Testing range of motion in cerebral palsy - Ann Readapt Med Phys. 2007 - PubMed result - 0 views
Lee Vander Loop on 22 Jul 10NIH PubMed Abstract - Testing range of motion in cerebral palsy. Objective of study was to To propose a standardized test of joint range of motion in paediatric patients with cerebral palsy, based on the opinion of a cerebral palsy specialist group (physicians, physiotherapists and surgeons) and literature review. Study concluded that a standardized testing of lower-limb-joint range of motion will allow for better communication between clinicians and will facilitate the development of a database. Care should be taken in the interpretation of the joint range-of-motion test results and realized only after reliability analysis of the test, especially interobserver reliability. A further step would be to develop an outpatient booklet for cerebral palsy that shows growth and weight curves, joint range-of-motion curves and curves of the principal radiographic measurements during growth.