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Learning and Knowledge Analytics - Analyzing what can be connected - 1 views

    A comprehensive blog on learning and knowledge analytics that contains links to talks, proceedings and open online courses.

Google launches Tag Manager for Mobile Apps with Analytics Services SDK across Android ... - 0 views

    Google today launched Google Tag Manager for Mobile Apps. The new software means developers can publish their app a single time; from then on, they can change configurations, add analytics, remarketing, and conversion tracking without updating it. Just like the Web version, Google Tag Manager for Mobile Apps is free.

iOS Native Application Tracking Overview - Google Analytics - Google Developers - 0 views

    Useful for tracking how _active_ users interact with various features in our iOS apps.
Ashley Tan

How YouTube is Part of a Global Economic Transformation - 0 views

  • YouTube announced a new batch of partners that were added to its Education Channel today and noted that nearly 80% of the viewership of educational content on the site came from outside the United States. Less than 70% of the site's total traffic is International, so the educational content is disproportionately viewed by global audiences. Both YouTube and iTunes U are serving up huge quantities of educational content to a world already in the throes of a 50 year revolution in global education. In some ways they represent exactly the kind of education that a new world needs, too: learning that augments existing education and fosters life-long development of non-routine analytical and interactive skills. That's a recipe for good times. YouTube now hosts more than 500,000 educational videos, on a wide variety of topics. The new mobile-friendly iTunes U also offers 500,000 educational resources and says that 60% of its viewership comes from outside the United States. This global consuption of US-created online educational content may be the newest chapter in a radical transformation of global education over the past 50 years. Life in this world is not like it used to be just a few decades ago, and the availability of world-class education on-demand, at almost no cost, is likely to help things change all the more as this century unfolds.
  • A trend began, at least in the United states, as far back as 1985: demand for "routine manual skills" has held relatively steady, demand for non-routine manual skills has plummeted. Demand for routine cognitive skills climbed through 1970, then fell. What's hot? Non-routine analytic and non-routine interactive skills. Those are things that a good YouTube or iTunes U video about world history or global ecology can help improve, your non-routine analytic and interactive skills. More than for just economic well-being, those are skills that positively impact quality of life in many ways.
Ashley Tan

About SNAPP - 3 views

    ETs, look into this analytics tool for possible integration into LMS.
    Tried, quite easy to use, I am checking with Lum about integration.
Ashley Tan

Desire2Learn Acquires Adaptive Learning And Analytics Startup Knowillage | TechCrunch - 1 views

    For ETs to note.
Obi-Wan Fareed

Bb Stats - 1 views

    It is a building block plugin for Blackboard Learn LMS which provides statistical and analytical data about the system. The software reports live activity data and creates historical graphs. The reports are available through the browser or via mobile app on the iPhone and Android.
    Do we have this? Does Lum know?
wittyben - 1 views

    For CeLebs who like to learn a little more about MOOCs, learning analytics, geo-learning... etc, here's an innovation report by the Open U for your info and reference.

20 apps and resources that do cool things with your social data - 0 views

    For ETs, IDs, and MPs to explore...
Obi-Wan Fareed

Overview - Tin Can API - 3 views

    This API captures data in a consistent format about a person or group's activities from many technologies.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Very interesting description of LRS. Do you think we can develop one or more of our own?
    Hi Ashley, I've been reading through this section for developers: From what I understand so far, an LRS should do at least one of the following: - Standardize and serialize the various types of data from different networks (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) into an LMS-friendly format - Act as a stand-alone enterprise-level web-service from which other web-services can extract the collated data for their own usage. The Tin Can APIs look useful so far for our own use (including mobile support), since they support Javascript, Objective C and Java. I believe these APIs can link up with Google Enterprise Apps for greater LRS functionality too.
    Ah, that's good news indeed if Google Enterprise Apps are friendly towards this strategy. Keep monitoring. Things tend to change rapidly with Google!
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