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Leslie Camacho

Right Fit Matters: 3 Ways Job Seekers Can Find the Best Match | Career Rocketeer - Care... - 0 views

    "For many job seekers, finding the right fit could be one of the biggest hurdles in the search. After all, finding an appealing job that you'll enjoy is a big decision. You don't want to regret your choice after a week - and you certainly don't want to feel like you've wasted ten years of your life when you finally realize it's not the right fit."
Leslie Camacho

New book says elite black students don't try for high-paying jobs | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    "The economic and educational disadvantages of low-income black students who struggle to complete college are well-documented. While black students at elite universities don't necessarily fit into that category, a new book says they face social and institutional obstacles of their own - obstacles that ultimately drive them away from the high-status, high-paying jobs that they're qualified for in fields such as engineering, science, finance and information technology. And while the reasons are complex, universities are partly at fault, the book argues."
Leslie Camacho

Figure Whether You Fit In or Out of a Company - - 1 views

    "It came down to two final job candidates for a new vice-president position. One had better experience but came across as arrogant. The other had a more self-effacing personality, which is why Adam Wallen, CEO of BIO2 Technologies, a medical-device start-up based in Woburn, Mass., chose the less qualified candidate. "
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "Do you remember your first day on a new job? Were you prepared for the job description? Was it a good fit? "
Leslie Camacho

Can Skill-Assessment Tests Identify Your Dream Job? - - 1 views

    "With the country's unemployment hovering around 10%, many professionals are on the hunt for the perfect job. But what job? What industry? To the rescue are online career-assessment tests that aim to help workers (and daydreamers) identify suitable jobs and work environments. We took four tests to learn what fields are a good fit for a longtime reporter: the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Kolbe A Index, the Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) test, and a service called Careerkey. "
Leslie Camacho

Does Your Work Wife Get a Valentine? - - 0 views

    "For Valentine's Day on Monday, Amy McMahon will be celebrating twice. She's preparing a romantic candlelight dinner for her longtime boyfriend and giving him a gift card from his favorite fitness website. That same day, Ms. McMahon will be giving her "work husband" some small heart-shaped cakes and a sentimental card."
Leslie Camacho

Spin Strategy™ - Tools for Intelligent Job Search: The Must-Have Resume Compa... - 0 views

    Everybody looking for a job has a resume. Great. You are now equal with everyone else in the world. Some resumes are better than others and it's important that yours clearly outlines the value that a company can expect to find in you. And one that excites an HR or hiring manager about the fit and promise your background suggests.
Leslie Camacho

How to Make a Bad Job Less Bad - 0 views

    So many working people out there feel frustrated and stuck in their careers . They feel trapped in jobs that don't fit, unable to make a change. Eventually, a negative perspective starts to permeate everything.
Leslie Camacho

Job Sites Get Personal - - 0 views

    Finding a job in a recession is tough, let alone one that suits your background and interests. But a strong fit is important. Chances are you won't be happy if, say, you're an introvert and vegetarian working as a sales rep for a foie gras purveyor.
Leslie Camacho

Ways To Figure Out Job is Toxic BEFORE You Take It : CAREEREALISM: Because EVERY Job is... - 0 views

    Dear J.T. & Dale: My husband and I both have worked in high tech for more than 20 years. With all the stress from outsourcing and reorgs and overly aggressive management, we feel like Lucy and Ethel in that famous "I Love Lucy" episode where the assembly line keeps gets cranked up faster and faster. We've been investigating alternative careers, but none of the resources we've used addresses how the work environment fits into the picture. We fear making a career change that ends up trapping us in a new toxic environment. - Kathy
Belinda Wilson

Do they same old job search methods still work in an ecomonic downturn? - 20 views

As a employee of Workforce1, I have seen the number of people coming into the center dramatically increase in number the last year. I have also seen the level of frustration in these customers rise...

ecomonic job search

Pong Lee

Construction Jobs Posted by JobsJobsJobs - 1 views

My friend was asking me the other day about any construction jobs available because he wants to apply. Then I remembered JobsJobsJobs. Their site is always updated when it comes to jobs hiring. All...

jobs career employment

started by Pong Lee on 07 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Leslie Camacho

Good Company or Bad Company? | Career Rocketeer - Career Search and Personal Branding Blog - 0 views

    "As I talk to countless job seekers as a recruiter, and through the job networking groups I lead, it's common to hear people say something like… I wouldn't want to pursue a job at that company, I hear it's a terrible place to work!"
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