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Thought Of The Day | Thought For The Day | Motivational | Positive | Inspirational Thou... - 0 views

    Find thought for the day, positive thought for the day, motivational thought of the day, inspirational thoughts for the day, happy thought of the day, inspirational quotes

Your Ultimate Guide to Thought Leadership - 0 views

    Read & explore how Thought leadership helps people expand their reach outside of their industry by collaborating with other like-minded leaders. Learn critical skills and qualities of Thought leaders in this blog.
Freshers Advice

Do you want to know the fresher tips to get a job? - Freshers Advice - 0 views

    Directly out of college and looking for a job? Have an interview set up and the thought of it is providing you shudders. Well, chill! Here are a few interview techniques for freshers to help you ace the interview for IT jobs.
Leslie Camacho

Social Media: Simple Steps to Make It Work for Your Job Search | JOB MAVEN - 1 views

    "Social Media isn't just for staying in touch with former school classmates. There are ways to use social media to stand out from the competition. It does take some strategic thought, but it can really take you to the next level. Here are 3 simple ways to get started using social media to advance your brand."
Leslie Camacho

Some Colleges Provide Success Coaches for Students - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "Matthew Gonzales Sanchez calls it his "midterm crisis." Halfway through the first semester of his freshman year here at Our Lady of the Lake University, he considered dropping out. He had failed all of his midterms. "It scared me because, man, I was giving it my all," says Mr. Gonzales Sanchez, 22. "I thought, 'What am I doing wrong? They say college isn't for everybody, and maybe that's me - maybe I'm not one of those people who belongs in college.'""
Leslie Camacho

Five Signs You're a Bad Boss - - 0 views

    "When the number of employees Matt Kaplan managed at a lab at the University of Arizona in Tucson mushroomed from six to 30, the school called in a management coach to make sure he was prepared. What he learned surprised him-his employees thought he was distant and didn't trust their work. "The biggest challenge for me was realizing I couldn't do everything myself," he says. "I had to learn to trust my team, which was a gradual process." Experts say many bosses are similarly clueless about their appearance to employees. Here are five signals you may be one of them."
Leslie Camacho

Small-Business Owners Fight Tax Assessments - - 0 views

    The bad economy and the deteriorating commercial real-estate market have motivated some small-business owners to fight their tax assessments. Ann Jones of Columbia, S.C., thought there might be a mistake when she received a property valuation from Richland County in January. The co-owner of the Dog Eared Corner LLC, a pet-grooming company, saw her commercial property's value assessed at $287,000, after she had just bought the three-story building three months earlier for only $210,000.
Leslie Camacho

Tips on Learning Office Etiquette - - 0 views

    Q: I worked in the health-care industry for 15 years as a geriatric nursing assistant, but I recently decided that my career wasn't paying the bills and went back to school for a B.A. in organizational management and communication. The problem is, I have never worked in an office setting and I'm not sure how to go about learning etiquette, how to speak appropriately, etc. I thought that once I got a degree, everything would be self-explanatory, but it really isn't. Can you help?
Leslie Camacho

Bold Tactics Don't Always Get the Job - - 0 views

    In April, a job candidate scheduled an hourlong interview for himself by sending a meeting-request invite via Microsoft Outlook to New York executive recruiter Kim Bishop, who ignored the request. Ms. Bishop canceled the meeting and won't speak with the job hunter. "I just thought it was inappropriate and too aggressive," she says. "It would be like walking into someone's office without an invite."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    The role of narrative and constructivist thought in career development continues to be the subject of healthy debate and discussion. As career practitioners, what are the best tools to use? There is no right answer. Different tools can be effective for different clients. So, while traditional assessments continue to be useful, no career practice is complete without the use of narrative. Our challenge as practitioners is to integrate the power of narrative into our service delivery tool kit.
Leslie Camacho

Make a Temp Job Last - - 0 views

    Tamara Guion-Yagy was disappointed when Tetra Tech, an environmental engineering firm in Pasadena, Calif., hired somebody else for the job that she wanted. The 40-year-old graphic designer thought she was being tried out when the firm hired her as a temporary worker.
Mehboob Hamza

Join the innovative summer program at The Cambridge Advantage - 0 views

    Are you looking for best summer program academies in UK? Then you are most welcome to the most renowned high school The Cambridge Advantage. Join this program from July 10 to 23 and develop your thoughts and integral thinking. For admission details please read the article.
Mehboob Hamza

Join the best Summer School Programs in U.K for Aspiring Students - 0 views

    Are you looking for best summer program academies in UK? Then you are most welcome to the most renowned high school The Cambridge Advantage. Join this program from July 10 to 23 and develop your thoughts and integral thinking. For admission details please read the article.
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