden.

Glenn Beck Speaks at Skyline Church About Faith & Politics | Jim Garlow | Video | TheBl... - 0 views

    By the way, Beck like Romney is a Mormon
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