Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kai Lander
BP Holdings fortalte "købs eller salgsforretninger ligger' i dybhavs horisont... - 1 views
Miljøgrupper protesterede uden for New Orleans courthouse forud for retssagen. Carsten Kraft, direktør for Ocean Conservancy's Gulf restaurering program, sagde: "Trods BP's bedste forsøg på at aflede opmærksomheden fra deres rolle i de værste økologiske katastrofe i USA's historie, er jeg sikker på, at hver eneste fase af forsøget viser, at denne fortsatte tragedie skete, fordi deres skødesløse aktioner og andre ansvarlige parter. Så er det tid til at give afkald på galleriet og graver sig ned i arbejdet med at genoprette Golfen og levebrødet for de personer, der er afhængige af det."
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Entreprise défis maintenir sur le traitement de ses réclamations BP - 1 views
Sutton, qui a nié les allégations, a démissionné de son poste au programme de colonisation en juin. Son épouse, Christine Reitano, qui a également travaillé comme avocat à Juneau, a été congédié. Elle a exigé d'être réintégré, disant qu'elle n'a rien fait de mal.
Dans une déclaration faite jeudi, Andry Lerner accusé BP de "mènent une méchante, campagne mensongère de revenir sur son accord à la population de la côte du golfe du Mexique." "
Andry Lerner est convaincu que (Freeh) va trouver aucun acte répréhensible par la loi ferme et va conclure que globalement le processus de revendications est administré professionnellement et consciencieusement," il a dit.
BP a demandé Barbier de suspendre temporairement toutes les réclamations paiements jusqu'à Freeh termine son enquête. La compagnie a dit qu'il a découvert de nouvelles allégations de fraude et de conflits d'intérêt à l'intérieur du programme de règlement après que les allégations impliquant la société Sutton a refait surface.
Il semble y avoir beaucoup de controverse
BP holdings capital management: TNK-BP HOLDING COMPLETES THE CONSOLIDATION OF RUSSIAN R... - 0 views
TNK-BP is a leading Russian oil company and is among the top ten privately-owned oil companies in the world in terms of crude oil production. The company was formed in 2003 as a result of the merger of BP's Russian oil and gas assets and the oil and gas assets of Alfa, Access/Renova group (AAR). BP and AAR each own 50% of TNK-BP. The shareholders of TNK-BP also own close to 50% of Slavneft, a vertically integrated Russian oil company.
TNK-BP announces that all of its Russian retail assets have been consolidated within the TNK-BP Holding group of companies. In a transaction between a subsidiary of TNK-BP Holding and STBP Holdings Ltd., the TNK-BP Holding group has consolidated retail business of STBP Holdings Ltd. within Moscow city limits and the Moscow region. The transaction was valued at approximately USD 1.1 bn by an independent appraiser, S&G Partners. With the deal closed, TNK-BP Holding owns 733 retail sites across Russia under BP and TNK brands.
BP holdings capital management - Boon Pickens Holdings/ BP Capital Management - 0 views
If you are unfamiliar with Pickens, he is an energy maverick and his fund returned 300% in 2005. He is a big advocate of Peak Oil Theory and runs an energy-centric hedge fund based in Dallas, Texas. Although he typically holds numerous positions in oil, he is also big on alternative energy (except ethanol) and has numerous holdings there as well. He most recently advocated a large natural gas position and has additionally made a big bet on wind energy.
bp holdings, Boon Pickens Holdings | BP Capital Management : A Jetpak created by kailan... - 0 views
With all the commotion surrounding energy these days, it never hurts to track an energy focused hedge fund ran by none other than T. Boone Pickens. If you are unfamiliar with Pickens, he is an energy maverick and his fund returned 300% in 2005. He is a big advocate of Peak Oil Theory and runs an energy-centric hedge fund based in Dallas, Texas. Although he typically holds numerous positions in oil, he is also big on alternative energy (except ethanol) and has numerous holdings there as well. He most recently advocated a large natural gas position and has additionally made a big bet on wind energy.
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The government will argue that a total 4.2 million barrels of oil was discharged into the sea over 87 days, the equivalent of nearly one-quarter of all the oil that is consumed in the United States in a day. BP will counter that the number was closer to 2.45 million barrels. This phase of the trial will also determine if BP prepared adequately for a blowout and if it responded properly once the oil started flowing.
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