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Jill Bergeron

Flipgrid. - 0 views

    This tech tool allows teachers to write out questions for students to respond to with videos. This would be a great resource in a foreign language classroom.
Jill Bergeron

Self-Assessments » TELL Project - 0 views

    "Part of the strength of the TELL Project is its built-in ability for teachers to self-determine how well they currently meet the criteria defined in the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Framework, relative to the growth they would like to make. To assist teachers in this aspect of reflective practice, TELL makes available self-assessment documents that allows an educator to pause and consider their current practice to identify possible areas of professional growth."
Jill Bergeron

Readlang - Read, translate and supercharge your vocabulary - 1 views

    Highlight words and phrases, get the translations and then make flashcards based on those translations.
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