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Kevin DiVico

Why Workers Are Losing the War Against Machines - Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee -... - 0 views

    At least since the followers of Ned Ludd smashed mechanized looms in 1811, workers have worried about automation destroying jobs. Economists have reassured them that new jobs would be created even as old ones were eliminated. For over 200 years, the economists were right. Despite massive automation of millions of jobs, more Americans had jobs at the end of each decade up through the end of the 20th century. However, this empirical fact conceals a dirty secret. There is no economic law that says that everyone, or even most people, automatically benefit from technological progress.
Kevin DiVico

The Balancing Act of Being Human in 2012 | Think Tank | Big Think - 0 views

    The Being Human Conference, which took place at San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts this weekend, was designed to explore the science of human experience. The speakers ranged from neuroscientists, philosophers and psychologists, to monks, poets and filmmakers - and together their collective ideas and insights shined a light on the complexities of what it means to be human in 2012.  
Kevin DiVico

TSA gets Bruce Schneier booted from House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ... - 0 views

    Bruce Schneier was invited to testify about the TSA to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, but at the last minute he was disinvited, after the TSA objected to having him in the room.
Kevin DiVico

Calling all Campers: Creative Session Ideas Wanted! - Great Lakes THAT Camp 2012 - 0 views

    Hey Great Lakes THATCampers! We're just under a month away from what promises to be a very exciting unconference. We've got a full day of workshops on Friday (be sure to email us at glthatcamp2012 [at] gmail [dot] com with your workshop choices if you haven't done so already!), topped off with a meet-and-greet hosted at London's own UnLab on the Friday evening. Saturday will be a day of sessions, and it is truly a day that is up to you, the CAMPERS, to make your own. In order to get you started, we've put together a list of a few of the session ideas you have suggested in your applications. Now that you are all registered as contributors, you are able to post about what you'd like to see happen on the 21st and 22nd. The more talk there is about the sessions prior to Great Lakes THATCamp, the faster we can get going on the Saturday morning, so please join in and help us out!
Kevin DiVico

MAKE | NEWS FROM THE FUTURE - Computer Chips Track Students - 0 views

    Grade-school students in a northeastern Brazilian city are using uniforms embedded with computer chips that alert parents if they are cutting classes, the city's education secretary, Coriolano Moraes, said Thursday. Twenty-thousand students in 25 of Vitória da Conquista's 213 public schools started using T-shirts with chips this week, Mr. Moraes said. By 2013, all of the city's 43,000 public school students will be using them, he added. The chips send a text message to the cellphones of parents when their children enter the school or alert the parents if their children have not arrived 20 minutes after classes have begun. The city government invested $670,000 in the project, Mr. Moraes said.
Kevin DiVico

Make Calls from Within Google+ Hangouts - 0 views

    The Google+ team continues to graduate features from its sandbox into prime time for its Hangouts product. Last week, the company announced the addition of Google Docs into Hangouts, and today the service has officially added the ability to make phone calls from within a Hangout as well.
Kevin DiVico

Shareable: Automated Open Hardware Gardening Dome [VIDEO] - 0 views

    The Horto Domi combines vermiculture, geodesic domes, moisture sensors, and Arduino open hardware controllers in an automated backyard food growing system for the everyperson. The project team is looking for supporters on Kickstarter so they can do more R&D and make the plans available to the public for free. Soon you could have a pod of robotic food growing domes in your backyard turning out bushels of fresh veg. Then again, maybe a food growing robot takes the joy out of growing your own?
Kevin DiVico

Factual's Gil Elbaz Wants to Gather the Data Universe - - 0 views

    AT 7 years old, Gilad Elbaz wrote, "I want to be a rich mathematician and very smart." That, he figured, would help him "discover things like time machines, robots and machines that can answer any question."
Kevin DiVico

How to Write Like a Scientist - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Pos... - 0 views

    I didn't know whether to take my Ph.D. adviser's remark as a compliment. "You don't write like a scientist," he said, handing me back the progress report for a grant that I had written for him. In my dream world, tears would have come to his eyes, and he would have squealed, "You write like a poet!"
Kevin DiVico

Factual's Gil Elbaz Wants to Gather the Data Universe - - 0 views

    AT 7 years old, Gilad Elbaz wrote, "I want to be a rich mathematician and very smart." That, he figured, would help him "discover things like time machines, robots and machines that can answer any question."
Kevin DiVico

Internet of Things: Bill of Rights | the internet of things - 0 views

    London, UK, June 16 and 17: Open IoT Assembly: "In 2011 Pachube published this attempt at a Bill of Rights for the Internet of Things. Data ownership will continue to be one of the defining issues of this decade. As the Internet of Things matures, clear lines will be drawn as companies bring products and services to market. Business models will be built on one of two philosophies:       *    Controlling a customer's access to their data and limiting its use to a single service. Profiting through vendor lock-in and switching costs/hassle.     *    Maximizing the value that is built on top of data and constantly innovating. Building a product that customers choose based on its own merits.
Kevin DiVico

Nano Rocket by transport body to mimic - - 0 views

    Nano-cargo jet rockets were useful tasks in the body can perform. Packets deliver drugs or substances to signal tumor. Science fiction? Nope, not anymore. Nature chemistry published in February a paper of Nijmegen chemists which they explain how they make a nano rocket. "We think this is the first real nanomotor," says lead author Daniela Wilson.
Kevin DiVico

Sentient Developments: TED: Questions no one knows the answers to - 0 views

    There's a new TED-Ed series that tackles questions that we don't know the answer to. In this first episode, TED Curator Chris Anderson asks: How many universes are there? And Why can't we see evidence of alien life? On the latter question, his answers are somewhat pedestrian and even outlandish, but Anderson takes a wide swath at the possibilities and includes some genuine solutions, including the Great Filter and postbiological existence.
Kevin DiVico

The Dangers of Our 'Inconvenient Mind' | Risk: Reason and Reality | Big Think - 0 views

    Here's some bad news for those of you who like to think you can think rationally about risk. You can't. You know all those thoughtfully considered views you have about nuclear power or genetically modified food or climate change? They are really no more than a jumble of facts, and how you feel about those facts. That's right. They're just your opinions. Which is bad news, because no matter how right you feel, you might be wrong. And being wrong about risk is risky, to you AND to others.
Kevin DiVico

With a stroke of his pen President Hope and Change erased much of America « F... - 0 views

    Summary:  A series of Executive Orders during the past century has slowly expanded the authority of the Executive Branch.  Now President Hope and Change takes a large step forward toward a new order, issuing a blueprint for tyranny.  Don't worry, it will be implemented slowly.  One cannot boil a frog slowly (it jumps out), but one can bake a Republic.
Kevin DiVico

Liberating America's secret, for-pay laws - Boing Boing - 0 views

    Did you know that vital parts of the US law are secret, and you're only allowed to read them if you pay a standards body thousands of dollars for the right to find out what the law of the land is?
Kevin DiVico

Watch a series of seven brilliant lectures by Richard Feynman - 0 views

    Richard Feynman was obviously famous for his work as a physicist, but he's also widely regarded as one of the most lucid and effective lecturers to ever address an audience. So renowned, so readily accessible were his presentations, that his introductory physics lectures (which he delivered to undergraduates at Caltech) have since been immortalized in the form of a three-volume set called, quite simply, The Feynman Lectures.
Kevin DiVico

Gaming Computer Desk - Beta 1 - Imgur - 0 views

    I decided to make a side table for my desk so that I wouldn't have so much clutter around me and so that I had a side table that was exactly the right height and size for what I needed. The desk will hold the UPS on one side and the PC on the other, that will clean up 2 of the 3 major things around my desk (the last one being a subwoofer, but thats another project...). This is the desk it will be going next to and this is why it is such an odd shape.
Kevin DiVico

Desktop of the future? Microsoft tests transparent PC display with Kinect controls - Ge... - 0 views

    In addition to a high-tech grocery cart and an augmented-reality mirror, one of the futuristic projects on display at Microsoft's TechForum event earlier this week was a research project exploring the possibilities for using a transparent LCD display in conjunction with a Kinect sensor to let people interact with virtual objects in a 3D space by moving their hands around behind the screen.
Kevin DiVico

Top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager - GeekWire - 0 views

    The Sith Lord Darth Vader, of Star Wars fame, often gets a bad rap, particularly in what we all think of as his 'dark years.' From a certain perspective his mass murder, brutal oppression, and frequent deception to serve his own ends makes him seem like a pretty bad guy. But if you look past all that to his action, you will find a very capable and effective project manager.
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