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Leslie Camacho

Why Can't M.B.A. Students Write? - - 1 views

    "While M.B.A. students' quantitative skills are prized by employers, their writing and presentation skills have been a perennial complaint. Employers and writing coaches say business-school graduates tend to ramble, use pretentious vocabulary or pen too-casual emails."

13 Myths About Writing Your Resume Debunked - 0 views

    Writing a resume is really a cakewalk. It is a no-nonsense transcription of your entire life's academic and professional acumen. Therefore, a strict set of do's and don'ts are very much applicable to this solitary sheet of paper. An improper resume can weaken your chances of getting a job. Today, most resumes are posted online. A poorly formatted and phrased resume will not even rank among the best resumes that get shortlisted. You may miss out good opportunities because of a poor or weak resume.
Leslie Camacho

How Do You Learn to Edit Yourself? - Do Your Job Better - The Chronicle of Higher Educa... - 0 views

    "In the writing process, there is perhaps nothing harder than reading one's own work with a critical eye."
Leslie Camacho

The National Career Development Association - 0 views

    "Are you interested in writing an article for the Government section of Career Convergence, but not sure about the topic? Here are 20 ideas to get you started. These are only the beginning…feel free to develop your own idea!"
Leslie Camacho

Writing Success Stories | Harvey Careers - 0 views

    Whether you call them CAR (challenge, action, result), STAR (situation, task, action, result), PAR (problem, action, result) or OAR (opportunity, action, result) stories, these stories are a critical component in your resume, leadership addendum, positioning statement and other marketing collateral, as well as in your interview.
Eric Grim

How To Write A Resume That Will Land Your Dream Job - 0 views

    How to craft a perfect resume. Tips about what to include in education, skills and experience sections, how to create layout and flow of the resume.

Medical Writer Job Opening at Raynham, Massachusetts, USA, Collab Infotech - 0 views

    View & apply for Medical Writer job in Raynham, Massachusetts, USA at Collab Infotech. Key Job Activities : • Primarily focuses on preparing, writing, editing, and reviewing regulato
Leslie Camacho

Preparing for the Worst - - 0 views

    Writing a will in your 20s might seem premature. But even young workers with meager assets should consider preparing a will and other legal documents -- such as a health-care directive and durable power of attorney -- to make sure their personal, financial and medical wishes are met if they become disabled or pass away.
Leslie Camacho

Workplace Bullying: New York Bill Targets Abusive Bosses - TIME - 0 views

    "There are some very important things they don't tell you on career day. Chief among them is that there is a good chance that at some point during your working adult life you will have an abusive boss - the kind who uses his or her authority to torment subordinates. Bullying bosses scream, often with the goal of humiliating. They write up false evaluations to put good workers' jobs at risk. Some are serial bullies, targeting one worker and, when he or she is gone, moving on to their next victim. "
Leslie Camacho

Book Review: Seriously Happy - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "For all the recent research and writing on happiness, studies that synthesize findings from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities have been notably missing, says Sissela Bok."
Leslie Camacho

How Fashion Forward Is Your Office? - The Juggle - WSJ - 1 views

    "Binkley writes how this year, brightly-colored or patterned stockings - think purple, lace, punk-shredded or leopard patterned - are all the rage among fashionistas. But is this haute hosiery appropriate for the office?"
Leslie Camacho

The Industries That Are Looking for Workers - - 0 views

    "The job market is tough for many. But people still need others to repair their cars, do their accounting, fix computers, write apps and even sell them things. And there's been more growth in opportunities for those occupations than others, according to online job postings."
Leslie Camacho

What Color Is Your Parachute Author On Looking For a Job In Today's Market - - 3 views

    No one has been writing best-selling career-advice books longer than Richard Bolles, author of the "What Color Is Your Parachute" series. (1975 was the only skipped year since the series was launched in 1970.)
Leslie Camacho

Can Poor Spelling Derail a Career? - - 0 views

    Q: I'm mentoring a young, ambitious engineer in our company. He's competent and demonstrates his energetic drive every day. However, he constantly makes spelling and grammatical errors in his writings. I've asked him to utilize spell-checking and re-read his emails. But mistakes such as confusing "our" with "are" and "there" and "their" aren't picked up with the computer tools. It's been over a year and he's still making these mistakes. What would you suggest as an appropriate next course of action? I am not sure if there are any additional classes he can take to improve his grammar/spell-checking skills.
Leslie Camacho

The Top 5 Mistakes on LinkedIn | Linked Intuition - 0 views

    I often write about things you should do on LinkedIn to maximize your effectiveness. Today we're going to look at the other side of the equation…the mistakes. The five mistakes listed here are related to your ability to eventually monetize LinkedIn.
Leslie Camacho

What it takes to get rehired in the tightening job market - - 0 views

    Last December, with unemployment at 7.2%, The Wall Street Journal enlisted eight people who had lost their jobs to write about their hunts in a new blog called "Laid Off and Looking." All eight had M.B.A. degrees; five had worked in finance at big banks. They had been unemployed for a median of nine months.
Leslie Camacho

News: 'A New Deal for Veterans' - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    The original, Post-World War II GI Bill has been both idealized as evidence of America as land of opportunity, and criticized for primarily benefiting white men while perpetuating racial and gender discrimination. So write Glenn C. Altschuler, a professor of American studies and dean of the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions at Cornell University, and Stuart M. Blumin, professor emeritus of American history at Cornell, in their new book, The GI Bill: A New Deal For Veterans (Oxford). Altschuler and Blumin argue, instead, for a need to "gain a more dispassionate understanding of the bill's role in the shaping of postwar America" -- even up to the present day, as then-President Bush cited the legacy of the original GI Bill in the 2008 signing of a new, Post-9/11 GI Bill.
Leslie Camacho

When Age Is an Issue in the Job Hunt - - 0 views

    I am looking for a full-time job that uses my writing, people and information-gathering talents from 25 years as a Los Angeles Times staff writer. My concern, validated by the coach at the retraining corporation, is that I am over 40. That coach actually told me to leave the dates of college attendance, etc., off my resume. My brother, president of a publicly-traded company, said this advice was nonsense, although he did say age is an issue (and he's older than I am).Can you address this issue of inferiority complex for those of us competing with candidates 20 years our junior? How do we address it? How can we compensate for the potential perception that we are burn-outs or tired when we might -- in my case -- just be bored because we know the job so well?
Alok Sahu

Urgent Opening Software Engineer in Bangalore, India - 0 views

    Writing Servlets, JSP and Java Beans for providing Business logic as well as views. * Developed User interfaces using JSP. * Involved Database Connectivity through Model. If you are suitable then please post your CV on or check below links. Experience: 2-4 yrs Salary: 3-4 Lacs(Indian Rupees) Last Date: 01-Dec-09 To know more about this job please have a look on this link: Thanks Angst
Rosa Vivanco

Free Webinar: What Type of Resume is Best for You? - 0 views

    Did you know the average recruiter spends about six seconds looking at a single resume? That means job seekers have six seconds to highlight their skills and expertise, making the format of a resume as important as the content. For that reason, Bryant & Stratton College Online announced a new session in its career information webinar series titled "What Type of Resume is Best for You?" The webinar will be held on Friday, January 10 from noon to 1 p.m. EST. During the "What Type of Resume is Best for You?" webinar, attendees will learn practical tips and advice to improve their resume. Some of the topics covered in the webinar will include: * The difference between chronological, functional, skills based and combination resumes * When to use each type of resume * How to take a resume from responsibility-focused to success-focused * Dos and Don'ts of resume writing The webinar will be led by Cindy Carpenter and Albanitza Mayoliz who handle recruiting at Verizon for the Call Center and Retail Sales Channel, respectively. To learn more and register for the webinar, please visit:
    Eventbrite - Bryant & Stratton College Online presents Free Webinar: What Type of Resume is Best for You? - Friday, January 10, 2014 - Find event and ticket information.
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