Yoga for Beginners - 2 views
Transition from the crisis 3,The Future of Internet: The Weave | The Connectivist - 6 views
Empowerment: the emperor's new clothes - 5 views
World Values Survey - 1 views
Experiences from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and how the MOOC could potentially... - 13 views
Two Powerful Metrics for World Leaders - 3 views
Why Learning Should Be Messy | MindShift - 2 views
“If you were to hike the Appalachian trail, which would take you months and months, and you reflect upon it, you do not divide the experience into the historic, scientific, mathematic, and English aspects of it. You would look at it holistically.”
In practice, this means the elimination of English, mathematics, history, and science class.
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The Power of Introverts: A Manifesto for Quiet Brilliance - 3 views
Introverts are to extroverts what American women were to men in the 1950s -- second-class citizens with gigantic amounts of untapped talent.
Modelling, not shaping - 4 views
There is strong evidence that we need to integrate learning into our work in order to deal with the increasing complexity of knowledge work. The valued work in the enterprise is increasing in variety and decreasing in standardization. I have suggested that communities of practice are the bridge between work teams and open social networks, with narration of work an enabler of knowledge-sharing, and of course, modelling behaviour.
Communities are more like dance halls than factories. Platforms that have too much control will not be adopted on a community level. As a consultant, I would like to be able to recommend a variety of these platforms, that can inter-operate on some level, so that enterprise communities can choose the most suitable ones for their stage of development.
Gamification in the Realm of Employee Training - 1 views
instead of thinking about creating learning objectives, gamification forces a designer to think about creating a challenge. All good games begin with a challenge; instruction should begin with a challenge and not with objectives