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10 Student-Tested Chrome Extensions | Edutopia - 3 views

  • When activated, the extension searches through the text and highlights one or two important sentences
    • jenniferacarr
      Interesting! (Especially given the parameters of our Diigo assignments...) I wonder, though, how the extension identifies which sentences are important. That can be such a subjective call to make.
    This is for the Chrome browser - many I didn't know about, but will definitely try!
    The Dualless extension that splits the screen sounds very useful for students . . . and teachers! I'm adding this extension right now!

Best Practices for an Online Spanish Course - The FLTMAG - 5 views

  • nearly a third of American college courses are now taught online.
  • anguage instructors need to be convinced that online education presents a responsible learning environment for students,
  • lexibility. S
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Personalization.
  • Autonomy. 
  • tudents must assume greater responsibility and organization for their learning journey than in the face-to-face classroom.
  • . Automation. 
  • ongoing guidance and supervision from instructors, with regards to logistical and pedagogical issues.
  • increase student collaboration,
  • Monday: I
  • teacher-centered
  • forum
  • ourse content and logistics
  • Online grammar and vocabulary activities. Students work on their own with input, explanations, and activities from an online textbook.  
  • istening activities. We created interactive “video lessons” using Adobe Captivate: 5 minutes interviews, accompanied by comprehension questions, vocabulary, grammar exercises, and short writing assignments. For these activities, we interviewed various professionals around Davis
  • Speaking asynchronous activities. In Canvas, students record a video message related to a specific communicative task. For example, they compare Davis to a city in the Hispanic world. Also, they have to comment on at least one video from a classmate
  • ynchronous speaking activities. They consist of a video chat with the instructor and 2-3 students, working on communicative activities related to the lesson. It is student-centered day and learners tend to receive more feedback than in the traditional face-to-face classroom
  • riting activities.
    • kelseypelham
      I love the way UC Davis has the week split up. I'm wondering if they run into students with conflicts with the synchronous schedule? How much coordination does it take? How many hours is the instructor putting in on Thursdays and Fridays meeting with students? I love the idea, just need to see how it works in practice.
  • Student preparation: Students need more preparation for the online learning experience. The creation of a mandatory workshop
  • mphasizing the pedagogical particularities of online learning, could help with student attrition, which is usually higher in online courses than in traditional courses.
  • e
  • Transition from a focus on activities to a focus on projects: dynamic assessment, portfolios, self-evaluations, tandems, etc.
    • kelseypelham
      I agree that this would be great, but logistically can be hard especially at lower-levels where so much repetition and practice is needed, particularly with grammar structures.
    • kelseypelham
      It is true that more students do tend to "fall through the cracks" in online classes. A short workshop that preps them for success in online classes would be ideal. If not, we should address it in the courses themselves.
    This describes a really good setup for an online language course!
    Seems pretty formulaic - so a good place to start!

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Tools: 15 Strategies for Engaging Online Students... - 1 views

    This is a very comprehensive report about how best to approach online discussion and blogging in a classroom
    Thanks for sharing. I particularly found the article 'A plan for effective discussion boards' insightful and useful!

Holding Synchronous Online Office Hours - Center for Teaching and Learning | Learning H... - 1 views

  • Research indicates that instructor presence in an online course directly impacts students’ learning outcomes. Hosting synchronous online office hours is one way you can build presence in your course because it gives your students a chance to ask questions and get clarification on course material. Luckily, holding office hours is easy in an online course. You just need to be logged in to your learning management system (LMS) and available to students during specified hours.
    What a simple way to provide for your students. Perhaps those of you teaching at the post secondary level already do this, but at the high school level we do not have office hours because it can't be built into our schedules. However, perhaps a bit of time each day may encourage a strong feedback loop.
Marlene Johnshoy

Tools for Social Annotation in the Digital Age | Edutopia - 1 views

    • Marlene Johnshoy
      "conversations" - another way of discussing texts, scaffolding student reading, annotations
  • Hypothesis, NowComment, Perusal, and Diigo
  • free digital course for educators
Marlene Johnshoy

KQED Teach - Designing Presentations - 1 views

    Some free classes for teachers about tech - designing presentations, making media for classroom use, and others.

Five Ways to Use Twitter in the World Language Classroom - The FLTMAG - 7 views

  • they use their comfort and skills with social media to connect students with the content area on a deeper level.
    • nataliemcruz
      This is a great goal. Students will watch ridiculous Vines for hours, so how can we replace that with something that stimulates their intellect?
  • help students keep tabs on their upcoming assignments and assessments
    • nataliemcruz
      This seems like a lot of work, especially because my students have plan sheets - but I think I could do this for the big things :)
  • I use Twitter as a way to provide practice during the days leading to macro-assessments, by providing sample test items, as well as study tips.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • I provide the correct answer (present indicative or infinitive) in the form of a comment on the same tweet. This gives students who follow the Twitter feed and receive notifications an opportunity to quiz themselves in real time.
  • Students who do not have a Twitter account can go to my school website and follow along with the embedded stream.
    • nataliemcruz
      I didn't know you could do that, glad there is a way to bypass individual accounts
    • jenniferacarr
      I didn't know you could do that either. I wonder if students without accounts would still be disadvantaged, though, since they wouldn't receive notifications in real time...
  • In both cases, students understand that I am paying attention and rewarding their efforts and attention to detail, and feel that their hard work is being recognized.
  • There is great power in positive reinforcement
  • I ask permission first
  • For the students who provided the work, this is a great motivator to keep the high-quality work flowing, while for the other students, it serves as an example of good work.
    • nataliemcruz
      I'd be careful with praise meaning, give it - but make sure all students get praised . . . even less stellar students for their small achievements
  • my view of the textbook is that it should be a resource for learning, not as a primary source
    • nataliemcruz
      Yes - textbook as reference book
    Fun ideas for Twitter use
Marlene Johnshoy

Interpretive Mode - 5 views

  • Before, During, and After Strategies (German)
    Scroll down to find this chart "Tech tools for supporting interpretive skills"

How verb conjugation drills can enhance oral and written fluency. A skill-building pers... - 3 views

    This does not surprise me in the least! Nancy

Why Teachers And Students Should Blog: 18 Benefits of Educational Blogging - 3 views

  • let’s explore why blogging has lasted while other tools have come and gone.The simple reason is, a blog is more than a tool. It’s anything you want it to be. A blog is a blank canvas and a virtual home for you to set up however you like.Blogs are simply websites. The only real difference between a blog and a traditional website is that it is generally updated more frequently and usually offers interaction in the form of comments.
    • jenniferacarr
      Morris highlights an interesting tech tradeoff: the simpler a tool is, the more versatile it can be. As she points out, blogs are just frequently-updated websites, and yet they've managed to outlast other online tools because of their relative flexibility.
    A blog post about blogs. Kathleen Morris lists no fewer than 18 educational benefits of using sites like WordPress and Blogger in the classroom. These include allowing students to develop new literacies and exercise their creativity.

16 Ways to Motivate Students in the Classroom Using Adobe Spark | Adobe Spark - 3 views

  • Narrative prompts: Similar to the prior ideas, but pick images with an action occurring, and have the student record a single sentence describing what is happening.
    • nataliemcruz
      This could be a neat way to assess language progress, have students narrate images.

Importancia del uso de tecnologías modernas para estudiar idiomas - 3 views

  • estas plataformas tecnológicas son de gran ayuda y les permiten estudiar varios idiomas al mismo tiempo con el uso de estas herramientas, las cuales facilitan el aprendizaje, pues lo hacen de una manera más divertida y emocionante, además de ser gratificante, pues con las computadoras y los equipos móviles pueden realizan múltiples actividades de investigación, tanto como preparar los procesos de inscripción, recibir los programas de estudios, enviar y recibir correos electrónicos, realizar depósitos u otros pagos sin tener que salir de sus hogares o de sus aulas.
  • HelloTalk: es una aplicación que permite el intercambio de idiomas, y es actualmente la más utilizada por estos.

4 Solid Strategies for Teaching French in the Modern Classroom | FluentU French Educato... - 2 views

  • A flipped classroom reverses traditional teaching methods: The learners get the topic and recorded material online at home, while class time is devoted to doing exercises and discussing the topic. This will enable you as a teacher to devote more time to problem areas.
    • jenniferacarr
      This suggests the extent to which the success of a flipped classroom depends on the effective use of technology. In the context of flipped lessons, technology actually facilitates face-to-face interactions.
    A helpful article by Hilda Thomas, published on FluentU. Thomas provides a comprehensive list of online tools that can be used in the language classroom, some of which will be familiar to you from Koning's article. She also suggests resources for teachers interested in flipping their classrooms.

A tale of tweets: Analyzing microblogging among language learners - 2 views

  • Attitudinal data and discourse analysis findings are presented to discuss the use of this medium in language learning.
    • jenniferacarr
      Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad to see an article that takes a data-driven approach to assessing classroom SM use.
    A great article by Lara Lomicka which discusses the role of Twitter in an intermediate French class, in which students tweeted weekly with each other and with native French speakers. I think adding collaboration with native French speakers brings new potential uses to Twitter.
    and microstorytelling like we're giving a try!

10 Social Media Tips for Reaching World Language Learners | Edutopia - 4 views

  • Micro-blogging via Twitter is another way to link students outside of class. Let's be honest -- there are not many young people out there who do not already tweet. You can use Twitter in class in a similar fashion to blogging. If you do, I strongly suggest that you use TweetDeck to efficiently manage your students' tweets. I also love having students tweet a story. You start by tweeting the first line of the story based on the unit you are studying.
  • 6. Google Drive
    Some more ideas on how to integrate social media.
    This article from Edutopia provides ten simple suggestions for using various SM tools. The author's description of twitter won my heart: micro-blogging. Just that idea alone makes twitter seem much more manageable and useful.

Twitter en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español by Roberto Cuadros - issuu - 3 views

    I think this site comes with a Trojan... Did you get an alert?

The role of social media in foreign language teaching: A case study for French - 4 views

    An interesting (if somewhat dated) case study that explores how multiple social media platforms can be integrated into a language curriculum. I found some of the diagrams, notably "Bloom's Digital Taxonomy," to be particularly useful.

Free Online Resources For French Teachers - For French Immersion - 3 views

    "Free" and "resources" are two of my favorite words. This has now been saved to my library. :)
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