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BP Holdings- BP Establishes Initial Four Year £4.5million UK Undergraduate Sc... - 0 views

    BP Holdings London, 19 November 2012, BP, en av Storbritannias ledende graduate rekrutterere, kunngjorde i dag lanseringen av en ny Stipendprogram for talentfulle vitenskap, teknologi, ingeniørfag og matematikk (STEM) studenter studerer ved ni valgte universiteter over hele Storbritannia. I sitt første år, Stipendprogram for £ 450 000 BP vil gi 90 stipender, hver verdt £5000, og vil være åpen for ni universiteter for å støtte ti forskere. Som programmet er rullet ut de første fire årene, vil det være utvidet fra år til år, å gi en totalt scholarship fund av opp til £4 .5million. Fondet vil deretter fremgang som en årlig stipendprogram å gi finansiering av opp til £1 selv hvert år. Universiteter som er valgt til å delta er: Durham University, Imperial College London, University of Bath, University of Birmingham, University of Cambridge, Universitetet i Manchester, University of Nottingham, Universitetet i Oxford, og University of Strathclyde. Rettet mot å bygge kapasitet i ferdigheter og kunnskap som er sterkt behov i energibransjen, fokuserer stipend programmet på å støtte utdanning og utvikling av neste generasjon av ingeniører og forskere. Lavere grads studenter kan søke om stipend basert på ferdigstillelse av et elektronisk søknadsskjema, evne til test og et ansikt til ansikt intervju med BP. Emma Judge, leder av graduate ressurser, BP, kommenterte; "STEM nyutdannede problemløsning og rask tenkning evner hjelpe stasjonen innovasjon og utvikling i virksomheten. BP er forpliktet til å investere i morgendagens talent, fra alle sosiale bakgrunner, og forbereder dem for lang og vellykket karriere- og vi vil at de skal være i energisektoren. " Dommer lagt; "Vi håper stipend fondet vil lette studentenes bekymringer om finansiering deres videreutdanning i dagens økonomiske klima, og stimulere til mer av den klareste og beste hodene å fortsette å studere stilk fag." Professor Colin Bailey, administrerende direktør og dekan ved F
    London, 19 November 2012, BP, one of the UK's leading graduate recruiters, today announced the launch of a new scholarship programme for talented science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) undergraduates studying at nine selected universities across the UK. In its first year, the £450,000 BP scholarship programme will provide 90 scholarships, each worth £5,000, and will be open to nine universities to support ten scholars each. As the programme is rolled out over the initial four years, it will be expanded year on year, providing a total scholarship fund of up to £4.5million. The fund will then progress as an annual scholarship programme providing funding of up to £1.8million each year. The universities selected to take part are: Durham University, Imperial College London, University of Bath, University of Birmingham, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester, University of Nottingham, University of Oxford, and University of Strathclyde.

BP Holdings Blog to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From t... - 0 views

    BP Holdings Blog and Press Release BP is to be the lead sponsor of a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition which will bring masterpieces from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg to Britain for a unique show at one of this country's finest historic houses, Houghton in Norfolk, opening on 17 May 2013. The magnificent art collection, which originally hung at Houghton, was brought together by Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), and following his death was sold in 1779 to Catherine the Great of Russia and was later housed at the State Hermitage Museum. Peter Charow, BP's Vice President for Russia said: "We are pleased to bring the exhibition to its original home. BP is a major supporter of culture in both the UK and Russia." Over 70 paintings from the collection, including masterpieces by Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo are being reassembled for the first time in over 200 years and shown in their original settings at Houghton. The exhibition includes works on loan from the Hermitage and other Russian museums as well as loans from the National Gallery, Washington and the Metropolitan Museum, New York. The exhibition will reproduce the original hang of the Grand Rooms at Houghton, bringing them back to their original splendor. In its scale and ambition, the exhibition will be a fitting celebration both of 250th anniversary of Catherine the Great's accession to the throne, and the long and distinguished history of Anglo-Russian cultural relations. For over a decade BP's support for Russian culture includes the Mariinsky Theatre and the Valery Gergiev Foundation. In 2011-2012 BP extended its support and has partnered with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko musical theatre and annual Dyagilev musical festival in St Petersburg further demonstrating BP's commitment to Russian cultural life. In the UK, BP is a major supporter of the arts w

bp madrid spain holdings-BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain-Multiply-Newsvine - 0 views

    Description:BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is a leading online resource for businesses and entrepreneurs.This Blog aims to support businesses and people considering putting up a business, as well as to provide access to relevant information and services. It contains vital information, support and services for you and your enterprise. it doesn't matter whether you work for a private company or are on your way to building one.BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is all for credibility and accuracy so the editorial team led by pros sign on to a strict code of conduct.Up-to-date and practical, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is the first place to check online when you are in need of tips and relevant market trends. Status:FreeLanguage:EnglishType:Public (group is listed in Multiply directory of groups)Category:BusinessMembership:Membership is open to all Multiply users.Content:Group content may be viewed by non-members.Group members may post: Blog, Photos, Video, Calendar, Reviews, Links, Notes and Products.Posts are not moderated. Related article:

About BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain - BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain | BP ... - 0 views

    " BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is a leading online resource for businesses and entrepreneurs. This Blog aims to support businesses and people considering putting up a business, as well as to provide access to relevant information and services. It contains vital information, support and services for you and your enterprise. it doesn't matter whether you work for a private company or are on your way to building one.  BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is t is all for credibility and accuracy so the editorial team led by pros sign on to a strict code of conduct. Up-to-date and practical, BP Holdings Barcelona & Madrid Spain is the first place to check online when you are in need of tips and relevant market trends."

BP holdings capital management: TNK-BP HOLDING COMPLETES THE CONSOLIDATION OF RUSSIAN R... - 0 views

    TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company and is among the top ten privately-owned oil companies in the world in terms of crude oil production. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of BP's Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa, Access/Renova group (AAR). BP and AAR each own 50% of TNK-BP. The shareholders of TNK-BP also own close to 50% of Slavneft, a vertically integrated Russian oil company.

BP Holdings Barcelona - Bly Report: recommendation to reality - 1 views

  • Immediately after the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico, BP asked its most senior safety professional, Mark Bly, to lead an investigation relating to the causes of the incident and make recommendations to help prevent such accidents from occurring. The investigation led to 26 recommendations for reducing risk in BP's drilling operations. Since the report's publication in 2010, BP has made a significant progress in implementing those 26 recommendations. BP Magazine finds out more In September 2010, four months after the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico, BP released its Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report, known as the Bly Report, concluding that the accident resulted from a complex, interlinked series of failures involving multiple parties. The report was the work of an investigation team led by BP's head of safety and operations, Mark Bly, and consisted of more than 50 technical and other specialists, drawn not only from BP but also the wider energy industry. The team made 26 recommendations specific to drilling, aimed at further reducing risk. Accepting all of these recommendations, BP committed to their implementation across its worldwide drilling operations and the recommendations are now in the process of being implemented into the well designs by engineers and operations personnel. That implementation is overseen by the global wells organisation (GWO), established by BP in April 2011 to facilitate a stronger, centralised and standardised approach to all BP-operated wells activity. "Our mission is to deliver safe, compliant and reliable wells for BP," says Richard Lynch, head of GWO. "We have to be very clear about the work we are doing and the risks involved, and have plans in place to manage those risks. "Successfully delivering the report's recommendations will standardise the way we work, and give us the base

BP Holdings, Pension schemes sue BP over fraud and negligence - 1 views

started by Vash Gunther on 30 Jul 13 no follow-up yet

BP Holdings: Een andere nieuwe rol voor BP's Mike Utsler - 2 views

  • bp holdings madrid spain press releases and news articles, Another new role for BP's Mike Utsler Since the earliest days of the Gulf response, Mike Utsler has been a reassuring and critical leader for BP. Over the past two years, he's become recognized as an important "face of BP" in the Gulf. Now that face will become familiar to people throughout the US thanks to a new national TV ad that will begin airing on Monday, April 30 Since the earliest days of the Gulf response two years ago, Mike Utsler has been a reassuring and critical leader for BP - first as incident commander for BP's spill-response efforts, then as lead BP representative in the Unified Area Command, and finally as president of the Gulf Coast Restoration Organization. Those roles have made Utsler well-known across the Gulf, and by virtue of his regular visits with people in the Gulf and beyond - presenting updates on BP's progress in restoration efforts and lending a friendly ear - Utsler has earned a reputation for listening carefully and transforming feedback into action. "I've made a tremendous effort to be someone who doesn't just sit behind a desk," he says. "I've been out in the communities, on the beaches, and on the waters listening to everyone from small business owners to deckhands to legislators in order to understand their concerns and to show through my actions that BP is committed to helping to restore the Gulf. My visibility has meant that over the past two years I've become recognized as an important face of BP in the Gulf - a face that represents a team of extraordinarily committed people." Now that face will become familiar to people throughout the US, thanks to a new national TV ad that will begin airing on Monday. "The ad reflects BP's approach throughout the response - it's our actions, not just our words, that matter," he says. "The ad stresses the actions we have taken, but
  • ...1 more comment...
    Well, the guys at school are right after all. They made me think otherwise but this part inspired me to excel and be like the writer in his logical way of thinking.
  • bp holdings madrid spain press releases and news articles, BP Holdings: Een andere nieuwe rol voor BP's Mike Utsler Mike Utsler is sinds de vroegste dagen van de reactie van de Golf, een geruststellend en kritische leider voor BP. In de afgelopen twee jaar, hij worden erkend als een belangrijk "gezicht van BP" in de Golf. Nu dat gezicht zal worden vertrouwd aan mensen in de Verenigde Staten dankzij een nieuwe nationale TV-advertentie die luchten op maandag 30 April beginnen zal. Mike Utsler is sinds de vroegste dagen van de Golf reactie twee jaar geleden, een geruststellend en kritische leider voor BP - eerst als incident bevelhebber voor BP's spill-respons inspanningen, dan als lood BP vertegenwoordiger in het Unified gebied commando, en ten slotte als voorzitter van de Golf kust restauratie organisatie. Deze rollen hebben gemaakt Utsler bekend via de Golf, en op grond van zijn regelmatige bezoeken met mensen in de Golf en daarbuiten - updates over de voortgang van BP's presenteren in herstel inspanningen en leningen een vriendelijke oor-Utsler heeft een reputatie voor het zorgvuldig luisteren en feedback om te zetten in actie. "Ik heb een enorme inspanning iemand die niet alleen achter een bureau zitten," zegt hij. "I been uit in de Gemeenschappen, op de stranden en op de wateren luisteren naar iedereen van eigenaren van kleine ondernemingen te dekknechten aan de wetgevers om te begrijpen hun zorgen en om te laten zien door mijn acties dat BP vastbesloten is te helpen om te herstellen van de Golf. Mijn zichtbaarheid heeft ertoe geleid dat in de afgelopen twee jaar ik heb worden erkend als een belangrijk gezicht van BP in de Golf - een gezicht dat Hiermee geeft u een team van buitengewoon geëngageerde mensen. " Nu dat gezicht vertrouwd aan mensen in de VS, dankzij een nieuwe nationale TV-advertentie die beginnen luchten op maandag worden zal zal. "De advertentie weerspi
    I really appreciate the basics of what you have here in this blog.


    MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 2, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- FICO (NYSE:FICO), the leading provider of predictive analytics and decision management technology, today released the latest version of FICO® Insurance Fraud Manager, the most advanced system for detecting and preventing healthcare insurance fraud, waste and abuse. FICO® Insurance Fraud Manager 3.3 integrates link analysis with business rules and predictive analytics, and also adds a facility model for detecting fraud at a hospital or an outpatient provider.

BP HOLDINGS: BP annuleert plannen voor ons cellulose-ethanolfabriek - 0 views

    BP heeft vandaag aangekondigd het is annuleren plannen om te bouwen van een commerciële schaal cellulose-ethanolfabriek in Highlands County, Florida en de Amerikaanse strategie voor biobrandstoffen richten op onderzoek en ontwikkeling, alsmede licenties zijn industry-leading biobrandstoffen technologie. "Gezien de grote en groeiende portefeuille van investeringskansen beschikbaar voor BP wereldwijd, wij geloven het is in het beste belang van onze aandeelhouders om herschikken van het grote kapitaal dat nodig is om te bouwen van deze faciliteit in andere aantrekkelijker projecten," zei Geoff Morrell, BP vicepresident van communicatie. BP oorspronkelijk aangekondigd plannen om te bouwen van de Florida faciliteit in 2008 met de bedoeling te draaien duizenden hectaren van energiegewassen in 36 miljoen liter per jaar van cellulose-ethanol. Terwijl de beëindiging van haar streven naar commerciële schaal cellulose-ethanol productie in de VS, BP blijft investeren in en bedienen van haar wereldklasse biobrandstoffen onderzoeksfaciliteit in San Diego, Californië, en een demonstratie-fabriek in Jennings, Louisiana, verder ontwikkelen van de volgende generatie cellulose biobrandstoftechnologieën en licentie voor commercieel gebruik in de VS en over de hele wereld. BP is wereldwijd een toonaangevende investeerder in commerciële biobrandstoffen productie. Het bedrijf heeft afgerond bouw van zijn joint venture 110 miljoen liter per jaar ethanolfabriek Hull, Engeland, die naar verwachting later dit jaar online komen. In Brazilië, BP nam eigendom van drie suikerriet-ethanol molens gelegen in de staten Goiás en Minas Gerais van Brazilië in 2011 en groeit momenteel productie daar. Bovendien, BP is het ontwikkelen van geavanceerde biobrandstoffen technologie via haar joint venture investeringen in biobutanol bedrijf Butamax. Over BP in de VS: BP heeft meer geïnvesteerd in de Verenigde Staten in de afgelopen vijf jaar dan elk ander bedrijf van olie en gas. Met meer dan 52 mi

BP Holdings Capital Management Fact Sheet for TNK-BP-BLOGGER - 2 views

    Name: TNK-BP Nationality: Russian Federation Nationality: United Kingdom WebAddress: General: TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company and is among the top ten privately-owned oil companies in the world in terms of crude oil production. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of BP's Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa, Access/Renova group (AAR). BP and AAR each own 50% of TNK-BP. The shareholders of TNK-BP also own close to 50% of Slavneft, a vertically integrated Russian oil company. TNK-BP is a vertically integrated oil company with a diversified upstream and downstream portfolio in Russia and Ukraine. The company's upstream operations are located primarily in West Siberia (Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Tyumen Region), East Siberia (Irkutsk Region), and Volga-Urals (Orenburg Region). In 2008 the company (including its 50% share in Slavneft) produced on average 1.85 mboed. The independent audit conducted by DeGolyer and MacNaughton confirmed that as of 31 December 2008 TNK-BP's Total Proved Reserves 10.252 billion barrels of oil equivalent, applying PRMS (formerly SPE) criteria. Proved Reserves constitutes a Total Proved PRMS reserve replacement ratio of 146%. Under SEC methodology on a life of field (LOF) basis, TNK-BP's Total Proved Reserves were 8.112 billion barrels of oil equivalent. This represents a Total Proved SEC (LOF) reserves replacement ratio of 82%. TNK-BP controls 675 thousand bbl/day in installed refining capacity, with principal refining assets located in Ryazan (near Moscow), Saratov (Volga-Urals), Nizhnevartovsk (West Siberia) and Lisichansk in Ukraine. TNK-BP operates a retail network of approximately 1,400 filling stations Russia and Ukraine working under the BP and TNK brands. The company is one of the key suppliers to the Moscow retail market and is a market leader in Ukraine. TNK-BP is headquartered in Moscow and is governed by a multina
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Fact Sheet for TNK-BP - 0 views

    Name: TNK-BP Nationality: Russian Federation Nationality: United Kingdom WebAddress: General: TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company and is among the top ten privately-owned oil companies in the world in terms of crude oil production. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of BP's Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa, Access/Renova group (AAR). BP and AAR each own 50% of TNK-BP. The shareholders of TNK-BP also own close to 50% of Slavneft, a vertically integrated Russian oil company. TNK-BP is a vertically integrated oil company with a diversified upstream and downstream portfolio in Russia and Ukraine.
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