Using the CLIVE Typology to engage learners in 3D Worlds | The Sloan Consortium - 0 views
Jonathon Richter on 19 May 10The CLIVE presentation at this year's Sloan-C/MERLOT/Moodle-moot Emerging Technologies conference: The MERLOT Virtual Worlds Taskforce has been collaborating for the last year to develop the Center for Learning in Virtual Environments MERLOT presence in Second Life, Project Wonderland, and other 3D Virtual Worlds. Join members of the taskforce in unveiling the virtual worlds- and web-based-tools and infrastructure for content and virtual worlds education professionals to identify, share, and showcase high quality 3D learning assets. Jonathon Richter Research Associate University of Oregon Session Information Pre-Conference Workshop Pre-Conference Workshop (1/2 day) July 20, 2010 - 9:00am Garden Room