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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sophie Hoffmann

Sophie Hoffmann

BP Holdings article code 85258080768: Feeding Frenzy/Redgage - 1 views

    bp holdings article code 85258080768, Feeding Frenzy fraud watch In the months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded 300 miles off Florida's coast in April 2010, hotel and restaurant owners, fishermen and shopkeepers kept a grim vigil, waiting to see whether the millions of gallons of spilled oil would taint the state's beaches and harm its seafood. From a distance, thousands of others watched too, the Canadian, European and American tourists and business travelers who had hoped to rent the Tampa Bay, Sarasota or Naples hotel rooms, dine at the restaurants, shop at the stores, and meet in the conference halls along the Gulf of Mexico. Instead, many traveled elsewhere. Although no flocks of oil-soaked pelicans washed up on Florida's shores, and the 200 million spilled gallons did not blacken beaches as so many feared, the coastal communities and their businesses were nonetheless damaged by the BP oil spill, through economic losses - the visitors who never came. That is the contention of cities and counties, and thousands of business owners whose revenues fell in the months following the disaster. A number of Florida resorts and other businesses that sought early compensation for their losses - the plunge in expected revenue - found their requests denied, although London-based BP had set up a $20 billion fund for victims. But the firms couldn't prove their revenue declines were related to the spill. In December, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier in New Orleans gave final approval to a $7.8 billion partial class-action settlement providing for economic and property damages from the spill, including those in Florida. BP separately agreed to pay $4.5 billion in penalties and pleaded guilty to felony misconduct in the disaster, which cost 11 lives. Barbier now is presiding over a trial to determine whether BP was grossly negligent, with another $17 billion in potential penalties at stake. A new, streamlined process recognizes losses farther from the ex
Sophie Hoffmann

BP Spania Holdings større Clair avgrensningsbrønn program godkjent/WORDPRESS - 1 views

    BP Spain Holdings Press Releases BP og dens co-venturers Shell, ConocoPhillips og Chevron kunngjorde i dag deres beslutning om å fortsette med en to-års vurdering program for å se på muligheten for å utvikle en tredje fase av gigantiske Clair feltet, vest for Shetlandsøyene. Første engasjement innebærer et toårig program for å bore fem avgrensningsbrønner. Dette kan øke til mellom åtte og tolv brønner, avhengig av resultatene fra disse første brønnene. Boringen av først godt nylig startet. Målene for programmet er å gi større sikkerhet på samlede magasinbeholdningen, inkludert deres distribusjon og væske egenskaper; evaluere teknologi for å øke utvinningen fra større Clair; og for å teste muligheten for nye frittstående utbygginger og sammenhengene til Clair Ridge. Trevor Garlick, regionale presidenten for BP Nordsjøen, sa: "Dette er en viktig milepæl og en ytterligere stor forpliktelse til vest av Shetland av BP og dens co-venturers. Hvis det lykkes, avgrensningsbrønn programmet kunne bane vei for en tredje fase av utbyggingen på Clair - er dette nå en reell mulighet." Edward Davey, energi og klima endring sekretær, sa: "denne kunngjøringen av BP av en to års vurdering program for større Clair området for vest for Shetland er utmerket nyheter. Det viser bransjens engasjement for å maksimere potensialet i dette området, som kunne holde opp til 17% av vår olje- og gassindustrien forbeholder seg. "Større Clair beviser det er fortsatt en lang fremtid for olje- og gassproduksjon i Nordsjøen og vil gi tillit til nye rekrutter at industrien tilbyr en karriere for livet." John Hayes, energiminister, sa: "større Clair er svært betydelig som det forsterker for vest for Shetland som et viktig område for framtidig olje- og gass utvikling. "Regjeringen arbeider ekstremt hardt for å sikre olje-og gass har den tillit og sikkerhet som det er behov for å investere, å gi Storbritannia en kilde til energisikkerhet og jobber i årene som
Sophie Hoffmann

BP Holdings Blog to be Lead Sponsor of Historic Exhibition Bringing Masterpieces From t... - 0 views

    BP Holdings Blog and Press Release BP is to be the lead sponsor of a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition which will bring masterpieces from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg to Britain for a unique show at one of this country's finest historic houses, Houghton in Norfolk, opening on 17 May 2013. The magnificent art collection, which originally hung at Houghton, was brought together by Britain's first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole (1676-1745), and following his death was sold in 1779 to Catherine the Great of Russia and was later housed at the State Hermitage Museum. Peter Charow, BP's Vice President for Russia said: "We are pleased to bring the exhibition to its original home. BP is a major supporter of culture in both the UK and Russia." Over 70 paintings from the collection, including masterpieces by Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Murillo are being reassembled for the first time in over 200 years and shown in their original settings at Houghton. The exhibition includes works on loan from the Hermitage and other Russian museums as well as loans from the National Gallery, Washington and the Metropolitan Museum, New York. The exhibition will reproduce the original hang of the Grand Rooms at Houghton, bringing them back to their original splendor. In its scale and ambition, the exhibition will be a fitting celebration both of 250th anniversary of Catherine the Great's accession to the throne, and the long and distinguished history of Anglo-Russian cultural relations. For over a decade BP's support for Russian culture includes the Mariinsky Theatre and the Valery Gergiev Foundation. In 2011-2012 BP extended its support and has partnered with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the State Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko musical theatre and annual Dyagilev musical festival in St Petersburg further demonstrating BP's commitment to Russian cultural life. In the UK, BP is a major supporter of the arts w
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