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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jazon mertz

jazon mertz

BP Holdings: Crude Rises to 18-Month High on Syria Tension - 2 views

bp holdings Crude Rises to 18-Month High on Syria Tension
started by jazon mertz on 30 Aug 13 no follow-up yet
  • jazon mertz

    West Texas Intermediate crude rose to the highest level in 18 months on speculation that tension in Syria will disrupt Middle East supplies.

    Prices gained 2.9 percent as Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said that Syria's defenses will "surprise" the world should the U.S. and its allies attempt military strikes. Western powers told the Syrian opposition to expect a strike against President Bashar al-Assad's forces within days, Reuters reported, citing sources who attended a meeting.

    "The geopolitical tension in Syria certainly escalated one notch higher and it's a significant notch," said Harry Tchilinguirian, BNP Paribas SA's London-based head of commodity markets strategy. "It's the implication of what a broader conflict in Syria would mean to key suppliers in that region. The market simply positioned itself long and waited for the next turn of events."

    WTI for October delivery climbed $3.09 to $109.01 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It was the highest settlement since Feb. 24, 2012, and the largest percentage gain since May 2. Trading was 20 percent above the 100-day average for the time of day at 2:38 p.m.

    Prices were little changed after the American Petroleum Institute reported U.S. crude inventories increased 2.47 million barrels last week. The October contract increased $2.97, or 2.8 percent, to $108.89 a barrel in electronic trading at 4:36 p.m. It traded at $108.91 before the report was released at 4:30 p.m.

    'Hearing Drums'

    Brent for October settlement increased $3.63, or 3.3 percent, to $114.36 on the ICE Futures Europe exchange, a six-month high. Volume was 58 percent above the 100-day average. The European benchmark's premium to WTI widened to $5.35 from $4.81.

    Syria is "hearing the drums of war all around us," al-Muallem said at a televised news conference in Damascus. The government hasn't obstructed the United Nations probe into its alleged use of chemical weapons, he said, adding that the U.S. may be carrying out psychological warfare.

    Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday that President Barack Obama will hold Syria accountable for the "indiscriminate slaughter" of its own people with chemical weapons. The evidence is "undeniable" that chemical weapons were used against residents of a Damascus suburb last week and that President Bashar al-Assad's regime has the toxic weapons and the ability to deploy them, he said.

    Obama Administration

    The Obama administration is focusing on legal and political justification for a limited military strike as a demonstration of international censure against Syria's use of chemical weapons, according to a U.S. official. Any action would have a narrow scope aimed at military facilities, other infrastructure and would not target Assad.

    "It's not the question of if they are going to intervene, but just when and how," said Julius Walker, global energy markets strategist at UBS Securities LLC in New York. "The issue is whether such intervention will pull in neighboring countries."

    Syria borders Iraq and is near Iran, countries that together hold almost a fifth of the output capacity from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, according to Bloomberg estimates. Syria itself produced just 164,000 barrels a day of the 28.3 million pumped in the Middle East last year, according to BP Plc (BP/)'s Statistical Review of World Energy.

    Iran Warning

    "Syria itself is not important for oil," said Soozhana Choi, Deutsche Bank AG's head of energy research in Washington. "Prices are up because of the broader ramifications of an attack. There are concerns about what Syria's allies do in response to an attack on the Assad regime. There is a worry that Iran may shelve negotiations over its nuclear program in response."

    Iran, a longtime Syrian ally, warned that a U.S. attack on Syria would drag the whole region into the conflict. Any use of military force in Syria will "engulf the whole region," Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Araghchi told reporters in Tehran today, in televised comments. Russia also warned against an attack on Syria.

    "The real risk is if Syria decides to retaliate in any kind of way, or in an even worse scenario, if Iran gets pulled in or Russia gets pulled in or one of Assad's allies," Walker said. "We are going to see the price really shoot up."

    Libya Production

    WTI also rose as Libya National Oil Corp. Chairman Nuri Berruien said the nation's oil output may have dropped below 200,000 barrels a day amid protests, the lowest level since the 2011 uprising against Muammar Qaddafi. The North African nation's export capability has been crippled since members of the Petroleum Facilities Guard seized control of terminals last month to press for better working conditions.

    Implied volatility for at-the-money WTI options expiring in October was 25.1 percent, up from 21.2 percent yesterday, data compiled by Bloomberg showed.

    Electronic trading volume on the Nymex was 654,184 contracts as of 4:37 p.m. It totaled 297,359 contracts yesterday, the lowest level since Dec. 31 and less than half the three-month average. Open interest was 1.83 million contracts.

jazon mertz

Shah Deniz alkaa arvioida | bp global spain holdings news bulletin - 1 views

  • Shah Deniz konsortio on alkanut arvioida lopullinen tarjoukset saamiensa Nabucco Gas Pipeline International ja Trans Adriatic putki (TAP) Shah Deniz Stage 2 kaasun kuljetukseen Eurooppaan. Väitteet salli Shah Deniz konsortio suorittaa loppuarvioinnin kunkin kuljetus vaihtoehtoja, ja tehdä tietoisen päätöksen siitä, ensisijainen reitti vientiä Eurooppaan. Tehdään 30.6.2013 odotetaan lopullista päätöstä Euroopan putki. Kuljetus tarjoaa sisältää merkittäviä tietoja tekninen sääntely-, ja muita näkökohtia Nabucco West ja TAP-hankkeita. Konsortion nyt tulee vaihe yksityiskohtainen arviointi, jonka aikana tarjoukset arvioidaan julkisesti ilmoitetaan valinnan periaatteet. Ne ovat: kaupallisuus, projektin toimituskyky, taloudellinen toimituskyky, suunnittelu, suunnittelu, tasauksen ja avoimuutta, toimivuutta, skaalautuvuus ja yleisen. Selvennystä kokoukset pidetään kunkin putken yritysten kanssa. Kuljetus tarjoaa odotetaan oikeudellisesti velvoittavat huhtikuuta 2013 loppuun mennessä. Sieltä Shah Deniz-konsortion odottaa saavansa sitova kaasun myyntiin ensi kuussa kaasun ostajien Euroopassa. Huomautuksia toimittajille: Shah Deniz vaihe 2-hankkeen tuoda kaasua Kaspianmereltä Turkin ja Euroopan avaamista Etelä kaasun käytävällä. Shah Deniz kakkosvaiheen odotetaan lisää edelleen 16 miljardia kuutiometriä vuodessa (bcma) kaasun tuotannossa noin 9 bcma Shah Deniz vaiheessa 1. Artikkeli Infos:
jazon mertz

Global BP Holdings Press Releases | BP til å kjøpe tilbake $8 milliarder av a... - 2 views

    BP kunngjorde i dag at det har til hensikt å gjennomføre en andel tilbakekjøp, eller kjøpe tilbake, programmet med en samlet verdi på opp til $8 milliarder. Dagens beslutning om å kjøpe tilbake aksjer følger ferdigstillelse i går av salg av BP'S 50% eierandel i TNK-BP til Rosneft. Programmet er ventet å gå tilbake til BP aksjonærer et beløp tilsvarende verdien av selskapets opprinnelige investering i TNK-BP. I 2003 investerte BP rundt 8 milliarder dollar i kontanter, aksjer og eiendeler i dannelsen av TNK-BP. I de følgende tiår mottok BP totalt 19 milliarder dollar i utbytte fra joint venture. BP solgt sin eierandel i TNK-BP til Rosneft, etterfulgt av en reinvestering i Rosneft aksjer, for en samlet vurdering av $12.48 milliarder i kontanter (inkludert 0.71 milliarder dollar i TNK-BP utbytte mottatt av BP i desember 2012) sammen med aksjer som representerer 18,5% av Rosneft. Som et resultat, har BP nå en eierandel på 19,75% i Rosneft. BP gruppe konsernsjef Bob Dudley sa: "BP er går videre til neste fase av sin virksomhet i Russland, bli den største private aksjonæren i Rosneft, Russlands ledende olje-og gasselskap. I prosessen har vi også lansert kontanter, tilsvarer minst seks år med bps forventet fremtidig utbytte fra TNK-BP. Vi ser frem nå å arbeide tett med Rosneft og utvikle muligheter til å skape verdier for begge selskapene sammen." Dudley sier at størrelsen på det foreslåtte tilbakekjøp programmet, som er ventet å overstige som kreves for å oppveie inntjening per aksje fortynning forventet resultatet av salg av TNK-BP, også reflektert reduksjonen i bps asset base følgende dets store $38 milliarder salg program over de siste tre årene. Related Forum Articles:
Sascha Eisenberg

bp global holdings press releases, BP skal føre Sponsor av historiske utstill... - 2 views

global holdings press releases BP skal føre Sponsor av historiske utstillingen å bringe mesterverk fra Erermitagen til Storbritannia
started by Sascha Eisenberg on 26 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
  • jazon mertz
    Veldig hyggelig å høre at nyheter, akkurat som nettstedet gjør meg glad!
jazon mertz

Hong Kong International Bp Holdings Blog Review: Flucht aus Hong Kong in China - 1 views

    Ich habe etwas verrückt das vergangene Woche. Während Chinese New Year's--das größte Fest des Jahres und zu einem Zeitpunkt, als die meisten Menschen meiden vom chinesischen Festland wie die Pest (denken Sie über alle diese Wanderarbeiter und Mainlanders Wer wieder nach Hause sind)--ich kaufte eine Fahrkarte und leitete nach Guangzhou, China. Teilweise ging ich um Freunde zu besuchen und teilweise ging ich Check out die enormen Veränderungen in was ein faszinierendes Land bleibt. Ich war in Guangzhou, China drittgrößte Stadt, im Jahr 2010 zu den Asienspielen zu sehen gewesen. Die Stadt war sauber quietschende und rechtzeitig vor der Veranstaltung ein neues Gesicht bekommen hatte. Jetzt mehr als zwei Jahre später sah die Stadt noch besser. Die u-Bahnlinie hatte erweitert. Eine Nacht Bootsfahrt zeigte eine gesunde Stadt Gärtnerisch gestaltet, mit neuen Wohn- und Geschäftsviertel und Brücken mit Neonröhren beleuchtet. Ich hatte sogar die Chance, die vier Jahreszeiten, die neueste Ergänzung zu Guangzhous-Luxus-Hotel-Markt tour. Das Hotel mit fünf gehobenen Restaurants und die Lobby ähnelte eine Ausstellung direkt vom Guggenheim-Museum. Schön, atemberaubend, spektakulär und dies war China. Ich hatte die Chance, für die Zeit in der Grandview Mall, ein Mega-Mall, das schien sogar die Mall of America zu übertrumpfen. Die Mall war verankert durch ein dreistöckiges Nike Shop wo Shopper können benutzerdefinierte machen eigene Turnschuhe. In der Nähe war die H & M mit Shopper kaufen Schlange verpackt. Die Mall enthalten eine multiplex-Theater (4D ist um die Ecke), und würde bald ein Aquarium gehören. Dieses Einkaufszentrum könnte überall in New York, London, San Francisco, aber dies war China. Related Article: Related Group:
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jazon mertz

Mercedes weakens to take back the premium crown, bp holdings barcelona - 1 views

    As the global luxury car sales contest started, Mercedes-Benz falls further with the rivals BMW and Audi. Burdened by a disjointed strategy in China, the lethargic expansion of entry-level models and an aging S-class sedan, the once-dominant upscale nameplate remains firmly in third place. The said car sales contest dragged the Mercedes sales gap with second-placed Audi which has more than doubled within a year. An analyst, Christian Ludwig with Backhaus Lampe in Dusseldorf said that Mercedes's problems are homemade problems. And so with this, it's going to be extremely difficult for Mercedes to reach the No. 1 spot while others are not sleeping upgrading and keep on taking number of approaches to remain on top. On the first nine months of 2012, Mercedes delivered 964,900 cars and sport-utility vehicles. The 5 percent gain failed to keep pace with rivals, meaning it lagged Audi by 132,600 vehicles, up from 53,900 a year ago. The gap to No. 1 BMW widened 41 percent to 145,000 vehicles, according to data from the carmakers released by BP Holdings Blog. Mercedes has been trailing its rivals since losing the top spot in the luxury-car segment to BMW in 2005. The Daimler unit's sales will have advanced 19 percent through this year, compared with a 31 percent jump by BMW and a 70 percent surge by Audi over the past seven years, according to IHS Automotive estimates. The failure to keep pace is reflected in the stock. Daimler's 12 percent increase over the past 12 months trails BMW's 18 percent gain and Audi parent Volkswagen's 44 percent surge. Daimler trades at 7.5 times estimated earnings versus 8 times for BMW. BP Holdings Blog mentioned in the release, Zetsche is seeking to reverse the trend by adding less-expensive compact models, including a four-door coupe and a sport-utility vehicle, to attract younger buyers and by expanding the range of variants of the S-class flagship, which is in the last year of the current generation.
    Thanks for the post.Thanks Again. Really Cool.
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