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Contents contributed and discussions participated by J. D. Ebberly

J. D. Ebberly

When you don't know what to do, say a prayer and buy the book - 0 views

    On May 16, 2008 I placed my order for ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income via Amazon. A week later my book arrived, however, due to it being the end of the school year and everyday family chaos, I placed the book on my nightstand with the promise I would read it eventually. We all do that, don't we? June 4th was the morning my world came to a screeching halt. We'd had several days of steady, non-stop and, at times, heavy rains here in Indiana. That morning I woke to over three feet of water in our finished basement. When we opened the basement door and saw the water pouring in around the windows and down the walls, there was little else we could do besides close the door and let Mother Nature have her say.
J. D. Ebberly

Top 150 Social Marketing Blogs « eCairn's Blog - 0 views

    We just implemented our "influence ranking algorithm". So we ran it against the ~1000 'social media marketing' blogs we monitor on an ongoing basis (along with tweets, forums, Q&As…). Below is the top 150 list: ( When compared to the Adage Power 150 reference, remember we zoomed particularly on social media marketing. Plus the list contains only blogs written in English). Just click on the link!!
J. D. Ebberly You Control Your Online Noise Velocity - 0 views

    With an ever-growing number of applications out there enabling you to get near-instant access to news stories, friends' status updates, and social networking activity, many people are feeling panicked. A not too uncommon refrain I've seen is that there is too much "noise", and this fear of noise is what is holding back the growth of some services, or stopping people, who may have already chosen one they liked, from signing up to more news sources and social networks.
J. D. Ebberly

Help, We're Being Digitally Bombarded | Mark Evans - 0 views

    I love the Web and the fascinating number of useful and useless tools but it can also a huge time-suck and productivity killer. Like many digital animals, the Web constantly seduces you. Just when you've got e-mail and IM within your communications arsenal, you're using Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed. Then, you've got Digg,, GMail, Google Reader, Mixx, et al to track and bookmark it all. At some point, it's overwhelming. It's impossible to be everywhere and anywhere, and embrace all the tools being used by the digerati. At some point, you just have to pick you digital weapons, and stick with them.
J. D. Ebberly

Robert Witham » Life After Blogs: What's Next in Social Media - 0 views

    The arguments that blogs are dead usually center around several key points. 1. The growth of high-traffic, high-profile, multi-author blogs destroys any hope for the average individual blogger to be discovered and gain any meaningful audience. 2. Newer forms of social media, like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr make the need for personal blogs obsolete. 3. The never-ending comment spam, coupled with comments from obnoxious readers, simply require too much energy and time. These observations are completely accurate based on my experience with blogs and the Internet.
J. D. Ebberly

OpenID Q A - Webmonkey - 0 views

    After some recent considerable advances in the realm of OpenID, Webmonkey had the chance to chat with two of OpenID's greatest evangelists and early adopters, Joseph Smarr and John McCrea. Smarr and McCrea are responsible for being among the first to implement OpenID on their online address book site, Plaxo. Together, they try to explain the momentum behind OpenID and how it might lead to even bigger things for the future of the web.
J. D. Ebberly

Turn FireFox 3 Into A Blogging Toolbox - Problogger - 0 views

    Today Jeff Chandler shares with us how FireFox 3 can be a great tool for bloggers. If there is one thing that sets FireFox apart from any other web browser, it would have to be the third party support in the form of themes and extensions. There are so many extensions available for the browser, you can virtually do just about anything. As I become more entrenched as a blogger online, I've started to transform FireFox into more than just a browser, it has become my ultimate blogging toolbox. The following twelve FireFox extensions will give you a head start on turning FireFox into your own personal blogging toolbox.
J. D. Ebberly

Evolving Web: The 64 Top Social Media Principles - 0 views

    I had been using a short list of social media principles with my clients. When I started writing my book I wanted to codify them. So research was in order. Imagine my surprise when I found page after page after page of social media principles. The initial research turned up sixty four of the little buggers. I'll post my own personal list of social media principles that should make all these a little more concise and coherent.
J. D. Ebberly

Color me crazy - 10 best online color tools - Download Squad - 0 views

    If you're tackling some graphic design project or maybe even your wall decor, getting color hints from ready made color templates from professional designers can be useful. Below are 10 of the better sites to help you out on your design challenge.
J. D. Ebberly

Windows 7 scheduled for a mid-2009 release - Download Squad - 0 views

    Microsoft has all but confirmed that the company is hoping to ship Windows 7 in time for next year's holiday season. In the past Microsoft has said the next generation Windows operating system would be available about three years after Windows Vista's January 2007 release. But CNET reports that a Microsoft official is confirming that things appear to be ahead of schedule.
J. D. Ebberly

The Key to Effective Viral Marketing is Emotional Engagement - DoshDosh - 0 views

    Viral marketing is the process of using peer-to-peer communications in order to rapidly spread information about a brand or message. The term 'viral' stems from the concept of a 'virus', a self-perpetuating phenomenon which infects whatever it comes in contact with, spreading itself in an expanding outward arc. Your message is the virus. The carriers are your audience. People encounter specific data or ideas daily and pass it on to their friends and other people in their network. All things equal, one can say that information is shared more rapidly when the recipient has a strong emotional connection with the specific message. They adore it. They despise it. They are deeply puzzled by it. It makes them upset. It makes them happy.
J. D. Ebberly

Conversation vs Broadcasting on Twitter - 0 views

    Broadcasting or Conversing on Twitter? Sonny Gill shares with us some tips on how to have Conversations rather than be a Broadcaster. \n\nSo you want to join the Twitter. You think of a cool username, sign up and get excited at the thought that you have complete freedom (140 characters worth) to tweet about whatever you want. You seek out the most popular Twitterers and start following them along with hundreds of others. How simple, you think. Now, the time has come for your first tweet:
J. D. Ebberly

Twitter Tools and Services Recommended - 1 views

    Readers Recommend their Twitter Tools and Services. Here, Darren Rowse lists several Twitter tools.
J. D. Ebberly

classroom2dot0 » Blogging - 1 views

    Links about blogging in the classroom.
J. D. Ebberly

CommentLuv Wordpress Plugin - FiddyP - 0 views

    Comments are a wonderful thing to receive on your blog, adding the dofollow plugin is one way to reward but why not place a link to their last post under their comment, with CommentLuv, you can do that automatically! This is an excellent way to promote comments from your readers.
J. D. Ebberly

A Guest Blogger On Blogging | Stand Out Blogger - 0 views

    It hold true that your success in the today's competitive blogging world depends largely how well you stretch your exposure. It's been part of equation which you can take it away. Surely there are a couple of things you can do to maximize your online presence, but sadly little has been said on the power of Guest Blogging and what it can do to help any bloggers - beginners or otherwise - gain the much needed exposure. The Power of Guest Blogging Guest blogging isn't a new phenomenon. It's one of the most effective method adopted by some well-informed bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers write article to be published on other bloggers' blogs. With guest blogging, not only will the host's blog receive new fresh content from a different perspective, the guest blogger will gain a link and the all important exposure to their target audience.
J. D. Ebberly

21 Ways Websites Communicate with Visitors | Vandelay Website Design - 0 views

    One of the most important responsibilities of a website is to communicate with its visitors. Regardless of whether the site is a blog, a portfolio site, a corporate site, or an e-commerce site, it exists to communicate with visitors. The communication in some cases is two ways (blog comments are an example), but in many ways the website is communicating to visitors before they even offer their feedback. In order for the site to communicate effectively the designer and site owner need to clear purpose of what messages should be evident to visitors. In my opinion, improving the communication is an ongoing process. As I evaluate my own sites, or those of clients, these are some of the factors that I consider.
J. D. Ebberly

What Makes Good Blog Design? | Vandelay Website Design - 0 views

    As you surf through the internet you're bound to come across certain designs that you love and some that you hate. But good blog design has a few unique elements when compared to the design of a traditional website. Here are ten things to keep in mind when designing your blog.
J. D. Ebberly

Web Design Toolbox: 130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Faster Designer - 0 views

    Whether you're just starting out or have been coding for years, here are over 130 new tools to make you a better and faster Web designer.
J. D. Ebberly

50 Must-read Books on Web Development - NETTUTS - 0 views

    As web developers, it only makes sense that we find learning resources on our preferred medium, the Internet. However, there are definite pluses to the Old School method of learning; the print book. They've been through rigorous editing cycles, and you can trust solid publishers like O'Reilly. Also, you can trust the user ratings and comments that are on sites like Amazon. You can make an informed purchase with the help of these comments, and you don't have to worry that these highly-rated titles are going to be accurate or poorly written. Publishing contracts are generally only given to industry and thought leaders who are worth listening to and learning from. Here are 50 of the highest-rated, most respected print publications on many different web development topics.
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