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Bas Hoorn

Social Media!? Leer met onze 2-daagse training slim werken met Social Media | BasHoorn - 0 views

    Social media is niet alleen maar voor jongeren, activisten, reclamemakers of marketeers. Social media is de hype voorbij en neemt een belangrijke plaats in het dagelijks leven in: het is er en blijft er!Met social media is het mogelijk om kennis en relaties op zodanige wijze met elkaar te verbinden, te delen en te mobiliseren waardoor complexe vraagstukken en taken sneller kunnen worden opgelost of gerealiseerd. Door de juiste inzet van social media kunnen mensen en organisaties effectiever worden.De 2-daagse training Slim werken met social media leert cursisten de belangrijkste principes en dynamiek achter social media herkennen en gebruiken. Daarnaast gaan ze 'hands on' aan de slag. De 2-daagse training Slim werken met social media is een pittige en intensieve training. Het maakt de cursisten streetwise en leert ze lezen en schrijven met social media.
izz aty

10 Excellent Free Online Courses In Social Media Marketing - 1 views

    "The ability to use social media to get people's attention, build an engaged audience and express your personality is becoming an essential digital skillset in the 21st-century knowledge-based economy. Whether you want to find a new job or create your own as an entrepreneur or freelancer, your personal website and social media presence give prospective employers and clients a window into your personality, skills, and interests. If you want to improve your social media skills or start building a new career in social media and inbound marketing then these free social media courses will help you get started and learn the ropes. Did you know? Over 80% of jobs are now found in the informal job marketing (meaning they are not advertised) so having a personal website, an active social media presence and a professional networking (online and offline) that you can rely on for recommendations is more important than ever. If you want to set yourself apart from the crowd and gain a competitive edge in your field you need a personal website (here's my guide to how to create a website in less than an hour) and the knowledge of how to use social media to build an online audience."
Frank Hamm

Intel Social Media Guidelines - 2 views

    "These are the official guidelines for social media at Intel. If you're an Intel employee or contractor creating or contributing to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of social media both on and off guidelines are for you. We expect all who participate in social media on behalf of Intel to be trained, to understand and to follow these guidelines. Failure to do so could put your future participation at risk. These guidelines will continually evolve as new technologies and social networking tools emerge-so check back once in awhile to make sure you're up to date."
J. D. Ebberly

Biggest Mistakes Made by Social Media Gurus - Mashable - 0 views

    David Spark discussed some of the biggest mistakes made by social media gurus, from writing on your own Facebook wall to hiring voice talent for podcasts. Think you know what you're doing every time you engage in social media? Neither do I, and neither do the social media gurus I spoke to about their biggest social networking blunders. In an effort to learn from others' mistakes, here's a list of some all star errors in judgment from some social media all stars. I'll lead off the order by admitting an error of my own.
J. D. Ebberly

The BlogCatalog Community Blog » Blog Archive » 7 Quick Tips for Branding ... - 0 views

    I've only been Social Networking for a little over a month and I have learned so much in that short amount of time. I am certainly no expert in Social Networking as I have a whole lot to learn. But, I do know a thing or two about marketing. When it comes to brand recognition, the rules don't change when shifting from Corporate Branding to Social Network Branding. Name and Icon recognition are critical when it comes to building your Social Network. Here are a few quick tips to help you quickly gain name recognition in the Social Network Arena.

A Mid-Year Assessment of Social Networks in 2011 | Social Media Today - 0 views

    We're halfway through 2011, and a lot has happened in social media. As over 1,000 Social networks fight and innovate to grab their piece of the social networking space, the first six months of the year have included new features, redesigns, acquisitions, and IPOs... But who have been the biggest winners and losers of 2011? Let's see if we can shed some light on this question through an analysis of trends among 3,238 popular blog articles that have covered social platforms this year.

A Mid-Year Assessment of Social Networks in 2011 - 0 views

    We're halfway through 2011, and a lot has happened in social media. As over 1,000 Social networks fight and innovate to grab their piece of the social networking space, the first six months of the year have included new features, redesigns, acquisitions, and IPOs… But who have been the biggest winners and losers of 2011? Let's see if we can shed some light on this qustion through an analysis of trends among 3,238 popular blog articles that have covered social platforms this year.
Nuha Sultana

5 Best Social Networking Tools for Your Business - 0 views

Social media is the most talking topic in the internet now. Social media has a great contribution for recent SEO and website traffic fields. Social Networking can change your business history just ...

Social FaceBook Blogging Twitter social-media web2.0

started by Nuha Sultana on 23 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
mary s.

Social media corporate to do list, before you embark - 0 views

    Doug Lacombe talks about the checklist he uses with corporate clients to get them off to a good start in social media marketing. Lacombe, president of social media agency communicatto discusses protecting the brand, educating executives, buying a monitoring solution and the need for social media policy.
Stephen G. Barr

Jen's Social Network Directory and Social Network Creator Hub - Social Network Director... - 3 views

    What Is the JenSocial Directory? (formerly the Ning Directory) A Social Network Directory and Hub for Social Network Creators, across all platforms - - i.e. Ning, Spruz, SocialGO, JomSocial, BuddyPress, Grouply,, etc... If you own a Social Network, regardless of the platform it's built on, you can add your Social Community to the JenSocial Directory. We do not approve 18+ Adult Networks

Free High DA DoFollow Social Bookmarking Sites List 2020 - Digital Rain - 0 views

    Find a list of top free high DA PA DoFollow social bookmarking sites to build high-quality backlinks to improve your search ranking in 2020.

Buy Soundcloud Premium Accounts - Real, Bulk & Verified - 0 views

    Buy Soundcloud Premium Accounts Introduction The use of social media has swept the globe. Globally, there are already over 3 billion active social media users, and that figure is rising. With 175 million active members, Soundcloud is one of the most widely used social networking sites. A excellent place for bands and aspiring musicians to share their music is Soundcloud. It is also a fantastic method to meet other music fans. You can interact with more people and market your music more effectively by purchasing Soundcloud accounts. What are Soundcloud Accounts? Users of the social networking site Soundcloud can upload, record, and share audio tracks. In that users may follow other users, "like," and comment on music, as well as share tracks with other users, it functions similarly to other social media sites. In contrast to other social media sites, Soundcloud focuses exclusively on sharing and streaming audio tracks. Buy SoundCloud Premium Accounts Accounts on Soundcloud can be easily and for free created. A password and an email address are all you need. You can start following other users, listening to music, and sharing your own tracks once you've registered an account. Also, you may make playlists, which are collections of songs you can play at any moment. What are the features of Soundcloud Account? User advantages of Soundcloud accounts are numerous. The fact that users can upload an endless amount of music is perhaps the most significant. This is perfect for musicians who want to spread their music without worrying about storage restrictions. Also, Soundcloud accounts give users access to resources for sharing and promoting their tunes. Users can embed tracks on their websites or blogs, for instance, or post tunes directly to their social media profiles. What are the benefits of buying Soundcloud Accounts? There are several advantages to purchasing Soundcloud accounts that you can profit from. You will be able to increase the number of individual
my mashable

3 Ways to Harness the Social - 0 views

    Social media allows for an immediate way to interact and engage with people and companies online. There are the obvious sites that allow for social networking, but social media done right can aspire to be so much more. We thought we'd highlight three notable Twiistup showoffs who are doing big things with social media.
Matt Anderson

The 6 Step Process for Measuring Social Media | social media ROI | Social Media Consult... - 0 views

    The 6 Step Process for Measuring Social Media < Some sound advice. how do you measure social media in your company?
anonymous - 0 views

    As the social networking industry continues to grow, the social landscape's composition will likely include a small number of 'super networks' and an increasingly diverse and competitive number of niche social networks.

Reliable Social Media Marketing | Social Media Optimization Services - Induco Solutions - 0 views

    With our reliable Social Media Marketing services, you can promote your content/product on all social media platforms effectively. Our Social Media Optimization strategies are very engaging & results driven.
Siraj Mahmood

7 Reasons Why Your Social Media Strategies Isn&#039;t Working - KnowledgeIDea - 0 views

    Reasons why your social media strategies is not working. Way to understand why your social media networks are failed. Grow your audience from social media.
J. D. Ebberly

PR 2.0: The Social Media Manifesto - Integrating Social Media into Marketing Communicat... - 0 views

    While I was preparing my presentation for "Starting the Conversation," a social media workshop hosted by SocialMediaClub, I wound up drafting version one of the manifesto for helping marketers adapt to the rapidly evolving realm of social media. In the past, I've spoken at PR, tech, and communications events about Social Media and how companies can engage in the conversations taking place with or without them. As much as I wanted to look into the future, I was rooted in the present as a means to connect it to the past. There are just too many new things to introduce to people and even more reasons why they should care.

Bubble Talk: Social Media's Young Giants | Social Media Today - 0 views

    As big investments and acquisitions become routine in social media, its time to take a look at the fundamental differences between social networks and traditional businesses on wall street.
Brainpulse Technologies

9 Major Social Media Mistakes To Avoid in 2020 - Social Media Mistakes - 0 views

    This article covers 9 Major Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in 2020. Marketers must read the post to avoid these social media mistakes and grow more socially.
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