Contents contributed and discussions participated by Steve Hennessey
Networks? - 1 views
Network of feet
Network of Tweeters
Social Media Mess
Political Networks
Online Social Networks as formal learning environments - 1 views
Whether the idea of collaborative sharing and communal knowledge is formal or informal learning. As noted in the article "Social interaction, combined with meaningful knowledge building, was a significant element in the course" is that connectivism or social constructivism? Some of the management of time issues were interesting to read as some of them were relevant to my feelings about the online learning environment. It still leads me more and more to believe that the digital pedagogy that exists is one of social interactions still play a large role in the learning environment. This may also mean that research will play a critical or nominal role in Connectivism.
The 'Curator' - 7 views
I like this analogy for a new age of teaching. I would like to think we have all these ideas of how things should or could be but to put them out there and allow the group to discover what they derive or provide feedback on the meanings of the pieces of intellectual material can create new intellectual artifacts and assist the curator in creating a more effecient and knowledgeable environment...or in this case a bigger gallery.
Three Generations of Pedagogy - 4 views
I appreciated the insite on the use of the new connectivist pedagogy. It actually provided me with an idea for my I-team at work, one that will hopefully look at sharing ideas in our networks of employees. Allowing employees to be creative and for them to evaulate on their own is something i have not been able to accomplish in my class settings.
Complexity Theory - 1 views
Digital Androgogy - 4 views
The Brain and Mind in Learning - 4 views
I agree, we teach with our strengths and it has helped me become a better facilitator. It does pose an interesting prospect in terms of connectivism. How do we connect the left and the right areas of the brain through the nodel process of connecting learning or does connectivism throw the theory of left and right thinking out the door?
Transforming the Classroom - 3 views
Technology Integration - 3 views
Connectivism and reality - 5 views
Our digital children - 3 views
Social Media and Politics - 4 views
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